Jumat, 09 April 2021

Download Havij Latest Version 1.17 2019 Pro Full Version [CRACKED]


 Havij merupakan alat SQL Injection secara automatis yang digunakan untuk membantu penetrasi dan menemukan exploit pada web target. Havij dapat melakukannya secara automatis hanya dengan memasukkan web target pada kolom yang tersedia dan klik Analyze.


Cara Install Havij v1.17 Pro Full Version :

  1. Extract file zip Havij v1.17
  2. Buka folder hasil extract
  3. Buka havij.exe untuk menginstallnya
  4. Install seperti biasa
  5. Sebelum klik finish, JANGAN CENTANG LAUNCH HAVIJ (Jika terlanjur, install ulang havij)
  6. Buka folder hasil extract nomer 1, copy loader.exe
  7. Paste loader exe ke C:\Program Files\ITSecTeam\Havij Pro
  8. Buka loader.exe dengan cara klik kanan > Run as administrator
  9. Klik Register
  10. Selesai, Havij v.1.17 PRO sudah terinstall





Alien Invaders.php?id=
Blockout / Breakdown.php?id=
Dynasty / Directional Dynasty.php?id=
Football (complete).php?id=
Freedom Fighters.php?id=
Invaders From Hyperspace.php?id=
K.C. Munchkin.php?id=
Math Magic / Echo.php?id=
Pocket Billiards.php?id=
Showdown in 2100 A.D..php?id=
Speedway / Spin-Out / Crypto-Logic.php?id=
War of Nerves.php?id=
Atari 2600 Games                                                 Total: 242   .php?id=
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe.php?id=
Adventure (i).php?id=
Adventures of Tron.php?id=
Air Sea Battle.php?id=
Arcade Golf (Sears).php?id=
Arcade Pinball.php?id=
Armor Ambush.php?id=
Asteroids (complete).php?id=
Baseball (Sears).php?id=
Basic Math.php?id=
Basic Programming (complete).php?id=
Berzerk (complete).php?id=
Big Bird's Egg Catch (i).php?id=
Bowling (i).php?id=
Brain Games (i).php?id=
Breakaway IV (Sears).php?id=
Breakout (i).php?id=
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom.php?id=
California Games.php?id=
Canyon Bomber.php?id=
Carnival (i).php?id=
Championship Soccer (i).php?id=
Checkers (Activision).php?id=
Chopper Command.php?id=
Circus Atari (i).php?id=
Combat (complete).php?id=
Commando Raid (complete).php?id=
Cosmic Ark.php?id=
Cosmic Creeps.php?id=
Crystal Castles.php?id=
Custer's Revenge (b).php?id=
Dark Cavern.php?id=
Decathlon (complete).php?id=
Defender (complete).php?id=
Demon Attack.php?id=
Demons to Diamonds.php?id=
Dig-Dug (complete).php?id=
Dodge 'Em.php?id=
Dodger Cars.php?id=
Donkey Kong (i).php?id=
Donkey Kong (Coleco) (b).php?id=
Donkey Kong Jr. .php?id=
Double Dunk.php?id=
Eggomania (complete).php?id=
Encounter at L-5.php?id=
Enduro (complete).php?id=
Fantastic Voyage.php?id=
Fast Eddie.php?id=
Fast Food.php?id=
Fire Fighter.php?id=
Fire Fly.php?id=
Fishing Derby.php?id=
Football (Atari).php?id=
Football (Sears).php?id=
Frankenstein's Monster.php?id=
Frogger (complete).php?id=
Frogger II: Threeedeep.php?id=
Frogs and Flies.php?id=
G.I. Joe: Cobra Strike.php?id=
Gangster Alley.php?id=
Ghost Manor / Spike's Peak.php?id=
Ghostbusters (complete).php?id=
Golf (i).php?id=
Gorf (b).php?id=
Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
Haunted House.php?id=
Home Run.php?id=
Human Cannonball.php?id=
Hunt & Score.php?id=
Ice Hockey.php?id=
Indy 500.php?id=
International Soccer.php?id=
Journey Escape.php?id=
Jr. Pac-Man.php?id=
Jungle Hunt.php?id=
Kangaroo (i).php?id=
Keystone Kapers.php?id=
King Kong.php?id=
Kool-Aid Man.php?id=
Kung-Fu Master.php?id=
Laser Blast.php?id=
Lock 'n' Chase.php?id=
Mario Bros (i).php?id=
Maze Craze (b).php?id=
Mega Force.php?id=
Midnight Magic.php?id=
Miner 2049'er.php?id=
Miner 2049'er Vol. II.php?id=
Miniature Golf .php?id=
Missile Command (Atari) (complete).php?id=
Missile Command (Sears).php?id=
Moon Patrol (complete).php?id=
Mountain King.php?id=
Mouse Trap.php?id=
Mr. Do!.php?id=
Ms. Pacman.php?id=
Name This Game.php?id=
Night Driver (i).php?id=
Night Driver (Sears).php?id=
Omega Race.php?id=
Othello (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man (complete).php?id=
Phaser Patrol.php?id=
Piece of Cake.php?id=
Pitfall (b).php?id=
Pitfall II: The Lost Caverns.php?id=
Plaque Attack.php?id=
Pole Position.php?id=
Pong Sports (Sears).php?id=
Pressure Cooker.php?id=
Q*Bert (Parker Bros) (i).php?id=
Q*Bert (Atari).php?id=
Radar Lock.php?id=
Raiders of the Lost Ark.php?id=
Reactor (complete).php?id=
Real Sports Baseball (i).php?id=
Real Sports Boxing.php?id=
Real Sports Football.php?id=
Real Sports Volleyball.php?id=
Revenge of the Beef Steak Tomatoes.php?id=
Riddle of the Sphinx.php?id=
River Raid.php?id=
River Raid II.php?id=
Robot Tank (complete).php?id=
Sea Hawk (Froggo).php?id=
Shark Attack.php?id=
Skate Boardin'.php?id=
Sky Diver.php?id=
Sky Jinks (complete).php?id=
Slot Racers.php?id=
Smurf (PAL).php?id=
Sneak'n Peak.php?id=
Snoopy & the Red Baron.php?id=
Solar Fox (i).php?id=
Sorcerer's Apprentice.php?id=
Space Attack.php?id=
Space Combat.php?id=
Space Invaders (complete).php?id=
Space Jockey.php?id=
Space Shuttle.php?id=
Space War.php?id=
Spacechase (complete).php?id=
Spacemaster X-7.php?id=
Spider Fighter.php?id=
Squeeze Box.php?id=
Stampede (complete).php?id=
Star Raiders.php?id=
Star Raiders (Sears).php?id=
Star Trek.php?id=
Star Voyager (b).php?id=
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Death Star Battle.php?id=
Star Wars: The Arcade Game.php?id=
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.php?id=
Starmaster (complete).php?id=
Street Racer.php?id=
Super Breakout (complete).php?id=
Super Challenge Baseball (complete).php?id=
Super Challenge Football.php?id=
Super Cobra.php?id=
Super Football.php?id=
Survival Run.php?id=
Swordquest: Earthworld.php?id=
Swordquest: Fireworld (complete).php?id=
Tank Plus.php?id=
Tapeworm (complete).php?id=
Target Fun.php?id=
Task Force.php?id=
Tax Avoiders.php?id=
Tennis (complete).php?id=
Title Match Pro Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Towering Inferno.php?id=
Trick Shot (i).php?id=
Tron Deadly Discs.php?id=
Tutankham (i).php?id=
Venture (Atari version).php?id=
Venture (Coleco version).php?id=
Video Checkers.php?id=
Video Chess (complete).php?id=
Video Olympics.php?id=
Video Pinball.php?id=
Warlords (Sears).php?id=
Winter Games.php?id=
Wizard of Wor.php?id=
Word Zapper (complete).php?id=
Worm War I8.php?id=
Yar's Revenge.php?id=
Atari 2600 Homebrew Games                                         Total: 1  .php?id=
Halo 2600.php?id=
Intellivision Games                                               Total: 45  .php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (i, 2 o).php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin (i, 2 o).php?id=
Armor Battle (complete).php?id=
Astrosmash (i, 2 o).php?id=
Atlantis (i, 2 o).php?id=
Auto Racing (2 o).php?id=
B-17 Bomber (i, 2 o).php?id=
Backgammon (2 o).php?id=
Beauty and the Beast.php?id=
Bowling (2 o).php?id=
Boxing (1 o).php?id=
Burgertime (i, 2 o).php?id=
Carnival (i).php?id=
Checkers (2 o).php?id=
Demon Attack (i, 2 o).php?id=
Donkey Kong (i).php?id=
Frog Bog (i, 2 o).php?id=
Frogger (i).php?id=
Golf (2 o).php?id=
Horse Racing (2 o).php?id=
Las Vegas Roulette (b, 2 o).php?id=
Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack (2 o).php?id=
Lock 'n' Chase (i, 2 o).php?id=
Major League Baseball (i, 2 o).php?id=
Mission X (i, 2 o).php?id=
NFL Football (2 o).php?id=
Night Stalker (i, 1 o).php?id=
Pitfall (complete).php?id=
Sea Battle.php?id=
Shark Shark (b).php?id=
Skiing (blue Mattel) (2 o).php?id=
Skiing (white Sears) (i, 2 o).php?id=
Snafu (i, 2 o).php?id=
Space Armada (i, 2 o).php?id=
Space Battle (complete).php?id=
Space Hawk (i, 2 o).php?id=
Star Strike (i, 2 o).php?id=
Sub Hunt (i, 2 o).php?id=
Tennis (i, 2 o).php?id=
Triple Action (i, 2 o).php?id=
Tron Deadly Discs (complete).php?id=
Tron Maze-A-Tron (i, 2 o).php?id=
Utopia (i, 2 o).php?id=
Vectron (i, 2 o).php?id=
Zaxxon (i).php?id=
ColecoVision Games                                                Total: 22  .php?id=
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park.php?id=
Donkey Kong.php?id=
Donkey Kong Jr.php?id=
Frogger II: Threeedeep.php?id=
Gateway to Apshai.php?id=
Ken Uston Blackjack / Poker.php?id=
Lady Bug.php?id=
Mouse Trap.php?id=
Omega Race.php?id=
Pepper II.php?id=
Smurf: Rescue In Gargamel's Castle.php?id=
Super Action Baseball.php?id=
Super Action Football.php?id=
Time Pilot.php?id=
War Room.php?id=
Arcadia 2001 Games                                                Total: 6  .php?id=
Cat Trax.php?id=
Space Mission.php?id=
Space Raiders.php?id=
Tanks a Lot.php?id=
Microvision Games                                                 Total: 4  .php?id=
Alien Raiders (complete).php?id=
Block Buster.php?id=
Baseball (complete).php?id=
Sea Duel (complete).php?id=
Vectrex Games                                                     Total: 14  .php?id=
Armor Attack (w/ overlay).php?id=
Clean Sweep (complete w/ overlay).php?id=
Cosmic Chasm (b).php?id=
Hyperchase (b).php?id=
Rip Off (b).php?id=
Scramble (box w/ overlay).php?id=
Solar Quest (box w/ overlay).php?id=
Spike (b).php?id=
Star Trek (box w/ overlay).php?id=
Web Wars (w/ overlay).php?id=
Sean Kelly Vectrex Multi-Cart.php?id=
Atari XE Games                                                    Total: 5  .php?id=
Frogger 2: Threeedeep.php?id=
Star Wars: The Arcade Game.php?id=
NES Games                                                         Total: 734  .php?id=
3-D Worldrunner.php?id=
10-Yard Fight (i).php?id=
8 Eyes (b).php?id=
720 Degrees.php?id=
1942 (i).php?id=
1943 (complete).php?id=
Abadox (i).php?id=
Addams Family.php?id=
Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt.php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonstrike (i).php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes (complete).php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Hillsfar.php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance.php?id=
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (i).php?id=
Adventure Island (i).php?id=
Adventure Island II (i).php?id=
Adventure Island 3.php?id=
Adventures of Bayou Billy (complete).php?id=
Adventures of Dino Riki (i).php?id=
Adventures of Lolo (complete).php?id=
Adventures of Lolo 2 (i).php?id=
Adventures of Lolo 3 (i).php?id=
Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle.php?id=
Adventures of Tom Sawyer.php?id=
After Burner.php?id=
Air Fortress (i).php?id=
Airwolf (i).php?id=
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing (i).php?id=
Alfred Chicken.php?id=
Alien 3 (complete).php?id=
Alien Syndrome.php?id=
All-Pro Basketball (b).php?id=
Alpha Mission.php?id=
Amagon (i).php?id=
American Gladiators.php?id=
Anticipation (complete).php?id=
Arch Rivals (complete).php?id=
Arkista's Ring.php?id=
Athena (complete).php?id=
Athletic World (complete).php?id=
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (complete).php?id=
Back to the Future.php?id=
Back to the Future II & III.php?id=
Bad Dudes (i).php?id=
Bad News Baseball (complete).php?id=
Bad Street Brawler (i).php?id=
Balloon Fight.php?id=
Bandai Golf (complete).php?id=
Bard's Tale.php?id=
Barker Bill's Trick Shooting (b).php?id=
Base Wars (i).php?id=
Baseball (i).php?id=
Baseball Simulator 1.000 .php?id=
Baseball Stars (i).php?id=
Baseball Stars II.php?id=
Bases Loaded (complete).php?id=
Bases Loaded II (complete).php?id=
Bases Loaded III (i).php?id=
Bases Loaded 4.php?id=
Batman Returns.php?id=
Batman: Return of the Joker .php?id=
Battle Chess (b).php?id=
Battle of Olympus (i).php?id=
Battle Toads (i).php?id=
Battle Toads / Double Dragon.php?id=
Bee 52 (complete).php?id=
Best of the Best: Championship Karate.php?id=
Bible Adventures (complete).php?id=
Bible Buffet (complete).php?id=
Big Nose.php?id=
Big Nose Freaks Out.php?id=
Big Nose Freaks Out (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure (b).php?id=
Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge (complete).php?id=
Bionic Commando (i).php?id=
Black Bass (b).php?id=
Blades of Steel (i).php?id=
Blaster Master (i).php?id=
Blue Marlin (b).php?id=
Bo Jackson Baseball.php?id=
Bomberman (i).php?id=
Bomberman II.php?id=
Boulder Dash.php?id=
Boy and His Blob.php?id=
Bram Stoker's Dracula.php?id=
Breakthru (i).php?id=
Breaktime .php?id=
Bubble Bobble (complete).php?id=
Bucky O'Hare.php?id=
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (b).php?id=
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (complete).php?id=
Bump n Jump .php?id=
Burai Fighter (i).php?id=
Burgertime (complete).php?id=
Cabal (i).php?id=
Caesar's Palace (complete).php?id=
California Games (i).php?id=
Capcom's Gold Medal Challenge '92.php?id=
Captain America and the Avengers.php?id=
Captain Comic.php?id=
Captain Planet.php?id=
Captain Skyhawk (complete).php?id=
Casino Kid (i).php?id=
Casino Kid II.php?id=
Castelian (complete).php?id=
Castle of Deceit.php?id=
Castle of Dragon (complete).php?id=
Castlevania (i).php?id=
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest.php?id=
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (complete).php?id=
Caveman Games (i).php?id=
Championship Bowling (complete).php?id=
Championship Pool.php?id=
Chessmaster (complete).php?id=
Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers (complete).php?id=
Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers 2.php?id=
Chubby Cherub.php?id=
Circus Caper (i).php?id=
City Connection.php?id=
Clash at Demonhead (complete).php?id=
Classic Concentration.php?id=
Cliffhanger (b).php?id=
Clu Clu Land.php?id=
Cobra Command (b).php?id=
Cobra Triangle (i).php?id=
Code Name Viper  (i).php?id=
Color a Dinosaur.php?id=
Conflict  (complete).php?id=
Conquest of the Crystal Palace.php?id=
Contra (complete).php?id=
Contra Force.php?id=
Cool World.php?id=
Cowboy Kid.php?id=
Crash & the Boys: Street Challenge.php?id=
Crystal Mines.php?id=
Crystalis (i).php?id=
Cyberball (i).php?id=
Cybernoid (b).php?id=
Dance Aerobics (complete).php?id=
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat.php?id=
Darkman (b).php?id=
Darkwing Duck (i).php?id=
Dash Galaxy (complete).php?id=
Day Dreamin' Davey.php?id=
Days of Thunder (complete).php?id=
Deadly Towers (i).php?id=
Deathbots (b).php?id=
Defender II (i).php?id=
Defender of the Crown (complete).php?id=
Defenders of Dynatron City.php?id=
Deja Vu (i).php?id=
Demon Sword.php?id=
Desert Commander.php?id=
Destination Earth Star.php?id=
Destiny of an Emperor.php?id=
Dick Tracy (complete).php?id=
Die Hard.php?id=
Dig Dug II.php?id=
Digger T. Rock.php?id=
Dirty Harry.php?id=
Dizzy the Adventurer (Aladdin) (i).php?id=
Donkey Kong.php?id=
Donkey Kong 3.php?id=
Donkey Kong Classics (i).php?id=
Donkey Kong Jr..php?id=
Donkey Kong Jr. Math .php?id=
Double Dare (i).php?id=
Double Dragon (complete).php?id=
Double Dragon 2.php?id=
Double Dragon 3 (b).php?id=
Double Dribble (complete).php?id=
Double Strike (i).php?id=
Dr. Chaos.php?id=
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.php?id=
Dr. Mario (complete).php?id=
Dragon Power.php?id=
Dragon Spirit (i).php?id=
Dragon Warrior (complete).php?id=
Dragon Warrior II.php?id=
Dragon Warrior III.php?id=
Dragon Warrior IV.php?id=
Dragon's Lair (i).php?id=
Duck Hunt (complete).php?id=
Duck Tales (i).php?id=
Duck Tales 2 (complete).php?id=
Dudes With Attitude (complete).php?id=
Dungeon Magic (complete).php?id=
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Baseball.php?id=
Dynowarz (i).php?id=
Elevator Action.php?id=
Eliminator Boat Duel (i).php?id=
Empire Strikes Back.php?id=
Excite Bike (complete).php?id=
F-15 City War.php?id=
F-15 Strike Eagle (complete).php?id=
F-117A Stealth Fighter.php?id=
Family Feud (complete).php?id=
Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (i).php?id=
Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Fantasy Zone (Tengen).php?id=
Faxanadu (complete).php?id=
Felix the Cat.php?id=
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (complete).php?id=
Fester's Quest (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy.php?id=
Fire 'n Ice.php?id=
Fisher Price: Firehouse Rescue.php?id=
Fisher Price: I Can Remember.php?id=
Fisher Price: Perfect Fit.php?id=
Fist of the North Star.php?id=
Flight of the Intruder (complete).php?id=
Flintstones: Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (i).php?id=
Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak!.php?id=
Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll.php?id=
Flying Warriors.php?id=
Formula One: Built to Win.php?id=
Frankenstein: The Monster Returns.php?id=
Freedom Force.php?id=
Friday the 13th (i).php?id=
Fun House (complete).php?id=
G.I. Joe (Taxan).php?id=
G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor.php?id=
Galactric Crusader.php?id=
Galaga (complete).php?id=
Gargoyle's Quest.php?id=
Gauntlet (unlicensed) .php?id=
Gauntlet (licensed) (b).php?id=
Gauntlet II.php?id=
Genghis Khan.php?id=
George Foreman's KO Boxing.php?id=
Ghostbusters II.php?id=
Ghosts 'N Goblins (i).php?id=
Ghoul School.php?id=
Gilligan's Island.php?id=
Goal! (complete).php?id=
Goal! Two.php?id=
Godzilla 2.php?id=
Golf (complete).php?id=
Golf Grand Slam (b).php?id=
Golf Power (b).php?id=
Golgo 13 (complete).php?id=
Goonies 2.php?id=
Gotcha (i).php?id=
Gradius (i).php?id=
Great Waldo Search.php?id=
Gremlins 2.php?id=
Guardian Legend (complete).php?id=
Guerrilla War.php?id=
Gun.Smoke (i).php?id=
Gyruss (b).php?id=
Harlem Globetrotters (complete).php?id=
Heavy Barrel.php?id=
Heavy Shreddin' (i).php?id=
High Speed.php?id=
Hogan's Alley (complete).php?id=
Hollywood Squares (complete).php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Home Alone 2.php?id=
Hook (complete).php?id=
Hoops (i).php?id=
Hudson Hawk.php?id=
Hunt For Red October.php?id=
Hydlide (i).php?id=
Ice Climber.php?id=
Ice Hockey (complete).php?id=
Ikari Warriors (complete).php?id=
Ikari Warriors II (i).php?id=
Ikari Warriors III.php?id=
Image Fight.php?id=
Immortal (Will Harvey's) (complete).php?id=
Impossible Mission II (AVE) (complete).php?id=
Impossible Mission II (SEI).php?id=
Incredible Crash Dummies.php?id=
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade (Taito).php?id=
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade (Ubisoft).php?id=
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Tengen) (b).php?id=
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Mindscape).php?id=
Infiltrator (i).php?id=
Iron Sword: Wizards & Warriors 2 (complete).php?id=
Iron Tank.php?id=
Isolated Warriors.php?id=
Jack Nicklaus Golf (complete).php?id=
Jackal (complete).php?id=
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu.php?id=
James Bon Jr.php?id=
Jaws (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy! (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy! Junior Edition (i).php?id=
Jimmy Connors Tennis.php?id=
Joe & Mac (i).php?id=
John Elway's Quarterback (complete).php?id=
Jordan Vs. Bird.php?id=
Joshua & The Battle of Jericho.php?id=
Journey to Silius (i).php?id=
Joust (i).php?id=
Jungle Book (complete).php?id=
Jurassic Park (i).php?id=
Kabuki: Quantum Fighter (i).php?id=
Karate Champ (i).php?id=
Karate Kid.php?id=
Kick Master.php?id=
Kickle Cubicle.php?id=
Kid Kool.php?id=
Kid Icarus (b).php?id=
Kid Niki: Radical Ninja.php?id=
King's Knight.php?id=
King's Quest V (complete).php?id=
King of Kings (complete).php?id=
Kings of the Beach (complete).php?id=
Kirby's Adventure.php?id=
Kiwi Kraze (complete).php?id=
Klash Ball (complete).php?id=
Klax (Tengen) (b).php?id=
Knight Rider (i).php?id=
Krazy Kreatures (b).php?id=
Krion Conquest.php?id=
Kung-Fu (i).php?id=
Kung-Fu Heroes.php?id=
Laser Invasion (i).php?id=
Last Action Hero.php?id=
Last Starfighter.php?id=
Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (complete).php?id=
Legacy of the Wizard (complete).php?id=
Legend of Kage.php?id=
Legend of the Ghost Lion.php?id=
Legend of Zelda (complete) (gold cart).php?id=
Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link (gold cart boxed & gray cart loose).php?id=
Legendary Wings.php?id=
Legends of the Diamond.php?id=
Lemmings (complete).php?id=
Lethal Weapon (i).php?id=
Life Force.php?id=
Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Little League Baseball: Championship Series.php?id=
Little Mermaid (i).php?id=
Little Nemo: The Dream Master (complete).php?id=
Little Ninja Brothers (b).php?id=
Lode Runner (i).php?id=
Lone Ranger.php?id=
Loopz (i).php?id=
Low G Man (i).php?id=
Lunar Pool (complete).php?id=
M.C. Kids.php?id=
M.U.L.E. (complete).php?id=
Mach Rider.php?id=
Mad Max.php?id=
Mafat Conspiracy (i).php?id=
Magic Darts.php?id=
Magic Johnson's Fast Break (b).php?id=
Magic of Scheherazade.php?id=
Magmax (i).php?id=
Major League Baseball (complete).php?id=
Maniac Mansion (complete).php?id=
Mappy Land (i).php?id=
Marble Madness (i).php?id=
Mario Bros..php?id=
Mario is Missing (complete).php?id=
Mario's Time Machine.php?id=
Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu (b).php?id=
Mechanized Attack (complete).php?id=
Mega Man.php?id=
Mega Man 2.php?id=
Mega Man 3 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man 4 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man 5 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man 6 (complete).php?id=
Mendel Palace.php?id=
Mermaids of Atlantis (i).php?id=
Metal Fighter (b).php?id=
Metal Gear.php?id=
Metal Mech (b).php?id=
Metal Storm.php?id=
Metroid (silver label w/ instructions, yellow label complete).php?id=
Michael Andretti's World GP.php?id=
Mickey Mousecapade (i).php?id=
Mickey's Adventure in Letterland (complete).php?id=
Mickey's Adventure in Numberland.php?id=
Micro Machines.php?id=
Micro Machones (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Mig 29: Soviet Fighter.php?id=
Might & Magic.php?id=
Mighty Bomb Jack.php?id=
Mighty Final Fight.php?id=
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (complete).php?id=
Millipede (i).php?id=
Milon's Secret Castle (complete).php?id=
Miracle Piano.php?id=
Mission Cobra (b).php?id=
Mission Impossible (i).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Monster In My Pocket.php?id=
Monster Party.php?id=
Monster Truck Rally (complete).php?id=
Moon Ranger.php?id=
Motor City Patrol.php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man .php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man (Tengen).php?id=
MTV Remote Control.php?id=
Muppet Adventure (complete).php?id=
Mutant Virus.php?id=
Mystery Quest.php?id=
NES Open Tournament Golf (complete).php?id=
NES Play Action Football (complete).php?id=
NFL (complete).php?id=
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing.php?id=
Nightmare on Elm Street.php?id=
Ninja Crusaders.php?id=
Ninja Gaiden (i).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden II (complete).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden III.php?id=
Ninja Kid.php?id=
Nintendo World Cup (i).php?id=
Nobunaga's Ambition (i).php?id=
North and South (complete).php?id=
Operation Secret Storm (complete).php?id=
Operation Wolf (complete).php?id=
Orb 3D (complete).php?id=
Othello (complete).php?id=
Overlord (b).php?id=
Pac-Man (licensed Tengen) (b).php?id=
Pac-Man (Namco).php?id=
Palamedes (complete).php?id=
Panic Restaurant.php?id=
Paperboy (i).php?id=
Paperboy 2.php?id=
Pesterminator (i).php?id=
Peter Pan and the Pirates.php?id=
Phantom Fighter (i).php?id=
Pictionary (complete).php?id=
Pinball (complete).php?id=
Pinball Quest.php?id=
Pinbot (complete).php?id=
Pipe Dream (complete).php?id=
Platoon (complete).php?id=
Power Blade.php?id=
Power Blade 2.php?id=
Power Punch II (b).php?id=
Prince of Persia.php?id=
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom.php?id=
Pro Sport Hockey.php?id=
Pro Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Punch-Out (i).php?id=
Puss n Boots.php?id=
Puzzle (b).php?id=
Q*Bert (complete).php?id=
Qix (i).php?id=
Quattro Adventure.php?id=
Quattro Adventure (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Quattro Arcade.php?id=
Quattro Sports (b).php?id=
Quattro Sports (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball (Tengen).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball (licensed) (i).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball 2 (Tengen) (b).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball 3 (Tengen).php?id=
