Alien Invaders.php?id=
Blockout / Breakdown.php?id=
Dynasty / Directional Dynasty.php?id=
Football (complete).php?id=
Freedom Fighters.php?id=
Invaders From Hyperspace.php?id=
K.C. Munchkin.php?id=
Math Magic / Echo.php?id=
Pocket Billiards.php?id=
Showdown in 2100 A.D..php?id=
Speedway / Spin-Out / Crypto-Logic.php?id=
War of Nerves.php?id=
Atari 2600 Games Total: 242 .php?id=
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe.php?id=
Adventure (i).php?id=
Adventures of Tron.php?id=
Air Sea Battle.php?id=
Arcade Golf (Sears).php?id=
Arcade Pinball.php?id=
Armor Ambush.php?id=
Asteroids (complete).php?id=
Baseball (Sears).php?id=
Basic Math.php?id=
Basic Programming (complete).php?id=
Berzerk (complete).php?id=
Big Bird's Egg Catch (i).php?id=
Bowling (i).php?id=
Brain Games (i).php?id=
Breakaway IV (Sears).php?id=
Breakout (i).php?id=
Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom.php?id=
California Games.php?id=
Canyon Bomber.php?id=
Carnival (i).php?id=
Championship Soccer (i).php?id=
Checkers (Activision).php?id=
Chopper Command.php?id=
Circus Atari (i).php?id=
Combat (complete).php?id=
Commando Raid (complete).php?id=
Cosmic Ark.php?id=
Cosmic Creeps.php?id=
Crystal Castles.php?id=
Custer's Revenge (b).php?id=
Dark Cavern.php?id=
Decathlon (complete).php?id=
Defender (complete).php?id=
Demon Attack.php?id=
Demons to Diamonds.php?id=
Dig-Dug (complete).php?id=
Dodge 'Em.php?id=
Dodger Cars.php?id=
Donkey Kong (i).php?id=
Donkey Kong (Coleco) (b).php?id=
Donkey Kong Jr. .php?id=
Double Dunk.php?id=
Eggomania (complete).php?id=
Encounter at L-5.php?id=
Enduro (complete).php?id=
Fantastic Voyage.php?id=
Fast Eddie.php?id=
Fast Food.php?id=
Fire Fighter.php?id=
Fire Fly.php?id=
Fishing Derby.php?id=
Football (Atari).php?id=
Football (Sears).php?id=
Frankenstein's Monster.php?id=
Frogger (complete).php?id=
Frogger II: Threeedeep.php?id=
Frogs and Flies.php?id=
G.I. Joe: Cobra Strike.php?id=
Gangster Alley.php?id=
Ghost Manor / Spike's Peak.php?id=
Ghostbusters (complete).php?id=
Golf (i).php?id=
Gorf (b).php?id=
Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
Haunted House.php?id=
Home Run.php?id=
Human Cannonball.php?id=
Hunt & Score.php?id=
Ice Hockey.php?id=
Indy 500.php?id=
International Soccer.php?id=
Journey Escape.php?id=
Jr. Pac-Man.php?id=
Jungle Hunt.php?id=
Kangaroo (i).php?id=
Keystone Kapers.php?id=
King Kong.php?id=
Kool-Aid Man.php?id=
Kung-Fu Master.php?id=
Laser Blast.php?id=
Lock 'n' Chase.php?id=
Mario Bros (i).php?id=
Maze Craze (b).php?id=
Mega Force.php?id=
Midnight Magic.php?id=
Miner 2049'er.php?id=
Miner 2049'er Vol. II.php?id=
Miniature Golf .php?id=
Missile Command (Atari) (complete).php?id=
Missile Command (Sears).php?id=
Moon Patrol (complete).php?id=
Mountain King.php?id=
Mouse Trap.php?id=
Mr. Do!.php?id=
Ms. Pacman.php?id=
Name This Game.php?id=
Night Driver (i).php?id=
Night Driver (Sears).php?id=
Omega Race.php?id=
Othello (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man (complete).php?id=
Phaser Patrol.php?id=
Piece of Cake.php?id=
Pitfall (b).php?id=
Pitfall II: The Lost Caverns.php?id=
Plaque Attack.php?id=
Pole Position.php?id=
Pong Sports (Sears).php?id=
Pressure Cooker.php?id=