R.C. Pro AM (complete).php?id=
R.C. Pro AM II.php?id=
Race America (i).php?id=
Racket Attack (complete).php?id=
Rad Gravity.php?id=
Rad Racer (i).php?id=
Rad Racer II (complete).php?id=
Rad Racket (i).php?id=
Raid 2020 (b).php?id=
Raid On Bungeling Bay.php?id=
Rainbow Islands.php?id=
Rally Bike.php?id=
Rambo (complete).php?id=
Rampage (complete).php?id=
Rampart (i).php?id=
Ren & Stimpy: Buckeroo$.php?id=
Renegade (i).php?id=
Rescue Embassy Mission.php?id=
Ring King.php?id=
River City Ransom.php?id=
Road Runner (Tengen) (b).php?id=
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.php?id=
Robo Warrior.php?id=
Robocop (i).php?id=
Robocop 2.php?id=
Robocop 3 (i).php?id=
Rock n' Ball.php?id=
Rocket Ranger (i).php?id=
Rockin' Kats.php?id=
Roger Clemens MVP Baseball (i).php?id=
Rollerblade Racer (b).php?id=
Rolling Thunder (Tengen).php?id=
Romance of the Three Kingdoms.php?id=
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II.php?id=
Roundball: 2-on-2 Challenge (i).php?id=
Rush 'n Attack.php?id=
Rygar (i).php?id=
Section Z (complete).php?id=
Sesame Street 123.php?id=
Sesame Street ABC.php?id=
Sesame Street ABC / 123.php?id=
Sesame Street: Big Bird's Hide and Speak (i).php?id=
Sesame Street: Countdown.php?id=
Shadow of the Ninja.php?id=
Shatterhand (complete).php?id=
Shingen the Ruler.php?id=
Shinobi (Tengen).php?id=
Shooting Range (i).php?id=
Short Order / Eggsplode.php?id=
Side Pocket.php?id=
Silent Assault.php?id=
Silent Service (complete).php?id=
Silk Worm (i).php?id=
Silver Surfer.php?id=
Simpsons: Bart Vs. the Space Mutants (i).php?id=
Simpsons: Bart Vs. the World (i).php?id=
Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (b).php?id=
Simpsons: Krusty's Fun House (i).php?id=
Skate or Die (i).php?id=
Skate or Die 2.php?id=
Ski or Die.php?id=
Smash TV.php?id=
Skull & Crossbones.php?id=
Sky Kid (i).php?id=
Sky Shark (i).php?id=
Slalom (complete).php?id=
Snake Rattle n Roll (complete).php?id=
Snake's Revenge.php?id=
Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular (i).php?id=
Snow Brothers.php?id=
Solar Jetman (complete).php?id=
Soloman's Key.php?id=
Solstice (complete).php?id=
Space Shuttle Project (b).php?id=
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six.php?id=
Spiritual Warfare (complete).php?id=
Spot the Video Game .php?id=
Spy Hunter (complete).php?id=
Spy Vs. Spy (i).php?id=
Stanley: The Search For Dr. Livingston.php?id=
Star Force.php?id=
Star Soldier.php?id=
Star Trek 25th Anniversary.php?id=
Star Tropics (complete).php?id=
Star Voyager.php?id=
Star Wars (b).php?id=
Starship Hector (complete).php?id=
Stealth ATF (i).php?id=
Street Cop (complete).php?id=
Stunt Kids.php?id=
Super C .php?id=
Super Cars (i).php?id=
Super Dodge Ball.php?id=
Super Glove Ball.php?id=
Super Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt (i).php?id=
Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt / World Class Track Meet (i).php?id=
Super Mario Bros 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros 3 (complete).php?id=
Super Off Road (i).php?id=
Super Pitfall.php?id=
Super Spike V'Ball (complete).php?id=
Super Spike V'Ball / Nintendo World Cup.php?id=
Super Sprint.php?id=
Super Spy Hunter.php?id=
Super Team Games.php?id=
Swamp Thing.php?id=
Sword Master.php?id=
Swords and Serpents.php?id=
T & C Surf Designs (i).php?id=
T & C Surf Designs 2: Thrilla's Surfari.php?id=
Tag Team Wrestling.php?id=
Tagin' Dragon.php?id=
Talespin (complete).php?id=
Target Renegade (i).php?id=
Tecmo Baseball.php?id=
Tecmo Bowl (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Cup Soccer Game.php?id=
Tecmo NBA Baseball (b).php?id=
Tecmo Super Bowl (complete).php?id=
Tecmo World Wrestling.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (i).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (i).php?id=
Terminator 2.php?id=
Terra Cresta (b).php?id=
Tetris (Tengen) (complete).php?id=
Tetris (complete).php?id=
Tetris 2 (complete).php?id=
Three Stooges (i).php?id=
Thunder & Lightning (b).php?id=
Tiger-Heli (complete).php?id=
Tiles of Fate (complete).php?id=
Time Lord (complete).php?id=
Times of Lore (i).php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures.php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures 2.php?id=
Tiny Toon's Cartoon Workshop.php?id=
To the Earth (b).php?id=
Tom & Jerry (b).php?id=
Tombs & Treasures.php?id=
Toobin' .php?id=
Top Gun (i).php?id=
Top Gun Second Mission (complete).php?id=
Top Players Tennis (complete).php?id=
Total Recall.php?id=
Totally Rad (i).php?id=
Touchdown Fever (b).php?id=
Toxic Crusaders (complete).php?id=
Track & Field.php?id=
Track & Field II (i).php?id=
Treasure Master.php?id=
Trojan (complete).php?id=
Trolls on Treasure Island.php?id=
Twin Cobra (i).php?id=
Twin Eagle (i).php?id=
Ultima Exodus (complete).php?id=
Ultima Quest of the Avatar (b).php?id=
Ultima Warriors of Destiny.php?id=
Ultimate Air Combat (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Basketball (i).php?id=
Ultimate League Soccer (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Stuntman.php?id=
Uninvited (i).php?id=
Untouchables (b).php?id=
Urban Champion.php?id=
Vegas Dream (complete).php?id=
Venice Beach Volleyball (complete).php?id=
Vice Project Doom (complete).php?id=
Wacky Races.php?id=
Wall Street Kid (i).php?id=
Wally Bear and the No! Gang (complete).php?id=
Wario's Woods.php?id=
Wayne Gretzky Hockey (complete).php?id=
Wayne's World (i).php?id=
WCW Wrestling.php?id=
Werewolf: The Last Warrior.php?id=
Wheel of Fortune (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune Family Edition (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune Featuring Vanna White.php?id=
Wheel of Fortune Junior Edition (complete).php?id=
Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (complete w/ encyclopedia).php?id=
Where's Waldo.php?id=
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (complete).php?id=
Whomp 'Em.php?id=
Willow (complete).php?id=
Win, Lose, Or Draw (complete).php?id=
Winter Games2.php?id=
Wizardry (complete).php?id=
Wizardry II: Knight of Diamonds (complete).php?id=
Wizards & Warriors (i).php?id=
World Champ.php?id=
World Class Track Meet.php?id=
World Games (complete).php?id=
Wrath of the Black Manta.php?id=
Wrecking Crew.php?id=
WWF Wrestlemania (complete).php?id=
WWF Wrestlemania Challenge (complete).php?id=
WWF King of the Ring (complete).php?id=
WWF Steel Cage Challenge.php?id=
Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth.php?id=
Xenophobe (complete).php?id=
Xevious (complete).php?id=
Xexyz (i).php?id=
Yo Noid!.php?id=
Yoshi (complete).php?id=
Yoshi's Cookie (complete).php?id=
Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.php?id=
Zen: Intergalactic Ninja.php?id=
Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics 2 (complete).php?id=
Zombie Nation (complete).php?id=
NES Games (PAL)                                                   Total: 1  .php?id=
Maxi-15 (Australian) (complete).php?id=
Sega Master System Games                                          Total: 105   .php?id=
Action Fighter (complete).php?id=
Aerial Assault (complete).php?id=
After Burner (complete).php?id=
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (b).php?id=
Alex Kidd: High-Tech World (complete).php?id=
Alex Kidd: In Shinobi World (complete).php?id=
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (complete).php?id=
Alf (complete).php?id=
Alien Syndrome (complete).php?id=
Altered Beast (complete).php?id=
Aztec Adventure (complete).php?id=
Black Belt (complete).php?id=
Blade Eagle 3D (complete).php?id=
Bomber Raid (b).php?id=
California Games (complete).php?id=
Captain Silver (complete).php?id=
Casino Games (complete).php?id=
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Choplifter (complete).php?id=
Cloud Master (complete).php?id=
Columns (complete).php?id=
Cyborg Hunter (b).php?id=
Double Dragon (complete).php?id=
E-SWAT (complete).php?id=
Enduro Racer (complete).php?id=
F-16 Fighting Falcon (complete).php?id=
Fantasy Zone (b).php?id=
Fantasy Zone II (complete).php?id=
Fantasy Zone: The Maze (complete).php?id=
Gangster Town (complete).php?id=
Ghostbusters (complete).php?id=
Ghost House (card) (complete).php?id=
Global Defense (complete).php?id=
Golden Axe (complete).php?id=
Golvellius (complete).php?id=
Great Baseball (complete).php?id=
Great Basketball (complete).php?id=
Great Football (complete).php?id=
Great Golf (b).php?id=
Great Ice Hockey (complete).php?id=
Great Soccer (complete).php?id=
Great Volleyball (complete).php?id=
Hang On & Astro Warrior (complete).php?id=
Hang On & Safari Hunt (complete).php?id=
James "Buster" Douglas Knocket Boxing (complete).php?id=
Joe Montana Football (complete).php?id=
Kenseiden (complete).php?id=
King's Quest (complete).php?id=
Kung Fu Kid (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Sword (b).php?id=
Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting (complete).php?id=
Maze Hunter 3-D (complete).php?id=
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (complete).php?id=
Miracle Warriors (complete).php?id=
Missile Defense 3D (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Montezuma's Revenge (complete).php?id=
My Hero (b).php?id=
Ninja, The (complete).php?id=
Outrun (complete).php?id=
Paperboy (complete).php?id=
Parlour Games (b).php?id=
Penguin Land (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star (complete).php?id=
Poseidon Wars 3-D (complete).php?id=
Power Strike (complete).php?id=
Pro Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Quartet (complete).php?id=
R.C. Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
R-Type (complete).php?id=
Rampage (complete).php?id=
Rambo: First Blood Part II (complete).php?id=
Rambo III (b).php?id=
Rastan (complete).php?id=
Reggie Jackson Baseball (complete).php?id=
Rescue Mission (complete).php?id=
Rocky (complete).php?id=
Shanghai (complete).php?id=
Shinobi (b).php?id=
Shooting Gallery (complete).php?id=
Slapshot (b).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog (complete).php?id=
Space Harrier (b).php?id=
Space Harrier 3D (b).php?id=
Spellcaster (complete).php?id=
Sports Pad Football (complete).php?id=
Spy Vs. Spy (complete).php?id=
Strider (complete).php?id=
Super Tennis (card) (complete).php?id=
Teddy Boy (complete).php?id=
Thunder Blade (complete).php?id=
Time Soldiers (complete).php?id=
TransBot (complete).php?id=
Vigilante (complete).php?id=
Walter Payton Football (complete).php?id=
Wanted (b).php?id=
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (complete).php?id=
Wonder Boy (complete).php?id=
Wonder Boy In Monster Land (complete).php?id=
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (b).php?id=
World Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
Y's: The Vanished Omens (complete).php?id=
Zaxxon 3-D (complete).php?id=
Zillion (complete).php?id=
Zillion 2 (complete).php?id=
Atari 7800 Games                                                  Total: 43   .php?id=
Ace of Aces.php?id=
Dark Chambers.php?id=
Desert Falcon.php?id=
Dig Dug.php?id=
Donkey Kong.php?id=
Donkey Kong Junior.php?id=
Double Dragon.php?id=
F-18 Hornet.php?id=
Fight Night.php?id=
Food Fight.php?id=
Hat Trick.php?id=
Impossible Mission.php?id=
Kung-Fu Master.php?id=
Mario Bros. .php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man.php?id=
One-On-One Basketball.php?id=
Pete Rose Baseball.php?id=
Pole Position II.php?id=
Realsports Baseball.php?id=
Robotron 2084.php?id=
Summer Games.php?id=
Super Huey.php?id=
Super Skateboardin'.php?id=
Title Match Pro Wrestling.php?id=
Tomcat F-14 Flight Simulator.php?id=
Touchdown Football.php?id=
Tower Toppler.php?id=
Winter Games.php?id=
Action Max Games                                                  Total: 3   .php?id=
.38  Ambush Alley (complete).php?id=
Hydrosub:2021 (complete).php?id=
Sonic Fury (complete).php?id=
Game Boy Games                                                    Total: 99   .php?id=
Adventure Island.php?id=
Alleyway (complete).php?id=
Arcade Classic 4: Defender/Joust (complete).php?id=
Balloon Kid.php?id=
Batman: The Video Game.php?id=
Battletoads (complete).php?id=
Battletoads / Double Dragon.php?id=
Battle Unit Zeoth.php?id=
Bo Jackson: Two Games In One (complete).php?id=
Bomberman GB (complete).php?id=
Boxxle (complete).php?id=
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle.php?id=
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2.php?id=
Caesar's Palace.php?id=
Castlevania Adventure.php?id=
College Slam.php?id=
Contra Alien Wars (complete).php?id=
Daedalian Opus (complete).php?id=
Dig Dug (i).php?id=
Donkey Kong (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong Land (b).php?id=
Double Dribble 5 on 5.php?id=
Dr. Mario (complete).php?id=
F1 Race (complete w/ 4 player adapter).php?id=
Flintstones: King Rock Treasure Island.php?id=
Game & Watch Gallery (complete).php?id=
Hal Wrestling.php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Info Genius: Frommers Travel Guide (complete).php?id=
Jack Nichlaus Golf.php?id=
Jurassic Park (complete).php?id=
Ken Griffey Jr Major League Baseball (complete).php?id=
Kid Dracula.php?id=
Kid Icarus: Of Myth and Monsters.php?id=
Killer Instinct (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters '95.php?id=
Kirby's Dream Land.php?id=
Kirby's Pinball Land.php?id=
Knight Quest.php?id=
Kwirk (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (complete).php?id=
Little Mermaid.php?id=
Madden 95.php?id=
Mario's Picross (complete).php?id=
Mega Man.php?id=
Mega Man II.php?id=
Mega Man III.php?id=
Metroid II: Return of Samus (complete).php?id=
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.php?id=
Mole Mania (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat (complete).php?id=
NHL 95.php?id=
Nintendo World Cup (complete).php?id=
Pinball Dreams.php?id=
Pokemon Blue.php?id=
Pokemon Red.php?id=
Pokemon Yellow.php?id=
Punisher (complete).php?id=
Qix (complete).php?id=
Radar Mission.php?id=
Ren & Stimpy Space Cadet Adventures.php?id=
Ren & Stimpy Veediots!.php?id=
Rescue of Princess Blobette (complete).php?id=
Simpsons: Bart Vs. the Juggernauts.php?id=
Snoopy's Magic Show.php?id=
Solar Striker.php?id=
Spider-Man, The Amazing (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man 2 (complete).php?id=
Star Wars.php?id=
Super Mario Land (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land .php?id=
Super R.C. Pro Am.php?id=
Tecmo Bowl.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan.php?id=
Tetris (complete).php?id=
Tetris 2 (complete).php?id=
Tetris Attack.php?id=
Tetris Plus (complete).php?id=
Tom & Jerry.php?id=
Top Rank Tennis.php?id=
Track & Field.php?id=
Vegas Stakes.php?id=
Wario Land 2.php?id=
Wave Race.php?id=
Word Zap.php?id=
Yoshi's Cookie.php?id=
Sega Genesis Games                                                Total: 423   .php?id=
3 Ninjas (b).php?id=
688 Attack Sub (b).php?id=
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters.php?id=
Adventures of Batman & Robin (complete).php?id=
Aero the Acrobat (complete).php?id=
After Burner II (complete).php?id=
Aladdin (complete).php?id=
Alien 3 (complete).php?id=
Alien Storm (complete).php?id=
Altered Beast (complete).php?id=
American Gladiators (complete).php?id=
Andre Agassi Tennis (complete).php?id=
Animaniacs (b).php?id=
Aquatic Games Starring James Pond (complete).php?id=
Arcade Classics (complete).php?id=
Arch Rivals (complete).php?id=
Ariel, Disney's The Little Mermaid (complete).php?id=
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (complete).php?id=
Art Alive (complete).php?id=
Art of Fighting.php?id=
Asterix (b).php?id=
Atomic Runner (b).php?id=
ATP Tour Championship Tennis (complete).php?id=
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (complete).php?id=
B.O.B. (b).php?id=
Ballz 3D (complete).php?id=
Barbie Super Model (complete).php?id=
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam (complete).php?id=
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam 2 (complete).php?id=
Barney's Hide & Seek Game (complete).php?id=
Bass Masters Classic: Pro Edition (b).php?id=
Batman Returns (complete).php?id=
Batman: Revenge of the Joker (complete).php?id=
Batman: The Video Game (b).php?id=
Battle Squadron .php?id=
Battlemaster (b).php?id=
Battletoads (b).php?id=
Battletoads / Double Dragon (b).php?id=
Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Quest (complete).php?id=
Beauty and the Beast: Road of the Beast (complete).php?id=
Beavis & Butt-head (b).php?id=
Best of the Best Championship Karate (b).php?id=
Beyond Oasis (complete).php?id=
Bill Walsh College Football 95 (b).php?id=
Bimini Run (complete).php?id=
Bio Hazard Battle (complete).php?id=
Blades of Vengeance (complete).php?id=
Blaster Master 2 (complete).php?id=
Boxing Legends of the Ring (b).php?id=
Bram Stoker's Dracula (complete).php?id=
Bubsy (complete).php?id=
Bubsy II (complete).php?id=
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (complete).php?id=
Bulls Vs. Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (complete).php?id=
Burning Force (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace (complete).php?id=
Cal Ripkin Jr Baseball (complete).php?id=
California Games.php?id=
Captain America and the Avengers (b).php?id=
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Castlevania Bloodlines (complete).php?id=
Centurion: Defender of Rome (complete).php?id=
Championship Pool (complete).php?id=
Championship Pro-Am.php?id=
Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf (complete).php?id=
Clayfighter (complete).php?id=
Cliffhanger (complete).php?id=
Clue (complete).php?id=
Coach K College Basketball (complete).php?id=
College Football's National Championship (complete).php?id=
College Football's National Championship II.php?id=
College Football USA 96 (complete).php?id=
College Football USA '97 (complete).php?id=
College Slam (complete).php?id=
Columns (complete).php?id=
Columns III (complete).php?id=
Combat Cars (complete).php?id=
Comix Zone (complete).php?id=
Contra Hard Corps (complete).php?id=
Cool Spot (complete).php?id=
Crossfire (complete).php?id=
Crue Ball (complete).php?id=
Dashin' Desperados (complete).php?id=
David Robinson's Supreme Court (complete).php?id=
Death Duel (complete).php?id=
Desert Demolition (complete).php?id=
Desert Strike (complete).php?id=
Dick Tracy (complete).php?id=
Dick Vitale's "Awesome Baby!" College Hoops (complete).php?id=
Dinosaurs For Hire.php?id=
DJ Boy (complete).php?id=
Double Dragon (complete).php?id=
Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls (complete).php?id=
Double Dribble Playoff Edition (complete).php?id=
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Fury (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Dune (b).php?id=
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun (b).php?id=
Dynamite Duke (complete).php?id=
Dynamite Headdy (b).php?id=
Earth Defense (complete).php?id=
Earthworm Jim (complete).php?id=
Ecco the Dolphin (complete).php?id=
Ecco: The Tides of Time (complete).php?id=
ESPN Baseball Tonight (complete).php?id=
ESPN National Hockey Night (complete).php?id=
ESWAT: City Under Siege (complete).php?id=
Eternal Champions (complete).php?id=
Evander Holyfield's Boxing (complete).php?id=
Ex-Mutants (complete).php?id=
F15 Strike Eagle II (complete).php?id=
F22 Interceptor (b).php?id=
Faery Tale (complete).php?id=
Family Fued (complete).php?id=
Fantasia (complete).php?id=
Fatal Fury (complete).php?id=
Fatal Fury 2 (b).php?id=
Fatal Labyrinth (complete).php?id=
Fatal Rewind (complete).php?id=
FIFA International Soccer (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 95.php?id=
FIFA Soccer 97 (complete).php?id=
Flashback: Quest for Identity (b).php?id=
Flicky (complete).php?id=
Formula One (complete).php?id=
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball.php?id=
Fun 'n' Games (complete).php?id=
Funny World and Balloon Boy (complete).php?id=
G-LOC: Air Battle (b).php?id=
Gadget Twins (complete).php?id=
Gaiares (b).php?id=
Gain Ground (complete).php?id=
Galaxy Force 2.php?id=
Gauntlet IV (complete).php?id=
General Chaos (complete).php?id=
Genesis 6-Pak (complete).php?id=
Genghis Khan II (complete).php?id=
Ghostbuster (complete).php?id=
Ghouls 'N Ghosts.php?id=
Global Gladiators (complete).php?id=
Golden Axe (complete).php?id=
Golden Axe 2 (complete).php?id=
Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey and Minnie (b).php?id=
Greatest Heavyweights (b).php?id=
Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude (complete).php?id=
Gunstar Heroes (complete).php?id=
Hard Drivin' (complete).php?id=
Hardball (complete).php?id=
Hardball III (complete).php?id=
Hardball 95 (complete).php?id=
Heavy Nova (b).php?id=
Herzog Zwei (complete).php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Hook (complete).php?id=
Humans (b).php?id=
IMG International Tour Soccer (b).php?id=
Immortal, The (complete).php?id=
Insector X (complete).php?id=
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (complete).php?id=
Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf (complete).php?id=
James Buster Douglas Boxing (complete).php?id=
Jammit (complete).php?id=
Jennifer Capriati Tennis.php?id=
Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy Sports Edition (b).php?id=
Joe Montana Football (complete).php?id=
Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (complete).php?id=
John Madden Football.php?id=
John Madden Football '92 (complete).php?id=
John Madden Football '93 (complete).php?id=
Jordan Vs. Bird.php?id=
Judge Dredd (complete).php?id=
Jungle Book (b).php?id=
Jungle Strike (complete).php?id=
Jurassic Park (complete).php?id=
Kid Chameleon (b).php?id=
King of the Monsters 2.php?id=
King's Bounty (complete).php?id=
Klax (complete).php?id=
Landstalker (complete).php?id=
Last Battle (complete).php?id=
Lawnmower Man.php?id=
Lethal Enforcers.php?id=
Lethal Enforcers II: Gunfighters.php?id=
LHX Attack Chopper (complete).php?id=
Light Crusader (complete).php?id=
Lightening Force (b).php?id=
Lion King (complete).php?id=
Lost Vikings (complete).php?id=
Lost World: Jurassic Park.php?id=
Lotus Turbo Challenge (b).php?id=
Lotus II (complete).php?id=
Madden '94 (b).php?id=
Madden 95 (complete).php?id=
Marble Madness (complete).php?id=
Mario Andretti Racing (complete).php?id=
Math Blaster (complete).php?id=
Menacer 6 Game Cartridge (complete).php?id=
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (complete).php?id=
Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (complete).php?id=
Might and Magic: Gates to Another World (complete).php?id=
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.php?id=
Mike Dita Power Football (complete).php?id=
MLBPA Baseball (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 2 (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 3 (complete).php?id=
Mystic Defender (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man (complete).php?id=
Mutant Chronicles: Doom Troopers.php?id=
Mutant League Football.php?id=
Mutant League Hockey.php?id=
NBA Action 94 (complete).php?id=
NBA Action 95.php?id=
NBA All-Star Challenge (b).php?id=
NBA Hang Time.php?id=
NBA Jam (complete).php?id=
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 95 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 96 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 97 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 98.php?id=
Newman Haas Indycar Featuring Nigel Mansell.php?id=
NFL 94 (complete).php?id=
NFL 95 (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club.php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club 96 (b).php?id=
NHL 94 (complete).php?id=
NHL 95 (complete).php?id=
NHL 96 (complete).php?id=
NHL 97 (b).php?id=
NHL 98 (complete).php?id=
NHLPA Hockey '93 (complete).php?id=
NHL All-Star Hockey 95.php?id=
NHL Hockey (b).php?id=
Olympic Gold: Barcelona '92.php?id=
Out of This World (complete).php?id=
Outlander (complete).php?id=
Outrun 2019 (complete).php?id=
Pac-Attack (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (complete).php?id=
Pagemaster (complete).php?id=
Paperboy (complete).php?id=
Pat Riley Basketball (complete).php?id=
Pebble Beach Golf Links (complete).php?id=
Pele! (complete).php?id=
Pele II (complete).php?id=
PGA European Tour (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour Golf (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour Golf III (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star II (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star III (b).php?id=
Phantasy Star IV.php?id=
Phelios (b).php?id=
Pit-Fighter (complete).php?id=
Power Monger (b).php?id=
Powerball (complete).php?id=
Predator 2 (complete).php?id=
Primal Rage.php?id=
Prime Time NFL Football (complete).php?id=
Punisher (complete).php?id=
Quackshot (complete).php?id=
Quad Challenge (b).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball 3.php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball 4 (complete).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball '93 (complete).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball '94 (complete).php?id=
Race Drivin' (b).php?id=
Raiden Trad .php?id=
Rambo III (complete).php?id=
Ranger X (complete).php?id=
Rastan Saga II (b).php?id=
Ren & Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention (complete).php?id=
Revenge of Shinobi (complete).php?id=
Risk (complete).php?id=
Road Rash (complete).php?id=
Road Rash 2 (complete).php?id=
Road Rash 3 (complete).php?id=
Rock 'n Roll Racing (complete).php?id=
Rocket Knight Adventures (complete).php?id=
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball (complete).php?id=
Sagaia (complete).php?id=
Samurai Showdown (complete).php?id=
Scooby-Doo Mystery.php?id=
Shadow Blasters (complete).php?id=
Shadow of the Beast (complete).php?id=
Shadow of the Beast 2.php?id=
Shadowrun (complete).php?id=
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye (complete).php?id=
Shaq-Fu (complete).php?id=
Shining Force (complete).php?id=
Shining Force II.php?id=
Shining in the Darkness (b).php?id=
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (b).php?id=
Side Pocket (complete).php?id=
Simpsons: Bart Vs. the Space Mutants.php?id=
Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare.php?id=
Simpsons: Krusty's Super Fun House (b).php?id=
Skitchin' (b).php?id=
Slaughter Sport (complete).php?id=
Socket (complete).php?id=
Soldiers of Fortune.php?id=
Sonic 3d Blast.php?id=
Sonic Classics (complete).php?id=
Sonic Spinball (complete).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog (complete).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (complete).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (complete).php?id=
Sonic & Knuckles (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man (b).php?id=
Spider-Man TV.php?id=
Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man: Seperation Anxiety (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man / X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Splatterhouse 3 (b).php?id=
Sports Talk Baseball (complete).php?id=
Sports Talk Football '93 (complete).php?id=
Spot Goes to Hollywood (b).php?id=
Star Control (complete).php?id=
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (complete).php?id=
Star Trek: The Next Generation.php?id=
Star Trek: The Next Generation (b).php?id=
Starflight (complete).php?id=
Steel Empire (complete).php?id=
Steel Talons (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter II: Special Championship Edition (complete).php?id=
Streets of Rage (b).php?id=
Streets of Rage 2 (complete).php?id=
Streets of Rage 3 (complete).php?id=
Strider Returns (complete).php?id=
Sub Terrania (complete).php?id=
Sunset Riders.php?id=
Super Battleship (complete).php?id=
Super Battletank: War in the Gulf (b).php?id=
Super Hang-On (b).php?id=
Super High Impact (complete).php?id=
Super Monaco GP (complete).php?id=
Super Off Road.php?id=
Super Smash TV (complete).php?id=
Super Street Fighter (complete).php?id=
Super Thunder Blade (complete).php?id=
Superman (complete).php?id=
Sylvester and Tweety (complete).php?id=
Sword of Sodan (complete).php?id=
Sword of Vermilion (complete).php?id=
Tale Spin (complete).php?id=
Target Earth (complete).php?id=
Taz-Mania (complete).php?id=
Taz in Escape From Mars (complete).php?id=
Team USA Basketball (complete).php?id=
Techno Clash (complete).php?id=
Technocop (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Super Baseball (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Super Bowl (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Superbowl III (b).php?id=
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (complete).php?id=
Thunder Force II (complete).php?id=
Thunder Force III.php?id=
Tinhead (complete).php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures: Acme All-Stars (complete).php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure (complete).php?id=
TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament '96 (b).php?id=
Toe Jam & Earl.php?id=
Toe Jam & Earl: Panic on Funkotron (complete).php?id=
Tom & Jerry: Frantic Antics (complete).php?id=
Tony La Russa Baseball 95 (complete).php?id=
Toughman Contest (b).php?id=
Toxic Crusaders (complete).php?id=
Toy Story (complete).php?id=
Trampoline Terror (complete).php?id=
Traysia (complete).php?id=
Triple Play 96 (complete).php?id=
Triple Play Gold (complete).php?id=
Triple Score (complete).php?id=
Troy Aikman Football.php?id=
Two Crude Dudes (complete).php?id=
T2: Judgement Day (b).php?id=
T2: The Arcade Game (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.php?id=
Ultimate Qix (complete).php?id=
Urban Strike (b).php?id=
Valis III (b).php?id=
Vectorman (complete).php?id=
Vectorman 2.php?id=
Viewpoint (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 2.php?id=
Virtua Racing (complete).php?id=
Virtual Pinball (b).php?id=
Warlock (complete).php?id=
Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio.php?id=
Warpspeed (b).php?id=
Wayne's World (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune (complete).php?id=
Whip Rush (complete).php?id=
Williams' Arcade's Greatest Hits (complete).php?id=
Winter Challenge (complete).php?id=
Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer '94 (b).php?id=
Wiz 'n Liz (b).php?id=
Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (complete).php?id=
World Championship Soccer (complete).php?id=
World Championship Soccer II (complete).php?id=
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 95.php?id=
World Series Baseball 96.php?id=
World Trophy Soccer (complete).php?id=
WWF Raw (complete).php?id=
WWF Royal Rumble (complete).php?id=
WWF Super Wrestlemania (complete).php?id=
WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game (complete).php?id=
X-Men (complete).php?id=
X-Men 2 (complete).php?id=
Zoom! (complete).php?id=
Zoop (b).php?id=
Sega Mega Drive Games (Japanese)                                  Total: 1   .php?id=
Galaxy Force 2.php?id=
Sega Mega Drive Games (PAL)                                       Total: 2   .php?id=
Fatal Labyrinth (b).php?id=
Turbo Outrun (b).php?id=
Turbo Grafx 16 Games                                              Total: 12   .php?id=
Alien Crush.php?id=
Bonk's Adventure (complete).php?id=
Bonk III.php?id=
Dungeon Explorer (complete).php?id=
Final Lap Twin (i).php?id=
Galaga '90.php?id=
Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (complete).php?id=
Military Madness.php?id=
Victory Run.php?id=
Ys Book I & II CD (complete).php?id=
Sega Game Gear Games                                              Total: 64   .php?id=
Ayran Senna's Super Monaco GP II.php?id=
Batman Returns.php?id=
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.php?id=
Chicago Syndicate.php?id=
Chuck Rock.php?id=
Deep Duck Trouble.php?id=
Defenders of Oasis.php?id=
Desert Speedtrap Featuring Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote.php?id=
Donald Duck in Lucky Dime Caper.php?id=
Dragon Crystal.php?id=
Ecco the Dolphin.php?id=
Evander Holyfield's Boxing.php?id=
Fatal Fury Special.php?id=
George Foreman's KO Boxing.php?id=
Halley Wars.php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Joe Montana Football.php?id=
Judge Dredd.php?id=
Jurassic Park.php?id=
Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.php?id=
Lion King.php?id=
Madden 95.php?id=
Majors Pro Baseball.php?id=
MLBPA Baseball.php?id=
Mortal Kombat.php?id=
NBA Jam T.E..php?id=
NFL 95.php?id=
Ninja Gaiden.php?id=
Outrun Europa.php?id=
PGA Tour II.php?id=
Phantom 2040.php?id=
Poker Face Paul's Blackjack.php?id=
Poker Face Paul's Poker.php?id=
Poker Face Paul's Solitaire.php?id=
Revenge of Drancon.php?id=
Road Rash.php?id=
Samurai Showdown.php?id=
Scratch Golf.php?id=
Shinobi 2.php?id=
Solitaire Poker.php?id=
Sonic Chaos.php?id=
Sonic Drift 2.php?id=
Sonic Labyrinth.php?id=
Sonic Spinball.php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog.php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (complete).php?id=
Streets of Rate 2.php?id=
Super Columns (complete).php?id=
Super Monaco GP.php?id=
Surf Ninjas.php?id=
Urban Strike.php?id=
World Cup USA 94.php?id=
World Series Baseball.php?id=
Philips CD-i Games                                                Total: 13   .php?id=
ABC Sports Presents Palm Springs Open (complete).php?id=
Berenstein Bears On Their Own (complete).php?id=
Defenders of the Crown.php?id=
Dimo's Quest (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Lair (complete).php?id=
Hotel Mario (complete).php?id=
International Tennis Open (complete).php?id=
Laser Lords (complete).php?id=
Paint School I (complete).php?id=
Space Ace (complete).php?id=
Third Degree (complete).php?id=
Video Speedway (complete).php?id=
Voyeur (complete).php?id=
3D0                                                               Total: 7   .php?id=
Blade Force (complete).php?id=
Drug Wars (complete).php?id=
Gex (complete).php?id=
Icebreaker (complete).php?id=
Myst (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour 96 (complete).php?id=
Psychic Detective (complete).php?id=
Super NES Games                                                   Total: 215   .php?id=
Actraiser 2.php?id=
Adventures of Yogi Bear (complete).php?id=
Air Strike Patrol.php?id=
Aladdin (complete).php?id=
Aliens 3 (i).php?id=
Animaniacs (i).php?id=
Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1.php?id=
Arkanoid: Doh it Again! (i).php?id=
Axelay (complete).php?id=
Bass Masters Classic.php?id=
Bass Masters Classic Pro Edition (i).php?id=
Batman Forever.php?id=
Battleclash (i).php?id=
Bebe's Kids.php?id=
Brain Lord.php?id=
Brunsiwck World Tournament Champions.php?id=
Bugs Bunny : Rabbit Rampage.php?id=
Bulls Vs Blazers (i).php?id=
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball.php?id=
Captain America and the Avengers (complete).php?id=
Castlevania IV (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Dracula X.php?id=
Championship Pool (i).php?id=
Choplifer III.php?id=
Chrono Trigger (complete).php?id=
Cool Spot.php?id=
Contra III: The Alien Wars.php?id=
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions.php?id=
Darius Twin.php?id=
Death and Return of Superman (complete).php?id=
Demolition Man.php?id=
Desert Strike (b).php?id=
Dirt Trax FX.php?id=
Donkey Kong Country (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (i).php?id=
Drakkhen (complete).php?id=
Earthworm Jim (complete).php?id=
Earthworm Jim 2 (complete).php?id=
Extra Innings (i).php?id=
F-1 Pole Position.php?id=
F-Zero (complete).php?id=
Family Feud.php?id=
Fatal Fury (i).php?id=
FIFA International Soccer.php?id=
Fighter's History.php?id=
Final Fantasy 2.php?id=
Final Fantasy 3 (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (complete).php?id=
Final Fight.php?id=
Final Fight 2.php?id=
Football Fury.php?id=
Foreman For Real.php?id=
Frogger (i).php?id=
Goof Troop (b).php?id=
Gradius 3.php?id=
Hole in One Golf.php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Hook (b).php?id=
Ignition Factor.php?id=
Illusion of Gaia (complete).php?id=
Incredible Crash Test Dummies.php?id=
Indiana Jones: Greatest Adventures (complete).php?id=
Incredible Hulk.php?id=
Jeopardy Deluxe Edition (complete).php?id=
Joe & Mac.php?id=
Judge Dredd (complete).php?id=
Jungle Book (i).php?id=
Jungle Strike (complete).php?id=
Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues.php?id=
Justice League Task Force.php?id=
Ka-Blooey (i).php?id=
Ken Griffey Jr. Major League Baseball (complete).php?id=
Killer Instinct (i).php?id=
Kirby's Avalanche.php?id=
Lamborghini American Challenge.php?id=
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (complete).php?id=
Lion King (complete).php?id=
Lost Vikings.php?id=
Lost Vikings 2 (complete).php?id=
Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Mario Paint (complete).php?id=
Maximum Carnage (complete).php?id=
Mech Warrior 3050.php?id=
Mega Man 7 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X2.php?id=
Mega Man X3.php?id=
Metal Warriors.php?id=
Mickey Mania (b).php?id=
Monopoly (i).php?id=
Mortal Kombat.php?id=
Mortal Kombat 2.php?id=
Mortal Kombat 3 (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man (i).php?id=
NBA Jam (complete).php?id=
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (complete).php?id=
NBA Live '95.php?id=
NCAA Basketball.php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club '96 (i).php?id=
NHL 95 (complete).php?id=
NHL 97.php?id=
NHL Stanley Cup (i).php?id=
NHLPA Hockey '93 (complete).php?id=
Outlander (b).php?id=
Paperboy 2.php?id=
Pilotwings (complete).php?id=
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (b).php?id=
Populous (complete).php?id=
Primal Rage.php?id=
Raiden Trad (complete).php?id=
Ren & Stimpy: Fire Dogs (complete).php?id=
Ren & Stimpy: Veediots!.php?id=
Revolution X.php?id=
Rise of the Robots.php?id=
Road Runne's Death Valley Rally.php?id=
RoboCop Vs. Terminator (complete).php?id=
Rock N' Roll Racing.php?id=
Rocky Rodent.php?id=
Secret of Mana (complete).php?id=
Seperation Anxiety.php?id=
Shanghai 2: Dragon's Eye.php?id=
Side Pocket.php?id=
Sim City (i).php?id=
Sim Earth.php?id=
Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare (complete).php?id=
Soldiers of Fortune.php?id=
Space Invaders (complete).php?id=
Speed Racer.php?id=
Speedy Gonzalez: Los Gatos Bandidos.php?id=
Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Sports Illustrated Championship Football and Baseball (b).php?id=
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.php?id=
Star Fox (i).php?id=
Street Fighter 2 (i).php?id=
Street Fighter II Turbo (i).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 2.php?id=
Stunt Race FX.php?id=
Sunset Riders.php?id=
Super Adventure Island (complete).php?id=
Super Baseball Simulator 1.000.php?id=
Super Bases Loaded (complete).php?id=
Super Battletank (complete).php?id=
Super Battleship (complete).php?id=
Super Bomberman 2.php?id=
Super Buster Bros..php?id=
Super Caesar's Palace (i).php?id=
Super Empire Strikes Back (complete).php?id=
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts.php?id=
Super Mario All-Stars.php?id=
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (i).php?id=
Super Mario Kart (complete).php?id=
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (i).php?id=
Super Mario World (i).php?id=
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (complete).php?id=
Super Metroid (i).php?id=
Super Off Road (i).php?id=
Super Off Road: The Baja (i).php?id=
Super Pinball: Behind the Mask (complete).php?id=
Super Play Action Football (complete).php?id=
Super Punch-Out.php?id=
Super R.B.I. Baseball.php?id=
Super R-Type.php?id=
Super Return of the Jedi (complete).php?id=
Super Scope 6.php?id=
Super Soccer.php?id=
Super Star Wars (complete).php?id=
Super Street Fighter 2 .php?id=
Super Strike Eagle.php?id=
Super Tennis (complete).php?id=
Super Turrican.php?id=
Taz-Mania (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Super Bowl.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters.php?id=
Tetris 2 (complete).php?id=
Tetris Attack (i).php?id=
Tetris & Dr. Mario (complete).php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose (complete).php?id=
Top Gear (complete).php?id=
Top Gear 2 (complete).php?id=
Toy Story.php?id=
True Lies.php?id=
U.N. Squadron.php?id=
Ultima: The False Prophet (b).php?id=
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.php?id=
Urban Strike.php?id=
Vegas Stakes (complete).php?id=
Wario's Woods (i).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune Deluxe Edition.php?id=
Wicked 18.php?id=
Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (complete).php?id=
Wizard of Oz (complete).php?id=
WWf: Raw.php?id=
WWF: Royal Rumble.php?id=
WWF: The Arcade Game.php?id=
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse.php?id=
Yoshi's Safari.php?id=
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (complete).php?id=
Zoop (complete).php?id=
Sega CD games                                                     Total: 60   .php?id=
Adventures of Batman & Robin (complete).php?id=
After Burner III (complete).php?id=
AH-3 Thunderstrike (complete).php?id=
Bill Walsh College Football (complete).php?id=
Bram Stoker's Dracula (complete).php?id=
Cliffhanger (complete).php?id=
Cobra Command (i).php?id=
Crime Patrol (complete).php?id=
Double Switch (complete).php?id=
Dracula Unleashed (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Lair (complete).php?id=
Ecco the Dolphin (complete).php?id=
ESPN Baseball Tonight (complete).php?id=
ESPN National Hockey Night (complete).php?id=
Eternal Champions (complete).php?id=
Fahrenheit (complete).php?id=
Ground Zero Texas (complete).php?id=
Heimdall (complete).php?id=
Hook (complete).php?id=
Joe Montana's NFL Football (complete).php?id=
Jurassic Park (complete).php?id=
Kris Kross: Make My Video (complete).php?id=
Lethal Enforcers II: Gunfighters (complete).php?id=
Lords of Thunder (complete).php?id=
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein / Bram Stoker's Dracula (2-pack) (complete).php?id=
Mega Race (complete).php?id=
Microcosm (complete).php?id=
Mickey Mania (complete).php?id=
Midnight Raiders (complete).php?id=
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat (complete).php?id=
Night Trap (original) (complete).php?id=
Night Trap (re-release) (complete).php?id=
Panic! (complete).php?id=
Power Monger (complete).php?id=
Prize Fighter (complete).php?id=
Puggsy (complete).php?id=
Racing Aces (complete).php?id=
Rise of the Dragon (complete).php?id=
Road Rash (complete).php?id=
Robo Aleste (complete).php?id=
Sega Classics 4-In-1.php?id=
Sega Classics 5-In-1.php?id=
Sewer Shark (complete).php?id=
Sherlock Holmes / Sega Classics 4 in 1 (system pack-in complete).php?id=
Sherlock Holmes Vol.2 (complete).php?id=
Silpheed (complete).php?id=
Slam City (complete).php?id=
Software Toolworks Star Wars Chess (complete).php?id=
Sol Feace (b).php?id=
Sonic CD (complete).php?id=
Space Ace (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Rebel Assault (complete).php?id=
Starblade (complete).php?id=
Stellar Fire (complete).php?id=
Surgical Strike (complete).php?id=
Tomcat Alley (complete).php?id=
Trivial Pursuit (complete).php?id=
Who Shot Johnny Rock (complete).php?id=
Wing Commander (complete).php?id=
Atari Jaguar Games                                                Total: 2   .php?id=
Aliens Vs. Predator.php?id=
Tempest 2000 (complete).php?id=
Sega 32x games                                                    Total: 20   .php?id=
36 Great Holes (complete).php?id=
Afterburner (complete).php?id=
BC Racers (complete).php?id=
Cosmic Carnage (b).php?id=
Doom (complete).php?id=
Knuckles Chaotix.php?id=
Kolibri (complete).php?id=
Metal Head (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat II (complete).php?id=
Motocross Championship (complete).php?id=
NBA Jam T.E. (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club (complete).php?id=
Shadow Squadron.php?id=
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (b).php?id=
Star Wars Arcade (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter.php?id=
Virtua Racing Deluxe (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball Featuring Deion Sanders (complete).php?id=
Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game.php?id=
Playstation 1 games                                               Total: 460   .php?id=
2 Xtreme (complete).php?id=
3 Xtreme (complete).php?id=
007 Racing (complete).php?id=
007: Tomorrow Never Dies (complete).php?id=
007: World Is Not Enough (complete).php?id=
A-Train (complete longbox).php?id=
Action Bass (complete).php?id=
Activision Classics (complete).php?id=
Akuji: The Heartless (complete).php?id=
Aladdi in Nasira's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Alexi Lalas International Soccer (complete).php?id=
Alien Trilogy (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
All-Star Slammin' D-Ball (complete).php?id=
Andretti Racing (complete).php?id=
Animaniacs: Ten Pin Alley (complete).php?id=
Apocalypse (complete).php?id=
Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Williams Collection (complete).php?id=
Area 51 (complete).php?id=
Army Men 3D (complete).php?id=
Army Men: Air Attack (complete).php?id=
Army Men: Air Attack 2 (complete).php?id=
Arthur: Ready to Race (complete).php?id=
Asteroids (complete).php?id=
Atari Anniversary Edition Redux (complete).php?id=
Austin Powers Pinball (complete).php?id=
Backyard Soccer (complete).php?id=
Baldies (complete).php?id=
Ballblazer Champions (complete).php?id=
Ballerburg: Castle Chaos (complete).php?id=
Ballistic (complete).php?id=
Baseball 2000 (complete).php?id=
Battle Stations (complete).php?id=
Bear in the Big Blue House (complete).php?id=
BeyBlade (complete).php?id=
Big Ol' Bass 2 (complete).php?id=
Bio Freaks (complete).php?id=
Blast Chamber (complete).php?id=
Blast Lacrosse (complete).php?id=
Blaster Master: Blasting Again (complete).php?id=
Blasto (complete).php?id=
Blazing Dragons (complete).php?id=
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (complete).php?id=
Bloody Roar (complete).php?id=
Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It? (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Fantasy Race (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Party Edition (complete).php?id=
Bowling (complete).php?id=
Brahma Force (complete).php?id=
Brave Fencer Musashi (complete).php?id=
Breakout (complete).php?id=
Bubsy 3D (complete).php?id=
Burstick Wake Boarding (complete).php?id=
Bushido Blade (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move 2 (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move 4 (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move '99 (complete).php?id=
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (complete).php?id=
C: The Contra Adventure (complete).php?id=
C-12: Final Resistance (complete).php?id=
Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Ultimate Challenge (complete).php?id=
Cabela's Ultimate Deer Hunter (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace II (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace 2000 (complete).php?id=
Calamity "The Natural World" (complete).php?id=
Calamity "People and Traditions" (complete).php?id=
Cali's Geo Tools Math Tools (complete).php?id=
Capcom Vs. SNK Pro (complete).php?id=
Card Games (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (complete).php?id=
Castrol Honda Superbike Racing (complete).php?id=
Chessmaster 3D (complete).php?id=
Chocobo Racing (complete).php?id=
Chrono Cross (complete).php?id=
Colin McRae Rally (complete).php?id=
Colony Wars (complete).php?id=
Colony Wars III: Red Sun (complete).php?id=
Contra: Legacy of War (complete).php?id=
Cool Boarders 2 (complete).php?id=
Cool Boarders 3 (complete).php?id=
Cool Boarders 4 (complete).php?id=
Crash Bandicoot (complete).php?id=
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (complete).php?id=
Crash Bash (complete).php?id=
Crash Warped (complete).php?id=
Creative Camp (complete).php?id=
Critical Depth (complete).php?id=
Criticom (longbox).php?id=
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (complete).php?id=
Croc 2 (complete).php?id=