Q*Bert (Parker Bros) (i).php?id=
Q*Bert (Atari).php?id=
Radar Lock.php?id=
Raiders of the Lost Ark.php?id=
Reactor (complete).php?id=
Real Sports Baseball (i).php?id=
Real Sports Boxing.php?id=
Real Sports Football.php?id=
Real Sports Volleyball.php?id=
Revenge of the Beef Steak Tomatoes.php?id=
Riddle of the Sphinx.php?id=
River Raid.php?id=
River Raid II.php?id=
Robot Tank (complete).php?id=
Sea Hawk (Froggo).php?id=
Shark Attack.php?id=
Skate Boardin'.php?id=
Sky Diver.php?id=
Sky Jinks (complete).php?id=
Slot Racers.php?id=
Smurf (PAL).php?id=
Sneak'n Peak.php?id=
Snoopy & the Red Baron.php?id=
Solar Fox (i).php?id=
Sorcerer's Apprentice.php?id=
Space Attack.php?id=
Space Combat.php?id=
Space Invaders (complete).php?id=
Space Jockey.php?id=
Space Shuttle.php?id=
Space War.php?id=
Spacechase (complete).php?id=
Spacemaster X-7.php?id=
Spider Fighter.php?id=
Squeeze Box.php?id=
Stampede (complete).php?id=
Star Raiders.php?id=
Star Raiders (Sears).php?id=
Star Trek.php?id=
Star Voyager (b).php?id=
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi: Death Star Battle.php?id=
Star Wars: The Arcade Game.php?id=
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.php?id=
Starmaster (complete).php?id=
Street Racer.php?id=
Super Breakout (complete).php?id=
Super Challenge Baseball (complete).php?id=
Super Challenge Football.php?id=
Super Cobra.php?id=
Super Football.php?id=
Survival Run.php?id=
Swordquest: Earthworld.php?id=
Swordquest: Fireworld (complete).php?id=
Tank Plus.php?id=
Tapeworm (complete).php?id=
Target Fun.php?id=
Task Force.php?id=
Tax Avoiders.php?id=
Tennis (complete).php?id=
Title Match Pro Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Towering Inferno.php?id=
Trick Shot (i).php?id=
Tron Deadly Discs.php?id=
Tutankham (i).php?id=
Venture (Atari version).php?id=
Venture (Coleco version).php?id=
Video Checkers.php?id=
Video Chess (complete).php?id=
Video Olympics.php?id=
Video Pinball.php?id=
Warlords (Sears).php?id=
Winter Games.php?id=
Wizard of Wor.php?id=
Word Zapper (complete).php?id=
Worm War I8.php?id=
Yar's Revenge.php?id=
Atari 2600 Homebrew Games Total: 1 .php?id=
Halo 2600.php?id=
Intellivision Games Total: 45 .php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (i, 2 o).php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Treasure of Tarmin (i, 2 o).php?id=
Armor Battle (complete).php?id=
Astrosmash (i, 2 o).php?id=
Atlantis (i, 2 o).php?id=
Auto Racing (2 o).php?id=
B-17 Bomber (i, 2 o).php?id=
Backgammon (2 o).php?id=
Beauty and the Beast.php?id=
Bowling (2 o).php?id=
Boxing (1 o).php?id=
Burgertime (i, 2 o).php?id=
Carnival (i).php?id=
Checkers (2 o).php?id=
Demon Attack (i, 2 o).php?id=
Donkey Kong (i).php?id=
Frog Bog (i, 2 o).php?id=
Frogger (i).php?id=
Golf (2 o).php?id=
Horse Racing (2 o).php?id=
Las Vegas Roulette (b, 2 o).php?id=
Las Vegas Poker & Blackjack (2 o).php?id=
Lock 'n' Chase (i, 2 o).php?id=
Major League Baseball (i, 2 o).php?id=
Mission X (i, 2 o).php?id=
NFL Football (2 o).php?id=
Night Stalker (i, 1 o).php?id=
Pitfall (complete).php?id=
Sea Battle.php?id=
Shark Shark (b).php?id=
Skiing (blue Mattel) (2 o).php?id=
Skiing (white Sears) (i, 2 o).php?id=
Snafu (i, 2 o).php?id=
Space Armada (i, 2 o).php?id=