Crusader: No Remorse (complete).php?id=
Crusaders of Might and Magic (complete).php?id=
Cybersled (complete longbox).php?id=
CyberSpeed (complete longbox).php?id=
CyberTiger (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution: Konamix (complete).php?id=
Danger Girl (complete).php?id=
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Remix (complete).php?id=
Descent (complete longbox).php?id=
Destruction Derby (complete longbox).php?id=
Destruction Derby 2 (complete).php?id=
Devil Dice (complete).php?id=
Diablo (complete).php?id=
Digimon World (complete).php?id=
Digimon World 3 (complete).php?id=
Dino Crisis (complete).php?id=
Dino Crisis 2 (complete).php?id=
Dinosaur (Disney's) (complete).php?id=
Driver (complete).php?id=
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (complete).php?id=
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (complete).php?id=
Dukes of Hazzard: Racing For Home (complete).php?id=
Dune 2000 (complete).php?id=
Eggs of Steel (complete).php?id=
Einhander (complete).php?id=
Eliminator (complete).php?id=
ESPN Extreme Games (complete longbox).php?id=
ESPN X-Games Pro Boarder (complete).php?id=
Extreme Go-Kart (complete).php?id=
Fade to Black (b).php?id=
Fear Effect (complete).php?id=
Fifth Element (complete).php?id=
Fighting Force (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy VII (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy VIII (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy IX (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Anthology (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Chronicles (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Origins (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Tactics (complete).php?id=
Fisher Price Rescue Hero: Molten Menace (complete).php?id=
Ford Racing (complete).php?id=
Frogger (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Galaga Destination: Earth (complete).php?id=
Gallop Racer (complete).php?id=
Game of Life (complete).php?id=
Gekioh: Shooting King (complete).php?id=
Geom Cube (complete).php?id=
Gex (complete).php?id=
Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado (complete).php?id=
Golden Nugget (complete).php?id=
Gran Turismo (complete) (Greatest Hits version).php?id=
Gran Turismo 2 (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto 2 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Grid Runner (complete).php?id=
Grinch (complete).php?id=
Grind Session (complete).php?id=
Gubble (complete).php?id=
Gundam Battle Assault (complete).php?id=
Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James (complete).php?id=
Hardball 5 (complete longbox).php?id=
Harry Potter & the Sorceror's Stone (complete).php?id=
HBO Boxing (complete).php?id=
Heart of Darkness (complete).php?id=
Hercules (complete).php?id=
Hot Shots Golf (complete).php?id=
IHRA Drag Racing (complete).php?id=
Incredible Crisis (complete).php?id=
Inspector Gadget: Gadget's Crazy Maze (complete).php?id=
Intelligent Qube (complete).php?id=
International Track & Field (complete).php?id=
Irritating Stick (complete).php?id=
Italian Job (complete).php?id=
Jet Moto (complete).php?id=
Jet Moto 2 (complete).php?id=
Jet Moto 3 (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy 2nd Edition (complete).php?id=
Jigsaw Madness (complete).php?id=
Jimmie Johnson's VR Football 98 (complete).php?id=
Jumping Flash 2 (complete).php?id=
JumpStart Wildlife Safari Field Trip (complete).php?id=
Jungle Book: Rhythm n' Groove (complete).php?id=
Jupiter Strike (complete longbox).php?id=
Jurassic Park: Lost World (complete).php?id=
K9.5 "Live in Airedale (complete).php?id=
Kagero Deception II (complete).php?id=
Kileak: The DNA Imperative (complete longbox).php?id=
King of Fighters '95 (complete).php?id=
King's Field (complete longbox).php?id=
King's Field (complete jewel case).php?id=
Kiss Pinball (complete).php?id=
Knockout Kings 2000 (complete).php?id=
Land Before Time: Return to the Great Valley (complete).php?id=
Lego Racers (complete).php?id=
Lego Rock Raiders (complete).php?id=
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (complete).php?id=
Legend of Dragoon (b).php?id=
Legend of Mana (complete).php?id=
Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings (complete).php?id=
Lemmings 3D (longbox) (b).php?id=
Liquid Books: Amrita's Trees and Cerdito and the Coyote (complete).php?id=
Liquid Books: Far-Fetched Frontier Tales (complete).php?id=
Liquid Books: The Wandering Path (complete).php?id=
Little Mermaid II (complete).php?id=
Loaded (complete) (longbox).php?id=
Lode Runner (complete).php?id=
Looney Tunes Sheep Raider (complete).php?id=
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete (complete).php?id=
Mars Moose: Stay & Play 3 "In Lonnie's Classroom" (complete).php?id=
Marvel Super Heroes (complete).php?id=
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Crush Course (complete).php?id=
Mary Kate & Ashley: Magical Mystery Mall (complete).php?id=
Mary Kate and Ashley: Winners Circle (complete).php?id=
MDK (complete).php?id=
Mechwarrior 2 (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor (complete).php?id=
MediEvil (complete).php?id=
MediEvil 2 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man 8 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X4 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X5 (complete).php?id=
Men In Black: Crashdown (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid (complete).php?id=
Metal Slug X (complete).php?id=
Mike Tyson Boxing (complete).php?id=
Miss Spider's Tea Party (complete).php?id=
MLB 98 (complete).php?id=
Mobile Armor (complete).php?id=
Mobile Light Force (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Monster Rancher Battle Card: Episode 2 (complete).php?id=
Mort the Chicken (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Special Forces (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Greatest Hits) (b).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 4 (complete).php?id=
Moto Racer World Tour (complete).php?id=
Motocross Mania (complete).php?id=
Motocross Mania 2 (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (complete).php?id=
Mulan (Disney Story Studio) (complete).php?id=
My Disney Kitchen (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum Vol.1 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum Vol.3 (complete).php?id=
NASCAR Heat (complete).php?id=
NASCAR Racing (complete).php?id=
NASCAR Rumble (complete).php?id=
NBA In the Zone 2 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 98 (complete).php?id=
NBA Shoot Out '97 (complete).php?id=
Need For Speed: Road & Track Present (complete).php?id=
Need For Speed: V-Rally 2 (complete).php?id=
NFL Gameday 97 (complete).php?id=
NFL Gameday 98 (complete).php?id=
NFL Gameday 2003 (complete).php?id=
NHL 97 (complete).php?id=
NHL 98 (complete).php?id=
NHL 99 (complete).php?id=
NHL Blades of Steel 2000 (complete).php?id=
NHL Face Off (b) (longbox).php?id=
NHL Face Off 2000 (complete).php?id=
Nightmare Creatures (complete).php?id=
No Fear Downhill Mountain Bike Racing (complete).php?id=
No One Can Stop Mr Domino (complete).php?id=
Oddworld: Abe's Exodus (complete).php?id=
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (complete).php?id=
One (complete).php?id=
P.K.'s Place: Adventure 1 "Party on the Patio!" (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man World (Greatest Hits) (complete) .php?id=
Pandemonium (complete).php?id=
Pandemoniun 2 (complete).php?id=
Panzer General (complete).php?id=
Parappa the Rapper ((b) ... missing poster manual)).php?id=
Parasite Eve (complete).php?id=
Parasite Eve II (complete).php?id=
Patriotic Pinball (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour 98 (complete).php?id=
Philosoma (complete longbox).php?id=
Pipe Dreams 3D (complete).php?id=
Pitfall 3-D (complete).php?id=
Planet of the Apes (complete).php?id=
Pocket Fighter (b).php?id=
Point Blank (complete).php?id=
Point Blank 2 (complete).php?id=
Point Blank 3 with Guncon (complete).php?id=
Pong (complete).php?id=
Pooh's Party Game: In Search of Treasure (complete).php?id=
Polaris Snocross (complete).php?id=
Pool Hustler (complete).php?id=
Power Move Pro Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (complete).php?id=
Power Rangers Time Force (complete).php?id=
Power Serve 3D Tennis (complete longbox).php?id=
Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction (complete).php?id=
Primal Rage (complete longbox).php?id=
Pro 18: World Tour Golf (complete).php?id=
Pro Pinball (complete).php?id=
Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey (complete).php?id=
Putter Golf (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Star Sweep (complete).php?id=
Q*Bert (complete).php?id=
Qix Neo (complete).php?id=
R-Type Delta (complete).php?id=
R-Types (complete).php?id=
Rage Racer (complete).php?id=
Raiden Project (complete).php?id=
Rampage 2: Universal Tour (complete).php?id=
RayCrisis: Series Termination (complete).php?id=
Rayman (complete).php?id=
Rayman Brain Games (complete).php?id=
RayStorm (complete).php?id=
Razor Racing (complete).php?id=
RC De Go (complete).php?id=
Ready to Rumble Boxing (complete) (Greatest Hits version).php?id=
Red Asphalt (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil (complete longbox).php?id=
Resident Evil (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Director's Cut (b).php?id=
Resident Evil: Director's Cut Dualshock (complete) (Greatest Hits version).php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Survivor (complete).php?id=
Return Fire (complete longbox).php?id=
Ridge Racer (complete longbox).php?id=
Ridge Racer Type 4 (complete).php?id=
Risk (complete).php?id=
Road Rash 3D (complete).php?id=
Robo-Pit 2 (complete).php?id=
Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots Arena (complete).php?id=
Rocket Power: Team Rocket Rescue (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Rollcage Stage II (complete).php?id=
RPG Maker (complete).php?id=
Rugrats: Studio Tour (complete).php?id=
Rugrats: Search for Reptor (complete).php?id=
Sabrina the Teenage Witch: A Twitch in Time (complete).php?id=
Saga Frontier (complete).php?id=
Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 (complete).php?id=
Sammy Sosa Softball Slam (complete).php?id=
San Francisco Rush (i).php?id=
Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase (complete).php?id=
Scrabble (complete).php?id=
Secret of Googol: Reshaping Googol "In the Tower" (complete).php?id=
Secret of Googol: Reshaping Googol "Under the Ocean" (complete).php?id=
Sesame Street: Elmo's Number Journey (complete).php?id=
Sheep (complete).php?id=
Shockwave Assault (complete longbox).php?id=
Shooter: Space Shot (complete).php?id=
Shooter: Starfighter Sanvein (complete).php?id=
Sim City 2000 (complete).php?id=
Skullmonkeys (complete).php?id=
Skydiving Extreme (complete).php?id=
Sled Storm (complete).php?id=
Slots (complete).php?id=
Small Soldiers (complete).php?id=
Smurf Racer (complete).php?id=
Sno-Cross Championship Racing (complete).php?id=
Sorceror's Maze (complete).php?id=
SoulBlade (complete).php?id=
South Park: Chef's Luv Shack (complete).php?id=
Soviet Strike (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Space Invaders (complete).php?id=
Spawn: The Eternal (complete).php?id=
Spec Ops: Covert Assault (complete).php?id=
Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol (complete).php?id=
Speedball 2100 (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man (complete).php?id=
Spin Jam (complete).php?id=
Spongebob Squarepants: Supersponge (complete).php?id=
Sports Car GT (complete).php?id=
Spyro the Dragon (complete).php?id=
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (complete).php?id=
Spyro: Year of the Dragon (complete).php?id=
Star Trek Invasion (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Dark Forces (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Rebel Assault II (b).php?id=
Steel Reign (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Collection 2 (complete).php?id=
Street Sk8er (complete).php?id=
Strider 2 (complete).php?id=
Stuart Little 2 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Sydney 2000 (complete).php?id=
Super Bubble Pop (complete).php?id=
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (complete).php?id=
Supercross 2000 (complete).php?id=
Superstar Dance Club #1 Hits (complete).php?id=
Surf Riders (complete).php?id=
Swagman (complete).php?id=
Syphon Filter (complete).php?id=
Syphon Filter 2 (complete).php?id=
Syphon Filter 3 (complete).php?id=
Tail of the Sun (complete).php?id=
Tall: Infinity (complete).php?id=
Tarzan (complete).php?id=
Team Losi: RC Racer (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Super Bowl (complete).php?id=
Tekken 2 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Tekken 3 (complete).php?id=
Tempest X3 (complete).php?id=
Ten Pin Alley (complete).php?id=
Tenchu (complete).php?id=
Tenchu 2 (complete).php?id=
Tennis (complete).php?id=
Test Drive 4 (complete).php?id=
Test Drive 5 (complete).php?id=
Test Drive Off-Road (complete).php?id=
Test Drive Off-Road 2 (complete).php?id=
Tetris Plus (complete, Greatest Hits packaging).php?id=
Theme Hospital.php?id=
Thunder Force V (complete).php?id=
Thunder Truck Rally (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 99 (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 (complete).php?id=
Time Commando (complete).php?id=
Time Crisis (complete).php?id=
Time Crisis: Project Titan (complete big box with guncon).php?id=
TNN Sports Hardcore 4x4 (complete).php?id=
Tokyo Highway Battle (complete).php?id=
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider II (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider III (complete).php?id=
Tonka Space Station (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater  (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (complete).php?id=
Top Shop (complete).php?id=
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue (complete).php?id=
Treasure Planet (complete).php?id=
Triple Play 97 (complete).php?id=
Turnabout (complete).php?id=
Twisted Metal.php?id=
Twisted Metal 2 (complete).php?id=
Twisted Metal 4 (complete).php?id=
Twisted Metal: Small Brawl (complete).php?id=
V.I.P. (complete).php?id=
Vagrant Story (complete).php?id=
Vigilante 8 (complete).php?id=
Virtual Pool (complete).php?id=
Virtual Pool 3 (complete).php?id=
WarGames Defcon 1 (complete).php?id=
Warhawk (complete longbox).php?id=
Warhawk (complete).php?id=
Warzone 2100 (complete).php?id=
WCW Nitro (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune: 2nd Edition (complete).php?id=
Who Wants to be a Millionaire 2nd Edition (complete).php?id=
Who Wants to be a Millionaire 3rd Edition (complete).php?id=
Wild 9 (complete).php?id=
Wild Arms 2 (complete).php?id=
Wing Commander IV (complete).php?id=
Winnie the Pooh Preschool (complete).php?id=
Wipeout (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Wipeout 3 (complete).php?id=
World Cup 98 (complete).php?id=
World Destruction League: Thunder Trucks (complete).php?id=
Worms Armageddon (complete).php?id=
Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style (complete).php?id=
WWF Attitude (complete).php?id=
WWF In Your House (complete).php?id=
WWF Smackdown 2: Know Your Role (complete).php?id=
WWF War Zone (complete).php?id=
X-Bladez: Inline Skater (complete).php?id=
You Don't Know Jack (complete).php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories (complete).php?id=
Zero Divide (complete longbox).php?id=
Playstation 1 games (Japanese Import)                             Total: 14   .php?id=
Beatmania (b).php?id=
Beatmania Append 3rd Mix (complete).php?id=
Bomberman World (complete).php?id=
Devil Dice .php?id=
Geom Cube (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Bobble 3DX (complete).php?id=
Raiden Project (complete).php?id=
Rockman X5 (complete).php?id=
Tekken 2 (complete).php?id=
Tekken 3.php?id=
Tondemo Crisis! (complete).php?id=
Vib Ribbon (Hits Version complete).php?id=
Xevious 3D/G+ (complete).php?id=
Zeitgeist (complete).php?id=
Sega Saturn games                                                 Total: 85   .php?id=
3 Free Game Pack (complete).php?id=
Alien Trilogy (complete).php?id=
Battle Arena Toshinden Remix (complete).php?id=
Blazing Heroes (complete).php?id=
Bottom of the 9th (complete).php?id=
Bug! (complete).php?id=
Bug Too!.php?id=
Clockwork Knight 2 (complete).php?id=
College Slam (complete).php?id=
Command & Conquer (complete).php?id=
Croc (complete).php?id=
Crypt Killer.php?id=
Daytona USA (complete).php?id=
Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition.php?id=
Decathlete (i).php?id=
Die Hard Arcade (complete).php?id=
Doom (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 96 (complete).php?id=
Fighting Vipers (complete).php?id=
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (complete).php?id=
Galactic Attack (complete).php?id=
Gex (complete).php?id=
Hang-On GP (complete).php?id=
Hyper 3-D Pinball (complete).php?id=
Incredible Hulk (complete).php?id=
Independence Day (complete).php?id=
Legend of Oasis (i).php?id=
Madden 97 (complete).php?id=
Madden 98 (complete).php?id=
Mansion of the Hidden Souls (complete).php?id=
Manx TT Super Bike (complete).php?id=
Marvel Super Heroes (complete).php?id=
Maximum Force (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat II (complete).php?id=
Myst (complete).php?id=
NASCAR 98 (complete).php?id=
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 97 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 98 (complete).php?id=
Need for Speed (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club '96 (complete).php?id=
NHL 97.php?id=
NHL All-Star Hockey (complete).php?id=
NHL Power Play '96 (i).php?id=
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge (complete).php?id=
Nights Into Dreams (complete) .php?id=
Panzer Dragoon (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour 97 (complete).php?id=
Powerslave (complete).php?id=
Quarterback Attack (complete).php?id=
Revolution X (complete).php?id=
Rise 2: Resurrection (complete).php?id=
Road Rash (complete).php?id=
Robotica (complete).php?id=
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV (i).php?id=
Scorcher (complete).php?id=
Sega Rally Championship (complete).php?id=
Sim City 2000 (complete).php?id=
Sky Target.php?id=
Slam n Jam '96 (complete).php?id=
Solar Eclipse.php?id=
Sonic 3D Blast (complete).php?id=
Sonic R (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors Dreams (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo.php?id=
Three Dirty Dwarves (complete).php?id=
Thunder Strike 2 (complete).php?id=
TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4X4 (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Mortal Kombat (complete).php?id=
Virtua Cop.php?id=
Virtua Cop 2 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter Remix (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 2 (complete).php?id=
Virtual On: Cyber Troopers (complete).php?id=
Virtual Open Tennis (complete).php?id=
VR Virtua Racing.php?id=
World Series Baseball (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 2 (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 98.php?id=
WWF In Your House (complete).php?id=
Wipeout (complete).php?id=
Worldwide Soccer (complete).php?id=
X-Men: Children of the Atom (complete).php?id=
Virtual Boy games                                                 Total: 8   .php?id=
3-D Tetris (complete).php?id=
Galactic Pinball (complete).php?id=
Golf (complete).php?id=
Mario's Tennis (i).php?id=
Nester's Funky Bowling (complete).php?id=
Teleroboxer (complete).php?id=
Vertical Force (complete).php?id=
Virtual Baseball (complete).php?id=
Virtual Boy games (Japanese Import)                               Total: 1   .php?id=
Mario's Tennis (complete) (Japanese Import).php?id=
Nintendo 64 Games                                                 Total: 145   .php?id=
007: Goldeneye (complete).php?id=
007: The World Is Not Enough .php?id=
A Bug's Life.php?id=
Aidyn Chronicles (complete).php?id=
All-Star Baseball 99 .php?id=
All-Star Baseball 2000.php?id=
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes.php?id=
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 .php?id=
Automobile Lamborghini .php?id=
Banjo-Kazooie (complete).php?id=
Banjo-Tooie (complete).php?id=
Battle Tanx: Global Assault.php?id=
Beetle Adventure Racing.php?id=
Blast Corps (complete).php?id=
Body Harvest (complete).php?id=
Bomberman 64.php?id=
Bomberman Hero.php?id=
Bust-a-Move '99.php?id=
Bust-a-Move 2: Arcade Edition.php?id=
California Speed .php?id=
Castlevania 64 (complete).php?id=
Chopper Attack.php?id=
Clay Fighter 63 1/3.php?id=
Command & Conquer.php?id=
Conker's Bad Fur Day (complete).php?id=
Cruis'n USA .php?id=
Cruis'n World (complete).php?id=
Cyber Tiger.php?id=
Destruction Derby 64.php?id=
Diddy Kong Racing.php?id=
Donkey Kong 64 (complete).php?id=
Doom 64.php?id=
Dr. Mario 64 (i).php?id=
Elmo's Letter Adventure.php?id=
Extreme G (i).php?id=
F-Zero X.php?id=
Forsaken 64 (complete).php?id=
Gauntlet Legends (b).php?id=
Hey You, Pikachu (complete).php?id=
Hot Wheels Turbo Racing.php?id=
Hybrid Heaven.php?id=
International Superstar Soccer 64 (complete).php?id=
Jet Force Gemini (complete).php?id=
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (i).php?id=
Knife Edge: Nosegunner (complete).php?id=
Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside.php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (complete gold cartridge with limited edition foil box).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (complete gold cartridge).php?id=
Lego Racers.php?id=
Lode Runner 3-D (complete).php?id=
Madden Football 64.php?id=
Madden NFL 99 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2002.php?id=
Magical Tetris Challenge.php?id=
Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr.php?id=
Mario Golf.php?id=
Mario Kart 64 (i).php?id=
Mario Party.php?id=
Mario Party 2.php?id=
Mario Party 3.php?id=
Mario Tennis.php?id=
Mickey's Speedway USA.php?id=
Mike Piazza's Strike Zone.php?id=
Milo's Astro Lanes.php?id=
Mischief Makers.php?id=
Mission Impossible (complete).php?id=
Monster Truck Madness 64.php?id=
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero.php?id=
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 4 (complete).php?id=
Nagano Winter Olympics '98.php?id=
Namco Museum 64.php?id=
NASCAR 99.php?id=
NBA In the Zone (i).php?id=
NBA Live 99.php?id=
New Tetris.php?id=
NFL Blitz.php?id=
NFL Blitz 2000.php?id=
NFL QB Club '98.php?id=
NFL Quarterback Bluc 99.php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club 2000.php?id=
NHL 99.php?id=
Paper Mario (complete).php?id=
Perfect Dark (complete) .php?id=
Pilot Wings 64 (b).php?id=
Pokemon Puzzle League (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Snap (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Stadium (i).php?id=
Pokemon Stadium 2 (i).php?id=
Power Rangers: Light Rescue (i).php?id=
Quake II .php?id=
Rampage World Tour.php?id=
Razor Freestyle Scooter - Blockbuster Exclusive (complete).php?id=
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing.php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (complete).php?id=
Ridge Racer 64.php?id=
Road Rash 64.php?id=
Robotron 64 (complete).php?id=
Rugrats Scavenger Hunt.php?id=
Scooby Doo Classic Creep Capers.php?id=
Snowboard Kids.php?id=
Snowboard Kids 2.php?id=
South Park (complete).php?id=
South Park Rally.php?id=
Star Soldier (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Battle For Naboo (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Rogue Squadron (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (complete).php?id=
Starfox 64 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario 64 (complete).php?id=
Super Smash Bros (complete).php?id=
1080 Snowboarding (complete).php?id=
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.php?id=
Top Gear Overdrive (i).php?id=
Top Gear Rally.php?id=
Toy Story 2.php?id=
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter.php?id=
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (complete).php?id=
Turok: Rage Wars.php?id=
Twisted Edge: Extreme Snowboarding (complete).php?id=
Vigilante 8 (complete).php?id=
Virtual Chess (b).php?id=
Waialae Country Club (complete).php?id=
War Gods (complete).php?id=
Wave Race 64 (b).php?id=
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (complete).php?id=
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98.php?id=
WCW Mayhem (complete).php?id=
WCW Nitro.php?id=
WCW Vs. NWO World Tour (complete).php?id=
WCW/NWO Revenge (complete).php?id=
WWF War Zone.php?id=
WWF Wrestlemania 2000.php?id=
Yoshi's Story (complete).php?id=
Gameboy Color                                                     Total: 42   .php?id=
Action Man (complete).php?id=
Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day.php?id=
Centipede (complete).php?id=
Championship Motocross 2001.php?id=
Driver: You Are the Wheelman.php?id=
Game & Watch Gallery 2 (complete).php?id=
Game & Watch Gallery 3 (complete).php?id=
Gex 3.php?id=
Harvest Moon.php?id=
Hole In One Gold (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (complete).php?id=
Mario Golf.php?id=
Mario Tennis.php?id=
Missle Command (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man Special Color Edition (complete).php?id=
Perfect Dark (complete).php?id=
Pitfal: Beyond the Jungle (complete).php?id=
Pocket Bomberman (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Crystal.php?id=
Pokemon Gold.php?id=
Pokemon Pinball (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Silver.php?id=
Pokemon Tradng Card Game.php?id=
R-Type DX (complete).php?id=
Rampart (complete).php?id=
Rugrats: The Movie.php?id=
Rugrats: Time Travelers (complete).php?id=
Shrek: Fairy Tale Freak Down.php?id=
Space Invaders (complete).php?id=
Super Breakout (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (complete).php?id=
Tech Deck Skateboarding.php?id=
Tetris DX (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.php?id=
Trouballs (complete).php?id=
Wario Land 3.php?id=
Yars Revenge (complete).php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories.php?id=
Game.com                                                          Total: 11   .php?id=
Batman & Robin (complete).php?id=
Duke Nukem 3D (complete).php?id=
Fighters Megamix (complete).php?id=
Henry (complete).php?id=
Indy 500 (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Quiz Whiz: Cyber Trivia (b).php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (b).php?id=
Sonic Jam (complete).php?id=
Tiger Casino (complete).php?id=
Williams Arcade Classics (complete).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Games                                              Total: 252   .php?id=
4 Wheel Thunder (complete).php?id=
4x4 Evo (complete).php?id=
102 Dalmations: Puppies to the Rescue (complete).php?id=
18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (complete).php?id=
Aerowings (complete).php?id=
Aerowings 2 (complete).php?id=
Airforce Delta (complete).php?id=
Alien Front Online (complete).php?id=
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (complete).php?id=
Armada (complete).php?id=
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (complete).php?id=
Atari Anniversary Edition (complete).php?id=
Bang! Gunship Elite (complete).php?id=
Bangai-O (complete).php?id=
Bleem For Dreamcast: Gran Turismo 2 (complete).php?id=
Bleemcast: Metal Gear Solid (complete).php?id=
Bleemcast: Tekken 3 (complete).php?id=
Blue Stinger (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Online (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move 4 (complete).php?id=
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace 2000 (complete).php?id=
Cannon Spike (complete).php?id=
Capcom Vs. SNK (complete).php?id=
Carrier (complete).php?id=
Centipede (complete).php?id=
Championship Surfer (complete).php?id=
Charge N Blast (complete).php?id=
Chicken Run (complete).php?id=
ChuChu Rocket (complete).php?id=
Coaster Works (complete).php?id=
Confidential Mission (complete).php?id=
Conflict Zone (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi 2 (complete).php?id=
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (complete).php?id=
D2 (complete).php?id=
Daytona USA (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive 2 (complete).php?id=
Death Crimson OX (complete).php?id=
Deep Fighter (complete).php?id=
Demolition Racer (complete).php?id=
Dino Crisis (complete).php?id=
Dinosaur (complete).php?id=
Donald Duck: Goin Quackers (complete).php?id=
Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm (complete).php?id=
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern (complete).php?id=
Ducati World Racing Challenge (complete).php?id=
Dynamite Cop (complete).php?id=
Ecco the Dolphin (complete).php?id=
Elemental Gimmick Gear (complete).php?id=
ECW: Anarchy Rulz (complete).php?id=
ECW Hardcore (complete).php?id=
ESPN International Track & Field (complete).php?id=
ESPN NBA 2Night (complete).php?id=
Evil Dead: Hail to the King (complete).php?id=
Evolution: The World of Sacred Device (complete).php?id=
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (complete).php?id=
Expendable (complete).php?id=
F1 World Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
F355 Challenge Passione Rossa (complete).php?id=
Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves (complete).php?id=
Fighting Force 2 (complete).php?id=
Flag to Flag Racing (complete).php?id=
Floigan Brothers (complete).php?id=
Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Fur Fighters (complete).php?id=
Gauntlet Legends (complete).php?id=
Giga Wing (complete).php?id=
Giga Wing 2 (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto 2 (complete).php?id=
Grandia II (complete).php?id=
Grinch (complete).php?id=
Gunbird 2 (complete).php?id=
Gundam Side Story 0079 (complete).php?id=
Heavy Metal Geomatrix (complete).php?id=
Hidden & Dangerous (complete).php?id=
House of the Dead 2 (complete).php?id=
Hoyle Casino (complete).php?id=
Hydro Thunder (complete).php?id=
Illbleed (complete).php?id=
Incoming (complete).php?id=
Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage (complete).php?id=
Iron Aces (complete).php?id=
Jeremy Mcgrath Supercross 2000 (complete).php?id=
Jet Grind Radio (complete).php?id=
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (complete).php?id=
Kao the Kangaroo (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters: Dream Match 1999 (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters: Evolution (complete).php?id=
Kiss Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child (complete).php?id=
Last Blade 2 (complete).php?id=
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (complete).php?id=
Looney Tunes Space Race (complete).php?id=
Magforce Racing (complete).php?id=
Maken X (complete).php?id=
Mars Matrix (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs. Capcom (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (complete).php?id=
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (complete).php?id=
Max Steel (complete).php?id=
Maximum Pool (complete).php?id=
MDK2 (complete).php?id=
Metropolis Street Racer (complete).php?id=
Midway's Greatest Hits Volume 1 (complete).php?id=
Midway's Greatest Hits Volume 2 (complete).php?id=
Monaco Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat Gold (complete).php?id=
Mr. Driller (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (complete).php?id=
MTV Skateboarding (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum (complete).php?id=
NBA Showtime: NBA On NBC (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K1 (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K2 (complete).php?id=
NBA Hoopz (complete).php?id=
NCAA College Football 2K2 (complete).php?id=
Next Tetris (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K1 (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K2 (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz 2000 (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz 2001 (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club 2001 (complete).php?id=
NHL 2K (complete).php?id=
NHL 2K2 (complete).php?id=
Nightmare Creatures II (complete).php?id=
Omikron: The Nomad Soul (complete).php?id=
Ooga Booga (complete).php?id=
Outtrigger (complete).php?id=
Pen Pen TriIcelon (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star Online (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star Online Ver.2 (complete).php?id=
Plasma Sword (complete).php?id=
POD:Speedzone (complete).php?id=
Power Stone (complete).php?id=
Power Stone 2 (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights (complete).php?id=
Project Jstice (complete).php?id=
Psychic Force 2012 (complete).php?id=
Q*Bert (complete).php?id=
Quake III Arena (complete).php?id=
Railroad Tycoon 2 (complete).php?id=
Rainbow Six (complete).php?id=
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (complete).php?id=
Rayman 2 (complete).php?id=
Razor Freestyle Scooter (complete).php?id=
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (complete).php?id=
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 (complete).php?id=
Record of Lodoss War (complete).php?id=
Red Dog (complete).php?id=
Reel Fishing Wild (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Code Veronica (complete).php?id=
Re-Volt (complete).php?id=
Ring: Terror's Realm (complete).php?id=
Rippin' Riders (complete).php?id=
Roadsters (complete).php?id=
Samba De Amigo (complete).php?id=
San Francisco Rush (complete).php?id=
Seaman (complete).php?id=
Sega Bass Fishing (complete).php?id=
Sega Bass Fishing 2 (complete).php?id=
Sega GT (complete).php?id=
Sega Marine Fishing (complete).php?id=
Sega Rally 2 Championship (complete).php?id=
Sega Smash Pack Volume 1 (complete).php?id=
Seventh Cross Evolution (complete).php?id=
Shadow Man (complete).php?id=
Shenmue (complete).php?id=
Shenmue (limited edition) (complete).php?id=
Silent Scope (complete).php?id=
Silver (complete).php?id=
Skies of Arcadia (complete).php?id=
Slave Zero (complete).php?id=
Sno-Cross Championship Racing (complete).php?id=
Soldier of Fortune (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure 2 (complete).php?id=
Sonic Shuffle (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur (complete).php?id=
Soul Fighter (complete).php?id=
South Park: Chef's Luv Shack (complete).php?id=
South Park Rally (complete).php?id=
Space Channel 5 (complete).php?id=
Spawn: In the Demon's Hand (complete).php?id=
Spec Ops II: Omega Squad (complete).php?id=
Speed Devils (complete).php?id=
Speed Devils Online (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man (complete).php?id=
Spirit of Speed 1937(complete).php?id=
Sports Jam (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Demolition (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles (complete).php?id=
Starlancer (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter 3: Double Impact (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike (complete).php?id=
Striker Pro 2000 (complete).php?id=
Stupid Invaders (complete).php?id=
Super Magnetic Neo (complete).php?id=
Super Runabout: San Francisco Edition (complete).php?id=
Surf Rocket Racers (complete).php?id=
Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing (complete).php?id=
Sword of the Berserk (complete).php?id=
Sydney 2000 (complete).php?id=
Tech Romancer (complete).php?id=
Tee Off (complete).php?id=
Tennis 2K2 (complete).php?id=
Test Drive 6 (complete).php?id=
Test Drive Le Mans (complete).php?id=
Test Drive V-Rally (complete).php?id=
Timestalkers (complete).php?id=
TNN Hardcore Heat (complete).php?id=
Tokyo Extreme Racer (complete).php?id=
Tokyo Extreme Racer 2 (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: Chronicles (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (complete).php?id=
Toy Commander (complete).php?id=
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue (complete).php?id=
Trickstyle (complete).php?id=
Typing of the Dead (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Fighting Championship (complete).php?id=
Unreal Tournament (complete).php?id=
Urban Chaos (complete).php?id=
Vanishing Point (complete).php?id=
Vigilante 8: 2nd Defense (complete).php?id=
Virtua Athlete 2000 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 3tb (complete).php?id=
Virtua Striker 2 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Tennis (complete).php?id=
Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram (complete).php?id=
Wacky Races (complete).php?id=
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour (complete).php?id=
Wetrix+ (complete).php?id=
Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire (complete).php?id=
Wild Metal: Reclaim the Future (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 2K1 (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 2K2 (complete).php?id=
Worms Armageddon (complete).php?id=
Worms World Party (complete).php?id=
WWF Attitude (complete).php?id=
WWF Royal Rumble (complete).php?id=
Xtreme Sports (complete).php?id=
Zombie Revenge (complete).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Homebrew Games                                     Total: 4   .php?id=
Cool Herders (complete).php?id=
Feet of Fury (complete).php?id=
Inhabitants (complete).php?id=
Maquipai (complete).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast (European Import) Games                            Total: 24   .php?id=
90 Minutes: Sega Championship Football (complete).php?id=
Aqua GT (complete).php?id=
European Super League (complete).php?id=
Evil Twin (complete).php?id=
Exhibition of Speed (complete).php?id=
F1 Racing Championship (complete).php?id=
F1 World Grand Prix II (complete).php?id=
Fighting Vipers 2 (complete).php?id=
GK - Giant Killers (complete).php?id=
Headhunter (complete).php?id=
Jimmy White's Cueball 2 (complete).php?id=
MoHo (complete).php?id=
Planet Ring (complete with microphone).php?id=
Pro Pinball Trilogy (complete).php?id=
Racing Simulation: Monaco Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
Rez (complete).php?id=
Sega Worldwide Soccer (complete).php?id=
Shenmue II (complete).php?id=
Stunt GP (complete).php?id=
Taxi 2: Le Jeu (complete).php?id=
Toy Racer (complete).php?id=
UEFA Dream Soccer 2000 (complete).php?id=
UEFA Striker (complete).php?id=
Who Wants To Be a Millionaire (complete).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast (Japanese Import) Games                            Total: 28   .php?id=
Biohazard: Code Veronica (Limited Edition).php?id=
Blue Stinger (complete).php?id=
Chu Chu Rocket (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi (complete).php?id=
Dream Passport (complete).php?id=
Dream Passport 3 (complete).php?id=
Fire Pro Wrestling D (complete).php?id=
Get Bass (complete).php?id=
Giant Gram: All Japan Pro Wrestling 2 In Nippon Budoukan (complete).php?id=
Godzilla Generations.php?id=
Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact (complete).php?id=
Guilty Gear X (complete).php?id=
Incoming (complete).php?id=
Jet Set Radio (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (complete).php?id=
Pop'n Music (complete).php?id=
Pro Yakyu Team De Asobou! (complete).php?id=
Pro Yakyu Team De Asobounet (complete).php?id=
Psychic Force 2012 (complete).php?id=
Samba De Amigo Ver. 2000 (complete).php?id=
Sega GT Homologation Special (complete).php?id=
Shenmue (limited edition w/ slipcase and soundtrack cd) (complete).php?id=
Space Channel 5 (complete).php?id=
Super Puzzle Fighter 2X For Matching Service (complete).php?id=
Super Robot Wars (complete).php?id=
Super Runabout (complete).php?id=
Toukon Retsuden 4 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Striker 2 Ver.2000.1 (complete).php?id=
Playstation 2 Games                                              Total: 186   .php?id=
24: The Game.php?id=
Activision Anthology (complete).php?id=
Amplitude (complete).php?id=
Area 51 (complete).php?id=
Armored Core 2 (complete).php?id=
Army Men - Air Attack 2 (complete).php?id=
Art of Fighting Anthology (complete).php?id=
Astro Boy (complete).php?id=
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (complete).php?id=
Barbie Horse Adventures (complete).php?id=
Bigs (complete).php?id=
Bombastic (complete).php?id=
Brothers in Arms II: Road to Hill 30 (complete).php?id=
Bully (complete).php?id=
Burnout Dominator (complete).php?id=
Call of Duty (complete).php?id=
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (complete).php?id=
Capcom Fighting Evolution (complete).php?id=
Castle Shikigami 2 (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (complete).php?id=
Champions of Norrath (complete).php?id=
Champions: Return to Arms (complete).php?id=
Conflict Desert Storm II: Road to Baghdad (complete).php?id=
Conflict Vietnam (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi (b).php?id=
Dai Senryaku Exceed VII (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Disney Channel Edition (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Max (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Max 2 (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution: Supernova (complete).php?id=
DOA2: Hardcore (complete).php?id=
Devil May Cry 5th Anniversary Box Set (includes DMC, DMC2, DMC3 Special Edition) (complete).php?id=
Dino Stalker (complete).php?id=
Duel Masters (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors 2 (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors 3 (complete).php?id=
Ejay Clubworld (complete).php?id=
ESPN NBA 2K5 (complete).php?id=
Ever Blue 2 (complet).php?id=
Eyetoy Play (complete).php?id=
Eyetoy Play 2 (complete with big box and camera).php?id=
Fantavision (complete).php?id=
Fatal Fury Battle Archives Volume 1 (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy X-2 (complete).php?id=
Fisherman's Challenge (complete).php?id=
Flipnic (complete).php?id=
Freedom Fighters (complete).php?id=
Frequency (complete).php?id=
Friends: The One With All the Trivia (complete).php?id=
Gallop Racer 2001 (complete).php?id=
Gallop Racer 2003 (complete).php?id=
Gallop Racer 2006 (complete).php?id=
Get On Da Mic (complete big box w/ microphone).php?id=
Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm (complete).php?id=
Ghost Recon 2 (complete).php?id=
Gladius (complete).php?id=
God of War (complete).php?id=
God of War 2 (complete).php?id=
Gradius III & IV (complete).php?id=
Gradius V (complete).php?id=
Gran Turismo 3 (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto 3 (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (original "Hot Coffee" version) (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero (complete big box with guitar controller).php?id=
Guitar Hero 2 (complete big box with guitar controller).php?id=
Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's (complete).php?id=
Gungriffon Blaze (complete).php?id=
Hitman 2 (complete) (Greatest Hits).php?id=
Hobbit, The (complete).php?id=
HSX: Hyper Sonic Xtreme (complete).php?id=
Hummer Badlands (complete).php?id=
Ico (complete).php?id=
Jak & Daxter (complete).php?id=
Jak II (complete).php?id=
Jak 3 (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Katamari Damacy (complete).php?id=
Kinetica (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters XI (complete).php?id=
Kingdom Hearts (complete).php?id=
Lego Island Xtreme Stunts (complete).php?id=
Lethal Skies II (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (complete) (Greatest Hits).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (complete).php?id=
Mad Maestro (complete).php?id=
Magna Carta (complete minus outer box).php?id=
Mark of Kri (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (complete).php?id=
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (complete).php?id=
MDK 2 Armageddon (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: Frontline (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X Collection (complete).php?id=
Mercury Meltdown Remix (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (complete).php?id=
Midnight Club II (complete).php?id=
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition (complete).php?id=
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition Remix (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Mobile Light Force 2 (complete).php?id=
NBA Street (b).php?id=
NCAA Football 2005 (complete).php?id=
Need For Speed Underground (complete).php?id=
Neo Contra (complete).php?id=
Onimusha (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man Fever (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man World 2 (complete).php?id=
PBR Out of the Chute (complete).php?id=
Pinball Hall of Fame (complete).php?id=
Playboy the Mansion (complete).php?id=
Project Snowblind (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Challenge: Crosswords and More! (complete).php?id=
R-Type Final (complete).php?id=
Raiden III (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (complete).php?id=
Rayman Arena (complete).php?id=
Real Pool (complete).php?id=
Red Dead Revolver (complete).php?id=
Red Faction (complete).php?id=
Red Star (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 4 Premium Edition (#53696/60100) (complete).php?id=
Risk: Global Domination (complete).php?id=
Rogue Galaxy (complete).php?id=
Romancing Saga (b).php?id=
Rumble Roses (complete).php?id=
Seek and Destroy (complete).php?id=
Sega Classics Collection (complete).php?id=
Shadow of the Colossus (complete).php?id=
Shellshock Nam '67 (complete).php?id=
Shinobi (complete).php?id=
Silent Scope (complete).php?id=
Silent Scope 2 (complete).php?id=
Silent Scope 3 (complete).php?id=
Silpheed: The Lost Planet (complete).php?id=
SingStar Rocks (complete).php?id=
Sly Cooper and the Thievus Raccoonus (complete).php?id=
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (complete).php?id=
Smuggler's Run 2 (complete).php?id=
SOCOM 3 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Sonic Riders (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur 3 (complete).php?id=
Soul Reaver 2 (complete).php?id=
Space Channel 5: Special Edition (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man 3 (complete).php?id=
Star Ocean (b).php?id=
Star Wars: Battlefront II (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Racer Revenge (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Starfighter (complete).php?id=
Strike Force Bowling (complete).php?id=
Suikoden III (complete).php?id=
Super Bust-a-Move (complete).php?id=
Supercar: Street Challenge (complete).php?id=
Taiko Drum Master (complete big box w/ drum).php?id=
Taito Legends 2 (complete).php?id=
Tekken 4 (complete).php?id=
Tekken Tag Tournament (complete).php?id=
Tetris Worlds (complete).php?id=
Theme Park Roller Coaster (complete).php?id=
Time Crisis II (complete big box w/ Guncon2).php?id=
Time Crisis: Crisis Zone (complete big box w/ Guncon2).php?id=
Time Crisis 3 (complete big box w/ Guncon2).php?id=
Tokobot+ (complete).php?id=
Tokyo Extreme Racer 3 (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (Collector's Edition) (complete).php?id=
Top Gear Daredevil (complete).php?id=
Transformers (complete).php?id=
Turok Evolution (complete).php?id=
Unlimited Saga (complete).php?id=
Vampire Night (complete).php?id=
Victorious Boxers 2: Fighting Spirit (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 4 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
We <3 Katamari (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune (complete).php?id=
World Champion Poker 2 (complete).php?id=
X-Men Legends (complete).php?id=
Xenosaga Episode II (complete).php?id=
Yanya Caballista: City Skater (complete w/ fingerboard).php?id=
Gameboy Advance Games                                             Total: 123   .php?id=
Activision Anthology (complete).php?id=
Advance Wars (complete).php?id=
Adventure of Link (complete).php?id=
Airforce Dela Storm (complete).php?id=
Astro Boy (complete).php?id=
Baseball Advance.php?id=