Space Battle (complete).php?id=
Space Hawk (i, 2 o).php?id=
Star Strike (i, 2 o).php?id=
Sub Hunt (i, 2 o).php?id=
Tennis (i, 2 o).php?id=
Triple Action (i, 2 o).php?id=
Tron Deadly Discs (complete).php?id=
Tron Maze-A-Tron (i, 2 o).php?id=
Utopia (i, 2 o).php?id=
Vectron (i, 2 o).php?id=
Zaxxon (i).php?id=
ColecoVision Games Total: 22 .php?id=
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures in the Park.php?id=
Donkey Kong.php?id=
Donkey Kong Jr.php?id=
Frogger II: Threeedeep.php?id=
Gateway to Apshai.php?id=
Ken Uston Blackjack / Poker.php?id=
Lady Bug.php?id=
Mouse Trap.php?id=
Omega Race.php?id=
Pepper II.php?id=
Smurf: Rescue In Gargamel's Castle.php?id=
Super Action Baseball.php?id=
Super Action Football.php?id=
Time Pilot.php?id=
War Room.php?id=
Arcadia 2001 Games Total: 6 .php?id=
Cat Trax.php?id=
Space Mission.php?id=
Space Raiders.php?id=
Tanks a Lot.php?id=
Microvision Games Total: 4 .php?id=
Alien Raiders (complete).php?id=
Block Buster.php?id=
Baseball (complete).php?id=
Sea Duel (complete).php?id=
Vectrex Games Total: 14 .php?id=
Armor Attack (w/ overlay).php?id=
Clean Sweep (complete w/ overlay).php?id=
Cosmic Chasm (b).php?id=
Hyperchase (b).php?id=
Rip Off (b).php?id=
Scramble (box w/ overlay).php?id=
Solar Quest (box w/ overlay).php?id=
Spike (b).php?id=
Star Trek (box w/ overlay).php?id=
Web Wars (w/ overlay).php?id=
Sean Kelly Vectrex Multi-Cart.php?id=
Atari XE Games Total: 5 .php?id=
Frogger 2: Threeedeep.php?id=
Star Wars: The Arcade Game.php?id=
NES Games Total: 734 .php?id=
3-D Worldrunner.php?id=
10-Yard Fight (i).php?id=
8 Eyes (b).php?id=
720 Degrees.php?id=
1942 (i).php?id=
1943 (complete).php?id=
Abadox (i).php?id=
Addams Family.php?id=
Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt.php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonstrike (i).php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes (complete).php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Hillsfar.php?id=
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Pool of Radiance.php?id=
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (i).php?id=
Adventure Island (i).php?id=
Adventure Island II (i).php?id=
Adventure Island 3.php?id=
Adventures of Bayou Billy (complete).php?id=
Adventures of Dino Riki (i).php?id=
Adventures of Lolo (complete).php?id=
Adventures of Lolo 2 (i).php?id=
Adventures of Lolo 3 (i).php?id=
Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle.php?id=
Adventures of Tom Sawyer.php?id=
After Burner.php?id=
Air Fortress (i).php?id=
Airwolf (i).php?id=
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing (i).php?id=
Alfred Chicken.php?id=
Alien 3 (complete).php?id=
Alien Syndrome.php?id=
All-Pro Basketball (b).php?id=
Alpha Mission.php?id=
Amagon (i).php?id=
American Gladiators.php?id=
Anticipation (complete).php?id=
Arch Rivals (complete).php?id=
Arkista's Ring.php?id=
Athena (complete).php?id=
Athletic World (complete).php?id=
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (complete).php?id=
Back to the Future.php?id=
Back to the Future II & III.php?id=
Bad Dudes (i).php?id=
Bad News Baseball (complete).php?id=
Bad Street Brawler (i).php?id=
Balloon Fight.php?id=
Bandai Golf (complete).php?id=