Bomberman (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Max 2: Blue Advance (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Max 2: Red Advance.php?id=
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Mini Mix (complete).php?id=
Cartoon Network Collection Video.php?id=
Castlevania (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance.php?id=
Cat in the Hat.php?id=
Centipede / Breakout / Warlords (complete).php?id=
Chicken Shoot (complete).php?id=
Chu Chu Rocket (complete).php?id=
Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure .php?id=
DK King of Swing (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong (complete).php?id=
Double Dragon Advance (complete).php?id=
Dr. Mario (complete).php?id=
Dr. Mario / Puzzle League (complete).php?id=
Dragonball Z: Legacy of Goku.php?id=
Dragonball Z: Supersonic Warriors.php?id=
Drill Dozer (complete).php?id=
Duel Masters: Kaujudo Showdown (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors Advance (complete).php?id=
Earthworm Jim (complete).php?id=
Excite Bike (complete).php?id=
F-Zero: GP Legend (complete).php?id=
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy V Advance (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (complete).php?id=
Frogger's Adventures: Temple of the Frog.php?id=
Game & Watch Gallery 4 (complete).php?id=
Golden Nugget Casino (complete).php?id=
Golden Nugget Casino / Texas Hold'Em Poker.php?id=
Gradius Galaxies (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto Advance (complete).php?id=
GT Advance 2: Rally Racing.php?id=
Gunstar Super Heroes (complete).php?id=
Harry Potter.php?id=
Ice Climber (complete).php?id=
Iridion II (complete).php?id=
Jazz Jackrabbit (complete).php?id=
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (complete).php?id=
Konami Collector's Series: Arcade Advanced (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past / Four Swords (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (complete).php?id=
Lego Drome Racers.php?id=
Lego Star Wars.php?id=
Lizzie McGuire: On the Go.php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.php?id=
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (complete).php?id=
Mario Kart: Super Circuit (i).php?id=
Mario Party Advance (complete).php?id=
Mario Tennis: Power Tour (complete).php?id=
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong (complete).php?id=
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar.php?id=
Metroid (complete).php?id=
Metroid Fusion (complete).php?id=
Metroid Zero Mission (complete).php?id=
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits (complete).php?id=
MLB 2K7 (complete).php?id=
Monopoly .php?id=
Monster Bass Fishing.php?id=
Monsters INC..php?id=
Namco Museum (complete).php?id=
Onimusha Tactics.php?id=
Pac-Man (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man Collection.php?id=
Pinball of the Dead (complete).php?id=
Pokemon: Ruby Version (complete).php?id=
Polarium Advance (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (complete).php?id=
R-Type III (complete).php?id=
Rebel Star Tactics (complete).php?id=
Risk / Battleship / Clue (complete).php?id=
River City Ransom Ex (complete).php?id=
Rocket Power: Beach Bandits.php?id=
Rugrats Go Wild.php?id=
Scooby Doo.php?id=
Sega Smash Pack (complete).php?id=
Sigma Star Saga (complete).php?id=
Sim City 2000.php?id=
Sims: Bustin Out.php?id=
Sonic Advance 2.php?id=
Sonic Advance 3 (complete).php?id=
Spongebob Squarepants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman.php?id=
Spyro: Season of Ice.php?id=
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Advance: Super Mario Bros. 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 3: Super Mario World 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros (complete).php?id=
Super Monkey Ball Jr. (complete).php?id=
Super Puzzle Fighter II (complete).php?id=
Sword of Mana.php?id=
Tak 2.php?id=
Tales of Phantasia (complete).php?id=
Tetris Worlds (complete).php?id=
Top Gear Rally.php?id=
Tower SP (complete).php?id=
Tron 2.0: Killer App (complete).php?id=
Virtua Tennis (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware, Inc. (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware Twisted (complete).php?id=
Wolfentein 3D (complete).php?id=
World Poker Tour.php?id=
Xevious (complete).php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul.php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004.php?id=
Zoocube (complete).php?id=
Nintendo GameCube Games                                          Total: 129   .php?id=
007: Agent Under Fire .php?id=
1080 Avalanche (complete).php?id=
Alien Hominid (complete).php?id=
Animal Crossing (complete).php?id=
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (complete).php?id=
Baten Kaitos (complete).php?id=
Baten Kaitos Origins (complete).php?id=
Battalion Wars (complete).php?id=
Big Mutha Truckers (complete).php?id=
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Generation (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Jetters (complete).php?id=
Blowout (complete).php?id=
Bratz: Rock Angelz (complete).php?id=
Burnout (complete).php?id=
Burnout 2: Point of Impact (complete).php?id=
Capcom Vs. SNK 2 EO (complete).php?id=
Chaos Field (complete).php?id=
Chibi-Robo (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi (complete).php?id=
Cubix: Robots For Everyone: Showdown (complete).php?id=
Custom Robo (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix (complete in big box w/ mat).php?id=
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 (complete).php?id=
Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (w/ bongos) (complete).php?id=
Donkey Konga (w/ Bongos) (complete).php?id=
Donkey Konga 2 (complete).php?id=
Eighteen Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (complete).php?id=
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (complete).php?id=
Evolution Worlds (complete).php?id=
F-Zero GX (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 2002 (complete).php?id=
FIFA 07 Soccer (complete).php?id=
Fight Night Round 2 (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (complete).php?id=
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (complete).php?id=
Geist (complete).php?id=
Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde (complete).php?id=
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (complete).php?id=
Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (complete).php?id=
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (Player's Choice) (complete).php?id=
Home Run King (complete).php?id=
Ikaruga (complete).php?id=
Intellivision Lives (complete).php?id=
Italian Job (complete).php?id=
Killer 7 (complete).php?id=
Kirby Air Ride (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords Adventures (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (complete).php?id=
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (complete).php?id=
Luigi's Mansion (complete).php?id=
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (complete).php?id=
Mario Kart: Double Dash (complete).php?id=
Mario Party 4 (complete).php?id=
Mario Party 5 (complete).php?id=
Mario Party 7 (complete).php?id=
Mario Power Tennis (complete).php?id=
Mario Superstar Baseball (complete).php?id=
MC Groove Dance Craze (complete).php?id=
Mega Man: Network Transmission (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime (w/ Metroid Prime 2 Demo Disk) (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures (complete).php?id=
Minority Report (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Deception (complete).php?id=
Mystic Heroes (complete).php?id=
NBA Courtside 2002 (complete).php?id=
NBA Street Vol.3 (complete).php?id=
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz 20-02 (complete).php?id=
Nintendo GameCube Preview Disc (complete).php?id=
Odama (complete w/ microphone).php?id=
P.N.03 (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man Vs / Pac-Man World 2 (complete).php?id=
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 & 2 Plus (complete).php?id=
Pikmin (complete).php?id=
Pikmin 2 (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Channel (complete).php?id=
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (complete).php?id=
Pool Paradise (complete).php?id=
R:Racing Evolution (complete w/ Pac Man Vs pack-in).php?id=
Rayman Arena (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Zero (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 4 (Gamestop Special Edition) (complete).php?id=
Ribbit King (complete).php?id=
Simpsons Hit & Run (complete).php?id=
Sims Bustin Out (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure DX (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (complete).php?id=
Sonic Gems Collection (complete).php?id=
Sonic Mega Collection (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 (complete).php?id=
Space Raiders (complete).php?id=
SSX On Tour (complete).php?id=
SSX Tricky (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III Preview Disk (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III (complete).php?id=
Starfox Adventures (complete).php?id=
Starfox Assault (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Strikers (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Sunshine (complete).php?id=
Super Monkey Ball (complete).php?id=
Super Monkey Ball 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Smash Bros. Melee (complete).php?id=
Swingerz Golf (complete).php?id=
Tales of Symphonia (complete).php?id=
Teen Titans (complete).php?id=
Tonka Rescue Patrol (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (complete).php?id=
Urbz: Sims in the City (complete).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe (complete).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe 2 (complete).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble (complete).php?id=
Virtua Striker 2002 (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware, Inc.: Mega Party Games (complete).php?id=
Warioworld (complete).php?id=
Wave Race: Blue Storm (complete).php?id=
Worms Blast (complete).php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Falsebound Kingdom (complete).php?id=
Microsoft X-Box Games                                            Total: 411   .php?id=
007 Nightfire (complete).php?id=
50 Cent Bulletproof (complete).php?id=
187 Ride or Die (complete).php?id=
Advent Rising (complete).php?id=
Aggressive Inline (complete).php?id=
Airforce Delta Storm (complete).php?id=
Alias (complete).php?id=
All-Star Baseball 2005 (complete).php?id=
America's Army (complete).php?id=
AMF Xtreme Bowling (complete).php?id=
Amped (complete).php?id=
Apex (complete).php?id=
Aquaman (complete).php?id=
Arena Football (complete).php?id=
Army Men: Major Malfunction (complete).php?id=
Atari Anthology (complete).php?id=
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 (b).php?id=
Auto Modellista (complete).php?id=
Azurk (complete).php?id=
Backyard Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Backyard Wrestling 2 (complete).php?id=
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (complete).php?id=
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (complete).php?id=
Bass Pro Shops Trophy Bass 2007 (complete).php?id=
Bass Pro Shops Trophy Hunter 2007 (complete).php?id=
Batman Begins (complete).php?id=
Batman Rise of Sin Tzu (Action Figure Commemorative Edition) (complete).php?id=
Beyond Good & Evil (complete).php?id=
Bible Game (complete).php?id=
Black (complete).php?id=
Blood Omen 2 (complete).php?id=
Bloodrayne (complete).php?id=
Bloodwake (complete).php?id=
Breeders Cup: World Thoroughbred Championships (complete).php?id=
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (complete).php?id=
Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood (complete).php?id=
Brute Force (complete).php?id=
Burnout 2: Point of Impact (complete).php?id=
Burnout 3: Takedown (complete).php?id=
Burnout: Revenge (complete).php?id=
Cabela's Deer Hunt 2004 Season (complete).php?id=
Cabela's Deer Hunt 2005 Season (complete).php?id=
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (complete).php?id=
Call of Duty: Finest Hour (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Collection (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Collection Vol.2 (complete).php?id=
Carve (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (complete).php?id=
Cat in the Hat (complete).php?id=
Chase: Holly wood Stunt Driver (complete).php?id=
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay (complete).php?id=
Chicago Enforcer (complete).php?id=
Circus Maximus (complete).php?id=
Classified: The Sentinel Crisis (complete).php?id=
Cold Fear (complete).php?id=
Cold War (complete).php?id=
Colin McRae Rally 3 (complete).php?id=
Colin McRae Rally 04 (complete).php?id=
Conflict Desert Storm (complete).php?id=
Conflict Desert Storm 2: Back to Baghdad (complete).php?id=
Conker: Live and Reloaded (complete).php?id=
Counter Strike (complete).php?id=
Crash: Twinsanity (complete).php?id=
Crash: Wrath of Cortex (complete).php?id=
Crash 'n' Burn (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller (complete).php?id=
Crimson Sea (complete).php?id=
Crimson Skies (complete).php?id=
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (complete).php?id=
Dai Senryaku (complete).php?id=
Dakar 2 (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix (Platinum Hits)(complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2 (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3 (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 4 (complete).php?id=
Dark Angel (complete).php?id=
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 (complete).php?id=
DaVinci Code (complete).php?id=
Dead Man's Hand (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive 3 (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive Ultimate (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball (complete).php?id=
Dead to Rights (complete).php?id=
Dead to Rights II (complete).php?id=
Death Row (complete).php?id=
Def Jam: Fight For NY (complete).php?id=
Defender (complete).php?id=
Destroy All Humans (complete).php?id=
Destroy All Humans 2 (complete).php?id=
Deus Ex: Invisible War (complete).php?id=
Dino Crisis 3 (complete).php?id=
Doom 3 (complete).php?id=
Doom 3 Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil (complete).php?id=
Dr. Muto (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Lair 3D (complete).php?id=
Drake of the 99 Dragons (complete).php?id=
Dreamfall (complete).php?id=
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors 4 (complete).php?id=
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Game of the Year Platinum Hits Version) (complete).php?id=
Enclave (complete).php?id=
Enter the Matrix (complete).php?id=
ESPN College Hoops 2K5 (complete).php?id=
ESPN NFL Primetime 2002 (complete).php?id=
ESPN NFL 2K4 (complete).php?id=
ESPN NFL 2K5 (complete).php?id=
F1 2001 (complete).php?id=
Fable (complete w/ bonus disk).php?id=
Fable: The Lost Chapters (complete).php?id=
Family Gut Video Game (complete).php?id=
Fatal Frame (complete).php?id=
Fatal Frame II: Director's Cut (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 06 (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 07 (complete).php?id=
FIFA Street 2 (complete).php?id=
Fight Club (complete).php?id=
Fight Night 2004 (complete).php?id=
Flat Out (complete).php?id=
Ford Mustang (complete).php?id=
Ford Racing 2 (complete).php?id=
Ford Racing 3 (complete).php?id=
Ford Vs. Chevy (complete).php?id=
Forza Motorsport (pack-in version with Xbox Live Arcade) (complete).php?id=
Freestyle Street Soccer (complete).php?id=
Full Spectrum Warrior (complete).php?id=
Furious Karting (complete).php?id=
Fuzion Frenzy (complete).php?id=
Galleon (complete).php?id=
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy (complete).php?id=
Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows (complete).php?id=
Gladius (complete).php?id=
Goblin Commander (b).php?id=
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee.php?id=
Goldeneye: Rogue Agent (complete).php?id=
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto Double Pack (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (complete).php?id=
Group S Challenge (complete).php?id=
Guilty Gear X2 (complete).php?id=
Gun Valkyrie (complete).php?id=
Half-Life 2 (complete).php?id=
Halo (complete).php?id=
Halo 2 (complete).php?id=
Halo 2 (Limited Collector's Edition) (complete).php?id=
Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack (complete).php?id=
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup (complete).php?id=
Haunted Mansion (complete).php?id=
High Heat: Major League Baseball 2004 (complete).php?id=
Hitman 2 (complete).php?id=
Hobbit (complete).php?id=
House of the Dead 3 (complete).php?id=
Hulk (complete).php?id=
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (complete).php?id=
Hunter: The Reckoning (complete).php?id=
Hustle: Detroit Streets (complete).php?id=
I-Ninja (complete).php?id=
IHRA Drag Racing 2004 (complete).php?id=
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (complete).php?id=
Indigo Prophecy (complete).php?id=
Inside Pitch 2003 (complete).php?id=
Intellivision Lives! (complete).php?id=
Iron Phoenix (complete).php?id=
Jade Empire Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
James Bond 007 in Agent Under Fire (complete).php?id=
Jaws Unleashed (complete).php?id=
Jet Set Radio Future (complete).php?id=
Judge Dredd (complete).php?id=
Kabuki Warriors (complete).php?id=
Kakuto Chojin: Back Alley Brutal (complete).php?id=
Karaoke Revolution (complete).php?id=
Karaoke Reolution: Party (complete w/ mic).php?id=
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (complete).php?id=
King Kong (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters: Neowave (complete).php?id=
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders (complete).php?id=
Kung Fu Chaos (complete).php?id=
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (complete).php?id=
Lego Star Wars (complete).php?id=
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (complete).php?id=
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (complete).php?id=
Lotus Challange (complete).php?id=
Mace Griffin: Bountry Hunter (complete).php?id=
Mad Dash Racing (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2002 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2003 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2004 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2005 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 06 (complete).php?id=
Mafia (complete).php?id=
Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds (complete).php?id=
Malice (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (complete).php?id=
Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 (complete).php?id=
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (complete).php?id=
Maximum Chase (complete).php?id=
Mechassault (complete).php?id=
Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: European Assault (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: Frontline (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (complete).php?id=
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (complete).php?id=
Men of Valor (complete).php?id=
Mercenaries (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (complete).php?id=
Metal Slug 3 (complete).php?id=
Metal Slug 4/5 (complete).php?id=
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition (complete).php?id=
Midtown Madness 3 (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures 2 (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures 3 (complete).php?id=
Minority Report (complete).php?id=
Mission: Impossible: Operation Surma (complete).php?id=
MLB SlugFest 2003 (complete).php?id=
MLB SlugFest 2006 (complete).php?id=
Mojo! (complete).php?id=
Monster Garage (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Deception Collector's Edition (complete, Mileena Edition).php?id=
MVP Baseball 2003 (complete).php?id=
Myst IV: Revelation (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum (complete).php?id=
NARC (complete).php?id=
NASCAR Heat 2002 (complete).php?id=
NBA Ballers (complete).php?id=
NBA Ballers Phenom (complete).php?id=
NBA Inside Drive 2004 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 2002 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 2003 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 2004 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 2005 (complete).php?id=
NBA Starting Five (complete).php?id=
NCAA College Football 2K3 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 2004 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 2005 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 2005 / Top Spin Pack-In (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 06 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 07 (complete).php?id=
New Legends (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K2 (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K3 (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz Pro (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz 20-02 (complete).php?id=
NFL Fever 2002 (complete).php?id=
NFL Head Coach (complete).php?id=
NFL Street (complete).php?id=
NHL 2003 (complete).php?id=
NHL 2005 (complete).php?id=
NHL 06 (complete).php?id=
NHL 2K6 (complete).php?id=
NHL Hitz 20-02 (complete).php?id=
NHL Hitz 20-03 (complete).php?id=
NHL Rivals 2004 (complete).php?id=
Nightmare Before Christmas (complete).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden (complete).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden Black (complete).php?id=
Obscure (complete).php?id=
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (complete).php?id=
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (complete).php?id=
Otogi: Myth of Demons (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Golf / SeaBlade 2-Pack (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Golf 2 (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Golf: 9 Holes of X-Mas (Blockbuster Exclusive) (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Golf: 9 More Holes of X-Mas (Blockbuster Exclusive) (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Tennis (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Volleyball (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Volleyball: Red Hot (Blockbuster Exclusive) (complete).php?id=
Outrun 2 (complete).php?id=
Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast (complete).php?id=
Over the Hedge (complete).php?id=
Panzer Dragoon Orta (complete).php?id=
Pariah (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (complete).php?id=
Phantom Dust (complete).php?id=
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection (complete).php?id=
Pirates! (complete).php?id=
Playboy: The Mansion (complete).php?id=
Power Drome (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (complete).php?id=
Project Gotham Racing 2 (complete).php?id=
Project Gotham Racing 2 / Xbox Live Arcade 2-Pack .php?id=
Project Snowblind (complete).php?id=
ProStroke Golf (complete).php?id=
Psychonauts (complete).php?id=
Pure Pinball (complete).php?id=
Quantum Redshift (complete).php?id=
Raze's Hell (complete).php?id=
Real World Golf (complete in big box).php?id=
Red Dead Revolver (complete).php?id=
Red Ninja (complete).php?id=
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (complete).php?id=
Robotech Battlecry Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Robotech Invasion (complete).php?id=
Rocky (complete).php?id=
Rogue Ops (complete).php?id=
Roller Coaster Tycoon (complete).php?id=
Samurai Showdown V (complete).php?id=
Scarface: The World Is Yours (complete).php?id=
Second Sight (b).php?id=
Sega GT 2002 (complete).php?id=
Sega GT 2002 / Jet Set Radio Future Pack-In (complete).php?id=
Sega Soccer Slam (complete).php?id=
Serious Sam (complete).php?id=
Serious Sam II (complete).php?id=
Shark Tale (complete).php?id=
Shenmue II (complete).php?id=
Shrek 2 (complete).php?id=
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams (complete).php?id=
Silent Hill 4: The Room (complete).php?id=
Simpsons: Hit & Run (Platinum Hits) (complete).php?id=
Smashing Drive (complete).php?id=
Sneakers (complete).php?id=
Sonic Mega Collection Plus (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man (complete).php?id=
Starsky & Hutch (complete).php?id=
Spawn: Armageddon (complete).php?id=
Speed Kings (complete).php?id=
Sphinx (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man 2 (complete).php?id=
Spikeout: Battle Street (complete).php?id=
Splinter Cell (complete).php?id=
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (complete).php?id=
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (complete).php?id=
Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (complete).php?id=
Spy Vs. Spy (complete).php?id=
Spyhunter (complete).php?id=
Spyhunter: Nowhere to Run (complete).php?id=
SRS (complete).php?id=
Stacked (complete).php?id=
Stake: Fortune Fighters (complete).php?id=
Star Trek: Shattered Universe (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Battlefront (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Clone Wars / Tetris Worlds Pack-In (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Obi-Wan (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition (complete).php?id=
Steel Battalion (complete with box and controller).php?id=
Still Life (complete).php?id=
Stolen (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection (complete).php?id=
Street Hoops (complete).php?id=
Strike Force Bowling (complete).php?id=
Stubbs the Zombie (complete).php?id=
Sudeki (complete).php?id=
Suffering: The Ties That Bind (complete).php?id=
Super Bubble Pop (complete).php?id=
SWAT: Global Strike Team (complete).php?id=
Syberia (complete).php?id=
Syberia 2 (complete).php?id=
Taito Legends (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Classic Arcade (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare (complete).php?id=
Terminator: Dawn of Fate (complete).php?id=
Test Drive: Off-Road: Wide Open (complete).php?id=
Tetris Worlds (complete).php?id=
Thief: Deadly Shadows (complete).php?id=
Thing, The (complete).php?id=
Thirteen (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (complete).php?id=
Timesplitters: Future Perfect (complete).php?id=
TMNT Mutant Melee (complete).php?id=
ToeJam & Earl III (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: Legend (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (complete).php?id=
Top Spin (complete).php?id=
Tork (complete).php?id=
Total Overdose (complete).php?id=
Totaled! (complete).php?id=
Triple Play 2002 (complete).php?id=
Trivial Pursuit: Unhinged (complete).php?id=
Tron 2.0 Killer App (complete).php?id=
True Crime: New York City Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
True Crime: Streets of LA (complete).php?id=
Turok: Evolution (complete).php?id=
UEFA Euro 2004 Portugal (complete).php?id=
UFC Tapout 2 (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Beach Soccer (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Spider-Man (complete).php?id=
Ultra Bust-a-Move (complete).php?id=
Unreal Championship (complete).php?id=
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict (complete).php?id=
Volvo Drive For Life (complete).php?id=
Voodoo Vince (complete).php?id=
Whacked! (complete).php?id=
World Championship Poker (complete).php?id=
World Championship Poker 2 (complete).php?id=
World Poker Tour (complete).php?id=
World Series of Poker (complete).php?id=
Worms Forts: Under Siege (complete).php?id=
WWE Raw 2 (complete).php?id=
WWF Raw (complete).php?id=
X-Box Music Mixer (complete).php?id=
XGRA (complete).php?id=
X-Men Legends (complete).php?id=
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (complete).php?id=
X-Men Next Dimension (complete).php?id=
Yager (complete).php?id=
Yourself Fitness (complete).php?id=
Nokia N-Gage Games                                                Total: 1   .php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (complete).php?id=
Nintendo DS Games                                                 Total: 126   .php?id=
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (complete).php?id=
Advance Wars: Dual Strike (complete).php?id=
Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (complete).php?id=
Arkanoid DS (complete).php?id=
Asphalt Urban GT (complete).php?id=
Bangai-O Spirits (complete).php?id=
Big Brain Academy (complete).php?id=
Bomberman DS (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Land Touch! (complete).php?id=
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (complete).php?id=
Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day! (complete).php?id=
Break 'Em All (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move DS (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (complete).php?id=
Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol (complete).php?id=
Contact (complete).php?id=
Contra 4 (complete).php?id=
Cooking Mama (complete).php?id=
Deep Labyrinth (complete).php?id=
Dig Dug: Digging Strike (complete).php?id=
Dragon Booster (complete).php?id=
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (complete).php?id=
Electroplankton (complete).php?id=
Elf Bowling 1 & 2 (complete).php?id=
Exit DS (complete).php?id=
Feel the Magic XX/XY (complete).php?id=
Freedom Wings (complete).php?id=
Game & Watch Collection (complete).php?id=
Geometry Wars: Galaxies (complete).php?id=
Gravity (complete).php?id=
Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero On Tour (complete w/ big box).php?id=
Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades (complete).php?id=
Gunpey DS (complete).php?id=
Hannah Montana (complete).php?id=
Jambo! Safari: Animal Rescue (complete).php?id=
Justice League Heroes (complete).php?id=
Kirby Canvas Curse (complete).php?id=
Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (complete).php?id=
Lost In Blue (complete).php?id=
Lost Magic (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2005 (complete).php?id=
Mage Knight: Destiny's Soldier (complete).php?id=
Magnetica (complete).php?id=
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (complete).php?id=
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (complete).php?id=
Mario Hoops 3 On 3 (complete).php?id=
Mario Kart DS (complete).php?id=
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (complete).php?id=
Mechassault: Phantom War (complete).php?id=
Meteos (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime Hunters (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime Pinball (complete w/ rumble cartridge).php?id=
Mr Driller: Drill Spirits (complete).php?id=
My French Coach (complete).php?id=
N+ (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum DS (complete).php?id=
Nanostray (complete).php?id=
New Super Mario Bros. (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Best Friends (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Dalmation & Friends (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Lab & Friends (complete).php?id=
Overlord: Minions (complete).php?id=
Pac'n Roll (complete).php?id=
Pac-Pix (complete).php?id=
Personal Trainer: Cooking (complete).php?id=
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (complete).php?id=
Picross DS (complete).php?id=
Picross 3D (complete).php?id=
Ping Pals (complete).php?id=
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (complete).php?id=
Point Blank DS (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team (complete).php?id=
Polarium (complete).php?id=
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (complete).php?id=
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (complete).php?id=
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (complete).php?id=
Puyo Pop Fever (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (complete).php?id=
Rainbow Islands Revolution (complete).php?id=
Rayman DS (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (complete).php?id=
Retro Atari (complete).php?id=
Ridge Racer DS (complete).php?id=
Rub Rabbits (complete).php?id=
Safecracker (complete).php?id=
Scribblenauts (complete).php?id=
Scurge Hive (complete).php?id=
Sega Casino (complete).php?id=
Shogun Empires (complete).php?id=
Sims 2 (complete).php?id=
Snood 2: On Vacation (complete).php?id=
Snowboard Kids (complete).php?id=
Sonic Rush (complete).php?id=
Space Invaders Revolution (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man 2 (complete).php?id=
Sprung (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (complete).php?id=
Starfox Command (complete).php?id=
Super Mario 64 DS (complete).php?id=
Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll (complete).php?id=
Super Princess Peach (complete).php?id=
Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop (complete).php?id=
Tao's Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal (complete).php?id=
Tetris DS (complete).php?id=
Tetris Party Deluxe (complete).php?id=
Texas Hold 'Em Poker DS (complete).php?id=
Texas Hold 'Em Poker Poker Pack (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour (complete).php?id=
Touch the Dead (complete).php?id=
Trace Memory (complete).php?id=
Trauma Center: Under the Knife (complete).php?id=
True Swing Golf (complete).php?id=
Urbz (complete).php?id=
Warhammer 40k: Squad Command (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware: Touched (complete).php?id=
Whac-a-Mole (complete).php?id=
Wiffle Ball (complete).php?id=
World Championship Poker (complete).php?id=
Yoshi Touch & Go (complete).php?id=
Zoo Keeper (complete).php?id=
Sony Playstation Portable Games                                   Total: 58   .php?id=
Ape Escape: On the Loose (complete).php?id=
Archer Maclean's Mercury (complete).php?id=
Atari Classics Evolved (complete).php?id=
Bomberman (complete).php?id=
Burnout Legends (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move Deluxe (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Collection Remixed (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded (complete).php?id=
Capcom Puzzle World (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles (complete).php?id=
Cube (complete).php?id=
Death Jr. II: Root of Evil (complete).php?id=
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (complete).php?id=
Downstream Panic (complete).php?id=
EA Replay (complete).php?id=
Every Extend Extra (complete).php?id=
Exit (complete).php?id=
Fantasy Golf Pangya (complete).php?id=
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake (complete).php?id=
Frantix (complete).php?id=
God of War: Chains of Olympus (pack-in version) (complete).php?id=
Hot Pixel (complete).php?id=
Killzone: Liberation (complete).php?id=
Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean (complete).php?id=
Lemmings (complete).php?id=
Lumines (complete).php?id=
Lumines II (complete).php?id=
Marvel Trading Card Game (complete).php?id=
Me & My Katamari (complete).php?id=
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter (complete).php?id=
Mega Man: Powered Up (complete).php?id=
Mercury Meltdown (complete).php?id=
Metal Slug Anthology (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play (complete).php?id=
N+ (complete).php?id=
Patapon (complete).php?id=
Patapon 2 (complete).php?id=
Pinball Hall of Fame: Gottlieb Collection (complete).php?id=
Pixeljunk Monsters Deluxe (complete).php?id=
Power Stone Collection (complete).php?id=
PQ2 (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Quest (complete).php?id=
R-Type Command (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters (complete).php?id=
Sega Genesis Collection (complete).php?id=
Sid Meier's Pirates! (complete).php?id=
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo (complete).php?id=
Space Invaders Extreme (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Battlefront II (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (complete).php?id=
Tokobot (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Project 8 (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins (complete).php?id=
Virtua Tennis: World Tour (complete).php?id=
Wipeout Pure (complete).php?id=
Worms Open Warfare (complete).php?id=
Worms Open Warfare 2 (b).php?id=
WTF (complete).php?id=
Microsoft Xbox 360 Games                                          Total: 217   .php?id=
007: Quantum of Solace (complete).php?id=
ABC Wipeout 2 (complete).php?id=
Afro Samurai (complete).php?id=
Alan Wake (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Assassin's Creed II (complete).php?id=
Band Hero (complete).php?id=
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (complete).php?id=
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts / Viva Pinata (Pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Battle Fantasia (complete).php?id=
Beatles Rock Band (complete).php?id=
Beautiful Katamari (complete).php?id=
Bejeweled 3 (complete).php?id=
Beowulf: The Game (complete).php?id=
Big Bumpin' (complete).php?id=
Bigs, The (complete).php?id=
Bigs 2, The (complete).php?id=
Bionicle Heroes (complete).php?id=
Bioshock (complete).php?id=
Bioshock 2 Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
BladeStorm: The Hundred Years War (complete).php?id=
BlazBlue Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Blue Dragon (complete).php?id=
Bomberman: Act Zero (complete).php?id=
Bully: Scholarship Edition (complete).php?id=
Brutal Legend (complete).php?id=
Burnout Paradise (complete).php?id=
Burnout Revenge (complete).php?id=
Call of Duty 3: Gold Edition (complete).php?id=
Cars (Platinum Hits version) (complete).php?id=
Cars: Mater-National Championship (complete).php?id=
Cars: Race-o-Rama (complete).php?id=
Catherine Love is Over Deluxe Edition (complete).php?id=
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (complete).php?id=
Civilization: Revolution (complete).php?id=
Club (complete).php?id=
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (complete).php?id=
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (complete).php?id=
Conan (complete).php?id=
Condemned 2: Bloodshot (complete).php?id=
Crash Time: Autobahn Pursuit (complete).php?id=
CSI: Hard Evidence (complete).php?id=
CSI: Deadly Intent (complete).php?id=
CSI: Fatal Conspiracy (complete).php?id=
Culdcept Saga (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Universe (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 (complete in big box w/ mat).php?id=
Dark Messiah: Might and Magic Elements (complete).php?id=
Dark Sector (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (complete).php?id=
Deathsmiles Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Deepak Chopra's Leela (complete).php?id=
Disney Sing It (complete big box w/ mic).php?id=
Dreamcast Collection (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires (complete).php?id=
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Game of the Year Edition).php?id=
Eragon (complete).php?id=
Fable 2 (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Fallout 3 Collector's Edition w/ lunchbox (complete).php?id=
Fallout 3: The Pitt & Operation: Anchorage Add-On Pack (complete).php?id=
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (complete).php?id=
Far Cry Instincts: Predator (complete).php?id=
FIFA 06 Road to FIFA World Cup (complete).php?id=
Fight Night Round 3 (complete).php?id=
Fuzion Frenzy 2 (complete).php?id=
Gears of War (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Gears of War 2 (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (complete).php?id=
Ghostbusters (complete).php?id=
Golden Compass (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto IV: Special Edition (complete).php?id=
Green Day Rock Band (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero II (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero III (complete bundle w/ Les Paul guitar).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (complete bundle w/ Les Paul guitar).php?id=
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Guitar Bundle) (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Metallica (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Smash Hits (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero 5 (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Van Halen (give-a-way version, cardboard sleeve, complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock (complete).php?id=
Halo 3 Legendary Edition (complete).php?id=
Halo 3: ODST (complete).php?id=
Halo Reach Lengedary Edition (complete).php?id=
Halo Wars (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (complete).php?id=
Hasbro Family Game Night (complete).php?id=
Hellboy: The Science of Evil (complete).php?id=
High School Musical 3: Senior Year: Dance! (complete big box w/ mat).php?id=
Indianapolis 500 Evolution (complete).php?id=
Jericho Limited Edition (b).php?id=
Just Cause (complete).php?id=
Kameo (complete).php?id=
Karaoke Revolution: American Idol (complete w/ microphone).php?id=
Karaoke Revolution: American Idol Encore 2 (complete).php?id=
Kengo: Legend of the 9 (complete).php?id=
Kinect Adventures (complete).php?id=
Kinect Star Wars (complete).php?id=
King Kong (complete).php?id=
Lego Batman (complete).php?id=
Lego Batman / Pure (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Lego Indiana Jones / Kung Fu Panda (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Lego Rock Band (complete).php?id=
Lego Star Wars Complete Saga (complete).php?id=
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: Conquest (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II (complete).php?id=
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (Collector's Edition) (complete).php?id=
Lost: Via Domus (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 06 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 07 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 07 Hall of Fame Edition (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 08 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 09 Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Gold Edition) (complete).php?id=
Marvel Ultimate Alliance / Forza Motorsport 2 2-Pack (pack-in).php?id=
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (complete).php?id=
Mirror's Edge (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Monster Madness: Battle For Suburbia (complete).php?id=
Moto GP '06 (complete).php?id=
MLB 2K6 (complete).php?id=
MLB Front Office Manager (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum: Virtual Arcade (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K6 (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K9 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 06 (complete).php?id=
NBA Street Homecourt (complete).php?id=
NCAA College Hoops 2K6 (complete).php?id=
NCAA College Hoops 2K7 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 08 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 09 (complete).php?id=
NFL Tour (complete).php?id=
NHL 07 (complete).php?id=
NHL 2K6 (complete).php?id=
Nicktoons MLB (complete).php?id=
Onechanbara Bikini Samurai Squad (complete).php?id=
Open Season (b).php?id=
Orange Box (complete).php?id=
Overlord (complete).php?id=
Overlord II (complete).php?id=
Perfect Dark Zero (Platinum Hits version) (complete).php?id=
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection (complete).php?id=
Plants Vs. Zombies (complete).php?id=
Pocket Bike Racer (complete).php?id=
PopCap Arcade Vol.1 (complete).php?id=
PopCap Arcade Vol.2 (complete).php?id=
Portal 2 (complete).php?id=
Prey Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands (complete).php?id=
Project Gotham Racing 3 (complete).php?id=
Project Gotham Racing 4 (complete).php?id=
Project Sylpheed (complete).php?id=
Pure (complete).php?id=
Quake IV (complete).php?id=
Qubed (complete).php?id=
Raiden Fighters Aces (complete).php?id=
Rainbow Six Vegas (complete).php?id=
Rayman Origins (complete).php?id=
Rayman Raving Rabbids (complete).php?id=
Red Dead Revolver: Game of the Year Edition (complete).php?id=
Rock Band Special Edition (complete big box version).php?id=
Rock Band 2 (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: AC/DC Live Track Pack (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: Track Pack Volume 2 (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: Classic Rock Track Pack (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: Country Track Pack (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: Metal Track Pack (complete).php?id=
Rock of the Dead (complete).php?id=
Rock Revolution (complete).php?id=
Rockstar Table Tennis (complete).php?id=
Saint's Row 2 Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Scene It? Lights, Camera Action (complete big box w/ 4 "Big Button" controllers).php?id=
Scene It? Box Office Smash (Complete).php?id=
Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! (complete).php?id=
Sega Superstars Tennis / Xbox Live Arcade Compilation Disc (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Shrek the Third (Platinum Hits) (complete).php?id=
Simpsons Game (complete).php?id=
Sneak King (complete).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog (Platinum Hits) (complete).php?id=
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur IV (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur V Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Force Unleashed (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter IV Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Stuntman Ignition (complete).php?id=
Surf's Up (complete).php?id=
Terminator: Salvation (complete).php?id=
Tetris Evolution (complete).php?id=
Thrillville: Off the Rails (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (complete).php?id=
TMNT (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: Anniversary (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: Legend (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground: Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Top Spin 3 (complete).php?id=
Trivial Pursuit (complete).php?id=
Truth or Lies (complete).php?id=
uDraw Studio: Instant Artist (complete).php?id=
UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 (complete).php?id=
UFC 2009 Undisputed (complete).php?id=
Viking (complete).php?id=
Virtua Tennis 3 (complete).php?id=
Viva Pinata (limited edition packaging) (complete).php?id=
Viva Pinata: Party Animals (complete).php?id=
Wartech Senko Ronde (complete).php?id=
Watchmen: The End is Nigh Parts 1 & 2 (complete).php?id=
X-Men: The Official Game (complete).php?id=
Xbox Live Arcade Compilation Disc (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Xbox Live Arcade Game Pack (complete).php?id=
Xbox Live Arcade Triple Pack (complete).php?id=
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Vol.1 (complete).php?id=
You Don't Know Jack (complete).php?id=
You're in the Movies (complete).php?id=
Nintendo Wii Games                                                Total: 19   .php?id=
Backyard Sports: Sandlot Sluggers (complete).php?id=
Boom Blox (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move Bash! (complete).php?id=
Ghosbusters: The Video Game (complete).php?id=
Kororinpa Marble Mania (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (complete).php?id=
Mercury Meltdown Revolution (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime Trilogy (complete).php?id=
New Super Mario Brothers (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Punch-Out (Nintendo Selects) (complete).php?id=
Rayman Raving Rabbids (complete).php?id=
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario All-Stars (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Galaxy (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Paper Mario (Nintendo Selects) (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves (complete).php?id=
Wii Sports (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (complete).php?id=
Sony Playstation 3 Games                                          Total: 17   .php?id=