Bard's Tale.php?id=
Barker Bill's Trick Shooting (b).php?id=
Base Wars (i).php?id=
Baseball (i).php?id=
Baseball Simulator 1.000 .php?id=
Baseball Stars (i).php?id=
Baseball Stars II.php?id=
Bases Loaded (complete).php?id=
Bases Loaded II (complete).php?id=
Bases Loaded III (i).php?id=
Bases Loaded 4.php?id=
Batman Returns.php?id=
Batman: Return of the Joker .php?id=
Battle Chess (b).php?id=
Battle of Olympus (i).php?id=
Battle Toads (i).php?id=
Battle Toads / Double Dragon.php?id=
Bee 52 (complete).php?id=
Best of the Best: Championship Karate.php?id=
Bible Adventures (complete).php?id=
Bible Buffet (complete).php?id=
Big Nose.php?id=
Big Nose Freaks Out.php?id=
Big Nose Freaks Out (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure (b).php?id=
Bill Elliot's NASCAR Challenge (complete).php?id=
Bionic Commando (i).php?id=
Black Bass (b).php?id=
Blades of Steel (i).php?id=
Blaster Master (i).php?id=
Blue Marlin (b).php?id=
Bo Jackson Baseball.php?id=
Bomberman (i).php?id=
Bomberman II.php?id=
Boulder Dash.php?id=
Boy and His Blob.php?id=
Bram Stoker's Dracula.php?id=
Breakthru (i).php?id=
Breaktime .php?id=
Bubble Bobble (complete).php?id=
Bucky O'Hare.php?id=
Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (b).php?id=
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (complete).php?id=
Bump n Jump .php?id=
Burai Fighter (i).php?id=
Burgertime (complete).php?id=
Cabal (i).php?id=
Caesar's Palace (complete).php?id=
California Games (i).php?id=
Capcom's Gold Medal Challenge '92.php?id=
Captain America and the Avengers.php?id=
Captain Comic.php?id=
Captain Planet.php?id=
Captain Skyhawk (complete).php?id=
Casino Kid (i).php?id=
Casino Kid II.php?id=
Castelian (complete).php?id=
Castle of Deceit.php?id=
Castle of Dragon (complete).php?id=
Castlevania (i).php?id=
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest.php?id=
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (complete).php?id=
Caveman Games (i).php?id=
Championship Bowling (complete).php?id=
Championship Pool.php?id=
Chessmaster (complete).php?id=
Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers (complete).php?id=
Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers 2.php?id=
Chubby Cherub.php?id=
Circus Caper (i).php?id=
City Connection.php?id=
Clash at Demonhead (complete).php?id=
Classic Concentration.php?id=
Cliffhanger (b).php?id=
Clu Clu Land.php?id=
Cobra Command (b).php?id=
Cobra Triangle (i).php?id=
Code Name Viper (i).php?id=
Color a Dinosaur.php?id=
Conflict (complete).php?id=
Conquest of the Crystal Palace.php?id=
Contra (complete).php?id=
Contra Force.php?id=
Cool World.php?id=
Cowboy Kid.php?id=
Crash & the Boys: Street Challenge.php?id=
Crystal Mines.php?id=
Crystalis (i).php?id=
Cyberball (i).php?id=
Cybernoid (b).php?id=
Dance Aerobics (complete).php?id=
Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat.php?id=
Darkman (b).php?id=
Darkwing Duck (i).php?id=
Dash Galaxy (complete).php?id=
Day Dreamin' Davey.php?id=
Days of Thunder (complete).php?id=
Deadly Towers (i).php?id=
Deathbots (b).php?id=
Defender II (i).php?id=
Defender of the Crown (complete).php?id=
Defenders of Dynatron City.php?id=
Deja Vu (i).php?id=
Demon Sword.php?id=