3D Dot Heroes (complete).php?id=
God of War Collection (complete).php?id=
God of War III Ultimate Edition (complete).php?id=
God of War: Origins Collection (complete).php?id=
Heavenly Sword (complete).php?id=
Heavy Rain (complete).php?id=
Ico & Shadow of the Colosss Collection (complete).php?id=
Lair (complete).php?id=
Little BIG Planet: Game of the Year Edition (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time (complete).php?id=
Sly Collection (complete).php?id=
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Greatest Hits version) (complete).php?id=
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (complete).php?id=
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom (complete).php?id=
Nintendo 3DS Games                                                Total: 8   .php?id=
Bust-a-Move Universe (complete).php?id=
Kid Icarus Uprising (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (complete).php?id=
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (complete).php?id=
Mario Kart 7 (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (complete).php?id=
Super Mario 3D Land (complete).php?id=
Tetris Axis (complete).php?id=
Game Guides / Hint Books                                          Total: 235   .php?id=
Advent Rising (BradyGames).php?id=
Animal Crossing (Prima).php?id=
Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo).php?id=
Area 51 (BradyGames).php?id=
Armored Core 2 (Prima).php?id=
Armored Core 2: Another Age (Prima).php?id=
Armored Core 3 (Prima).php?id=
Assassin's Creed (Prima).php?id=
Awesome Super Nintendo Secrets 2 (Sandwich Islands).php?id=
Batman Begins (Prima).php?id=
Beyond Good & Evil (BradyGames).php?id=
Bioshock (BradyGames).php?id=
Blue Dragon (Prima).php?id=
Blue Stinger (BradyGames).php?id=
Bomberman 64 (Prima).php?id=
Brutal Legend (Prima).php?id=
Brute Force (Prima).php?id=
Bully: Scholarship Edition (BradyGames).php?id=
Burnout 3: Takedown (Prima).php?id=
Burnout Paradise (Prima).php?id=
Castlevania 64 (Millenium).php?id=
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Doublejump).php?id=
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (BradyGames).php?id=
Conker's Bad Fur Day (Nintendo).php?id=
Conker's Bad Fur Day (Prima).php?id=
Crazy Taxi 2 (Prima).php?id=
Crazy Taxi 3 (Prima).php?id=
Dark Cloud 2 (Prima).php?id=
Darkness, The (BradyGames).php?id=
Dead Or Alive 2: Hardcore (Prima).php?id=
Dead to Rights II (BradyGames).php?id=
Destroy All Humans (BradyGames).php?id=
Diddy Kong Racing (BradyGames).php?id=
Dino Crisis (Prima).php?id=
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (Atlus).php?id=
Donkey Kong Country Advance (Nintendo).php?id=
Donkey Kong 64 (Nintendo).php?id=
Donkey Kong 64 (Versus).php?id=
Doom 3 (Prima).php?id=
Ehrgeiz (BradyGames).php?id=
Enter the Matrix (BradyGames).php?id=
ESPN NFL 2K5 (BradyGames).php?id=
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Nintendo).php?id=
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Prima).php?id=
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (Prima).php?id=
Evolution Worlds (Versus).php?id=
F-Zero GX (Nintendo).php?id=
Fallout 3 (Prima).php?id=
Final Fantasy III (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy VIII (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy IX (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy X (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy Anthology (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (BradyGames).php?id=
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Prima).php?id=
Fracture (Prima).php?id=
Game Boy Game Secrets 2001 (Prima).php?id=
Gears of War 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Gekido (Prima).php?id=
Goldeneye (Nintendo).php?id=
Gran Turismo (Prima).php?id=
Gran Turismo 2 (Prima).php?id=
Gran Turismo 2 (exclusive TRU edition) (Prima).php?id=
Gran Turismo 3 (Versus).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto Double Pack (BradyGames).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (BradyGames).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto 4 (BradyGames).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (BradyGames).php?id=
Grandia (Prima).php?id=
Halo 2 (Prima).php?id=
Halo 3 (Piggyback).php?id=
Halo Reach Legendary Edition (BradyGames).php?id=
Halo Wars (Prima).php?id=
Hellboy: The Science of Evil (Prima).php?id=
Infamous 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Jade Empire (Prima).php?id=
Jak II (BradyGames).php?id=
Jak III (Piggyback).php?id=
Jet Force Gemini (Nintendo).php?id=
Juiced (BradyGames).php?id=
Kingdom Hearts (BradyGames).php?id=
Killer 7 (BradyGames).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past / Four Swords (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (BradyGames).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons / Oracle of Ages (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons / Oracle of Ages (Versus).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Digest Version (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Hardcover (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Gamecube (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (BradyGames).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Nintendo).php?id=
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Prima).php?id=
LittleBIGPlanet Super Book (BradyGames).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: Third Age (Prima).php?id=
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (BradyGames).php?id=
Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo).php?id=
Madden NFL 2005 (Prima).php?id=
Madden NFL 06 (Prima).php?id=
Manhunt (BradyGames).php?id=
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (Nintendo).php?id=
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Nintendo).php?id=
Mario Kart: Double Dash (Nintendo).php?id=
Mario Kart: Double Dash (Prima).php?id=
Mario Mania (Nintendo).php?id=
Mario Party 5 (Prima).php?id=
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (BradyGames).php?id=
Mass Effect (Prima).php?id=
Mastering Nintendo Video Games (Hayden Books).php?id=
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (BradyGames).php?id=
MDK2 (Sybex).php?id=
Mega Man X Command Mission (BradyGames).php?id=
Medievil (Dimension).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (BradyGames).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (BradyGames).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (BradyGames).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Piggyback).php?id=
Metal Gear Acid (BradyGames).php?id=
Metroid Prime (Nintendo).php?id=
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Nintendo).php?id=
Mirror's Edge (Prima).php?id=
Mission Impossible (Prima).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 3 Pocket Kodes (BradyGames).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 4 (Prima).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (BradyGames).php?id=
NBA Jam: Official Player's Guide (BradyGames).php?id=
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (BradyGames).php?id=
Need For Speed Most Wanted (Prima).php?id=
Need for Speed Underground 2 (Prima).php?id=
New Super Mario Bros DS (Nintendo).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden (Prima).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden Black (Prima).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden II (Prima).php?id=
Nintendo Power Advance Volume 1 (Nintendo).php?id=
Nintendo Power Advance Volume 2 (Nintendo).php?id=
Oddworld: Abe's Exodus (GW Press).php?id=
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Prima).php?id=
P.N.03 (BradyGames).php?id=
Paper Mario (Nintendo).php?id=
Paper Mario (Prima).php?id=
Parasite Eve (BradyGames).php?id=
Perfect Dark (BradyGames).php?id=
Phantasy Star III (Sega).php?id=
Pikmin (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokedex Vol.2 (Prima).php?id=
Pokemon Official Player's Guide (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon: Emerald (Prima).php?id=
Pokemon: Fire Red & Leaf Green (Prima).php?id=
Pokemon: Gold & Silver (Versus).php?id=
Pokemon: Red & Blue (Prima).php?id=
Pokemon Colosseum (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon Snap (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon Stadium 2 (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (Nintendo).php?id=
Power Stone (Prima).php?id=
Primal Rage (GamePro).php?id=
Prince of Persia Collector's Edition (Prima).php?id=
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (BradyGames).php?id=
Psychonauts (BradyGames).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank (Prima).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (BradyGames).php?id=
Ready 2 Rumble (Prima).php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (Versus).php?id=
Resident Evil 4 (BradyGames).php?id=
Resident Evil: Code Veronica (PS2 version) (Prima).php?id=
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Prima).php?id=
Ridge Racer V & MotoGP (Prima).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Official Games Guide (BradyGames).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Official Preview Guide (BradyGames).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Official Secret Codes (BradyGames).php?id=
Shenmue (Prima).php?id=
Silent Scope (Prima).php?id=
Sims (Prima).php?id=
Sims: Bustin Out (Prima).php?id=
Sly Cooper (Prima).php?id=
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals (Prima).php?id=
SOCOM II (BradyGames).php?id=
SOCOM III (Piggyback).php?id=
Sonic Adventure (BradyGames).php?id=
Sonic Adventure (Prima).php?id=
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (Prima).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 Limited Edition w/ Soundtrack (BradyGames).php?id=
Soul Calibur 4 (BradyGames).php?id=
Space Channel 5 (Prima).php?id=
Starfox 64 (Prima).php?id=
Starfox Assault (Nintendo).php?id=
Star Wars Demolition (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Jedi Power Battles (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (Nintendo).php?id=
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II (Nintendo).php?id=
Street Fighter 2 Turbo (Nintendo).php?id=
Street Fighter 2 Turbo (GamePro).php?id=
Street Fighter 4 (Prima).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (BradyGames).php?id=
Super Game Boy (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Magnetic Neo (Prima).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Prima).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Mario All-Stars (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Mario 64 (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Mario Sunshine (Versus).php?id=
Super Metroid (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Smash Brothers Melee (Nintendo).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Prima).php?id=
Tekken 4 (Prima).php?id=
Tomb Raider II (Prima).php?id=
Tomb Raider Anniversary (Prima).php?id=
Tomb Raider Companion (Game Informer).php?id=
Tomb Raider Legend (Piggyback).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Too Human (Prima).php?id=
Top Secret Passwords (Nintendo).php?id=
Toy Commander (Prima).php?id=
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (BradyGames).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe (BradyGames).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 3tb (BradyGames).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 3tb (Prima).php?id=
Wario World (Nintendo).php?id=
Wave Race: Blue Storm (Nintendo).php?id=
WCW Vs. NWO: World Tour (Prima).php?id=
Yoshi's Island DS (Nintendo).php?id=
Yoshi's Story Survival Guide (Sandwich Islands).php?id=
Demos / Samplers                                                  Total: 202   .php?id=
DC - Dead Or Alive 2 / Fur Fighters (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - Demolition Racer: No Exit Demo Disk (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Generator Vol.1 (sampler) (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Generator Vol.2 (sampler) (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.2 November 1999 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.3 January 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.4 March 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.5 May 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.6 July 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.7 September 2000  (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.8 November 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.9 December 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.10 January 2001 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.11 February 2001 (complete).php?id=
DC - DreamKey (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamKey with DreamOn Vol.1 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.1 (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.2 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.3 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.4 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.5 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.6 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.7 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.8 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.9 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.10 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.11 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.12 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.13 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.14 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.15 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.16 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.17 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.18 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.19 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - Revolt (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - Web Browser 1.0 (complete).php?id=
DC - Web Browser 2.0 (complete).php?id=
DC - Web Browser 3.0 (complete).php?id=
DS - Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt Demo (complete).php?id=
GC - Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk Version 12 (kiosk disk) (complete).php?id=
GC - Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk Version 16 (kiosk disk) (complete).php?id=
GC - Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk Version 18 (kiosk disk) (complete).php?id=
PS1 - Gran Turismo (complete).php?id=
PS1 - Jampack Vol.1 (complete).php?id=
PS1 - Interactive CD Volume 5 (sampler) (complete).php?id=
PS2 - 007 Everything or Nothing (complete).php?id=
PS2 - From Russia With Love / Need For Speed Most Wanted / SSX On Tour (complete).php?id=
PS2 - ATV Offroad Fury 3 Demo (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Black (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Burnout: Revenge (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Dark Summit (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Dragon Quest VIII (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Freaky Flyers Demo (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Genji: Dawn of the Samurai (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Getaway: Black Monday (complete).php?id=
PS2 - God of War (complete).php?id=
PS2 - God of War 2 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Gretzky NHL 06 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Jak 2 Video (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Jak 3 Demo (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Jak X Combat Racing (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Jampack Summer 2002 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Jampack Summer 2003 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Killzone Demo (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Kiosk Disc 2.1.php?id=
PS2 - Kiosk Disc 2.2.php?id=
PS2 - Kiosk Disc 2.6.php?id=
PS2 - Kiosk Disc 2.7.php?id=
PS2 - Kiosk Disc 2.8.php?id=
PS2 - Kiosk Disc June-July-August 2003.php?id=
PS2 - Kiosk Disc Winter 2003.php?id=
PS2 - Kiosk Disc Q2-Q3 2005.php?id=
PS2 - Konami Preview Disk (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects (complete).php?id=
PS2 - MLB 2004 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - My Street (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Namco Transmission V 3.1 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - NBA Live 06 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Neopets: Darkest Faerie (complete).php?id=
PS2 - NFL Game Day 2003 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - NFL Game Day 2004 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - NHL Face Off 2003 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - One Piece Grand Battle (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Prince of Persia (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Punisher (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Ratchet & Clank (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Ratchet & Clank: Going COmmando: Video & Demo (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal Demo (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Ratchet: Deadlocked (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Red Faction II (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Rise of the Kasai (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Rise to Honor (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Shadow of the Colossus (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Sphinx (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Sims 2 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Siren Demo (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Sly Cooper (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (complete).php?id=
PS2 - SOCOM (complete).php?id=
PS2 - SOCOM II (complete).php?id=
PS2 - SOCOM 3 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Splinter Cell Demo (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Syphon Filter: Omega Strain (complete).php?id=
PS2 - Warped Tour '01 Sampler (complete).php?id=
PS2 - World Tour Soccer 2003 (complete).php?id=
PS2 - World Tour Soccer 2006 (complete).php?id=
PSP - PSP System Kiosk Disc #3.php?id=
SAT - Bootleg Sampler.php?id=
SAT - Nights Into Dreams Sampler.php?id=
SAT - Christmas Nights Into Dreams Sampler.php?id=
XB - Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (complete).php?id=
XB - Breakdown (complete).php?id=
XB - Burnout Revenge (complete).php?id=
XB - Cold War (complete).php?id=
XB - Conker: Live & Reloaded (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Media Play Demo) (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 1.0 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 1.1 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 1.2 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 1.3 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 2.0 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 2.1 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 2.2 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 2.4 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 2.5 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 3.3 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 3.4 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 3.5 (disk only).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 3.6 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 4.1 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 4.2 (disk only).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 4.5 (complete).php?id=
XB - Exhibition Demo Disc #01 (complete).php?id=
XB - Exhibition Demo Disc #02 (complete).php?id=
XB - Exhibition Demo Disc #03 (complete).php?id=
XB - Exhibition Demo Disc #04 (complete).php?id=
XB - Exhibition Demo Disc #05 (complete).php?id=
XB - Forza Motorsport (complete).php?id=
XB - Full Spectrum Warrior (complete).php?id=
XB - Ghost Recon: Island Thunder (complete).php?id=
XB - Live Arcade.php?id=
XB - LucasArts Xbox Experience (complete).php?id=
XB - Magic: The Gathering: Battlegrounds (complete).php?id=
XB - Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolf / XBL Arcade (complete).php?id=
XB - Spartan: Total Warrior (complete).php?id=
XB - Splinter Cell (complete).php?id=
XB - Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (complete).php?id=
XB - Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus (complete).php?id=
XB - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 Exclusive Companion Demo Disk (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #02 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #04 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #05 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #06 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #12 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #13 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #15 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #16 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #17 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #18 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #19 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #20 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #21 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #22 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #23 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #24 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #25 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #26 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #27 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #28 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #29 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #30 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #31 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #32 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #33 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #34 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #35 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #36 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #37 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #38 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #39 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #40 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #41 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #42 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #43 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #45 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #46 (complete).php?id=
XB - Xbox Magazine Game Disk #47 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #48 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #49 (complete).php?id=
XB - Xbox Magazine Game Disk #50 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #51 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #56 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #61 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #62 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #68 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #77 (complete).php?id=
XB - XBox Magazine Game Disk #80 (complete).php?id=
XB360 - Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts (complete).php?id=
XB360 - Best RPGs are on XBOX 360 (complete).php?id=
XB360 - Bourne Conspiracy (complete).php?id=
XB360 - Conan (complete).php?id=
XB360 - XBox Magazine Game Disk #52 (complete).php?id=
XB360 - XBox Magazine Game Disk #63 (complete).php?id=
XB360 - XBox Magazine Game Disk #66 (complete).php?id=
XB360 - XBox Magazine Game Disk #79 (complete).php?id=
XB360 - Xbox Magazine Game Disk #81 (complete).php?id=
XB360 - XBox Magazine Game Disk #86 (complete).php?id=

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