Desert Commander.php?id=
Destination Earth Star.php?id=
Destiny of an Emperor.php?id=
Dick Tracy (complete).php?id=
Die Hard.php?id=
Dig Dug II.php?id=
Digger T. Rock.php?id=
Dirty Harry.php?id=
Dizzy the Adventurer (Aladdin) (i).php?id=
Donkey Kong.php?id=
Donkey Kong 3.php?id=
Donkey Kong Classics (i).php?id=
Donkey Kong Jr..php?id=
Donkey Kong Jr. Math .php?id=
Double Dare (i).php?id=
Double Dragon (complete).php?id=
Double Dragon 2.php?id=
Double Dragon 3 (b).php?id=
Double Dribble (complete).php?id=
Double Strike (i).php?id=
Dr. Chaos.php?id=
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde.php?id=
Dr. Mario (complete).php?id=
Dragon Power.php?id=
Dragon Spirit (i).php?id=
Dragon Warrior (complete).php?id=
Dragon Warrior II.php?id=
Dragon Warrior III.php?id=
Dragon Warrior IV.php?id=
Dragon's Lair (i).php?id=
Duck Hunt (complete).php?id=
Duck Tales (i).php?id=
Duck Tales 2 (complete).php?id=
Dudes With Attitude (complete).php?id=
Dungeon Magic (complete).php?id=
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Baseball.php?id=
Dynowarz (i).php?id=
Elevator Action.php?id=
Eliminator Boat Duel (i).php?id=
Empire Strikes Back.php?id=
Excite Bike (complete).php?id=
F-15 City War.php?id=
F-15 Strike Eagle (complete).php?id=
F-117A Stealth Fighter.php?id=
Family Feud (complete).php?id=
Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (i).php?id=
Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Fantasy Zone (Tengen).php?id=
Faxanadu (complete).php?id=
Felix the Cat.php?id=
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (complete).php?id=
Fester's Quest (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy.php?id=
Fire 'n Ice.php?id=
Fisher Price: Firehouse Rescue.php?id=
Fisher Price: I Can Remember.php?id=
Fisher Price: Perfect Fit.php?id=
Fist of the North Star.php?id=
Flight of the Intruder (complete).php?id=
Flintstones: Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (i).php?id=
Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak!.php?id=
Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll.php?id=
Flying Warriors.php?id=
Formula One: Built to Win.php?id=
Frankenstein: The Monster Returns.php?id=
Freedom Force.php?id=
Friday the 13th (i).php?id=
Fun House (complete).php?id=
G.I. Joe (Taxan).php?id=
G.I. Joe: The Atlantis Factor.php?id=
Galactric Crusader.php?id=
Galaga (complete).php?id=
Gargoyle's Quest.php?id=
Gauntlet (unlicensed) .php?id=
Gauntlet (licensed) (b).php?id=
Gauntlet II.php?id=
Genghis Khan.php?id=
George Foreman's KO Boxing.php?id=
Ghostbusters II.php?id=
Ghosts 'N Goblins (i).php?id=
Ghoul School.php?id=
Gilligan's Island.php?id=
Goal! (complete).php?id=
Goal! Two.php?id=
Godzilla 2.php?id=
Golf (complete).php?id=
Golf Grand Slam (b).php?id=
Golf Power (b).php?id=
Golgo 13 (complete).php?id=
Goonies 2.php?id=
Gotcha (i).php?id=
Gradius (i).php?id=
Great Waldo Search.php?id=
Gremlins 2.php?id=
Guardian Legend (complete).php?id=
Guerrilla War.php?id=
Gun.Smoke (i).php?id=
Gyruss (b).php?id=
Harlem Globetrotters (complete).php?id=
Heavy Barrel.php?id=
Heavy Shreddin' (i).php?id=
High Speed.php?id=
Hogan's Alley (complete).php?id=
Hollywood Squares (complete).php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Home Alone 2.php?id=
Hook (complete).php?id=
Hoops (i).php?id=
Hudson Hawk.php?id=
Hunt For Red October.php?id=
Hydlide (i).php?id=
Ice Climber.php?id=
Ice Hockey (complete).php?id=
Ikari Warriors (complete).php?id=
Ikari Warriors II (i).php?id=
Ikari Warriors III.php?id=
Image Fight.php?id=
Immortal (Will Harvey's) (complete).php?id=
Impossible Mission II (AVE) (complete).php?id=
Impossible Mission II (SEI).php?id=
Incredible Crash Dummies.php?id=
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade (Taito).php?id=
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade (Ubisoft).php?id=
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Tengen) (b).php?id=
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (Mindscape).php?id=
Infiltrator (i).php?id=
Iron Sword: Wizards & Warriors 2 (complete).php?id=
Iron Tank.php?id=
Isolated Warriors.php?id=
Jack Nicklaus Golf (complete).php?id=
Jackal (complete).php?id=
Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu.php?id=
James Bon Jr.php?id=
Jaws (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy! (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy! 25th Anniversary Edition (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy! Junior Edition (i).php?id=
Jimmy Connors Tennis.php?id=
Joe & Mac (i).php?id=
John Elway's Quarterback (complete).php?id=
Jordan Vs. Bird.php?id=
Joshua & The Battle of Jericho.php?id=
Journey to Silius (i).php?id=
Joust (i).php?id=
Jungle Book (complete).php?id=
Jurassic Park (i).php?id=
Kabuki: Quantum Fighter (i).php?id=
Karate Champ (i).php?id=
Karate Kid.php?id=
Kick Master.php?id=
Kickle Cubicle.php?id=
Kid Kool.php?id=
Kid Icarus (b).php?id=
Kid Niki: Radical Ninja.php?id=
King's Knight.php?id=
King's Quest V (complete).php?id=
King of Kings (complete).php?id=
Kings of the Beach (complete).php?id=
Kirby's Adventure.php?id=
Kiwi Kraze (complete).php?id=
Klash Ball (complete).php?id=
Klax (Tengen) (b).php?id=
Knight Rider (i).php?id=
Krazy Kreatures (b).php?id=
Krion Conquest.php?id=
Kung-Fu (i).php?id=
Kung-Fu Heroes.php?id=
Laser Invasion (i).php?id=
Last Action Hero.php?id=
Last Starfighter.php?id=
Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (complete).php?id=
Legacy of the Wizard (complete).php?id=
Legend of Kage.php?id=
Legend of the Ghost Lion.php?id=
Legend of Zelda (complete) (gold cart).php?id=
Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link (gold cart boxed & gray cart loose).php?id=
Legendary Wings.php?id=
Legends of the Diamond.php?id=
Lemmings (complete).php?id=
Lethal Weapon (i).php?id=
Life Force.php?id=
Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Little League Baseball: Championship Series.php?id=
Little Mermaid (i).php?id=
Little Nemo: The Dream Master (complete).php?id=
Little Ninja Brothers (b).php?id=
Lode Runner (i).php?id=
Lone Ranger.php?id=
Loopz (i).php?id=
Low G Man (i).php?id=
Lunar Pool (complete).php?id=
M.C. Kids.php?id=
M.U.L.E. (complete).php?id=
Mach Rider.php?id=
Mad Max.php?id=
Mafat Conspiracy (i).php?id=
Magic Darts.php?id=
Magic Johnson's Fast Break (b).php?id=
Magic of Scheherazade.php?id=
Magmax (i).php?id=
Major League Baseball (complete).php?id=
Maniac Mansion (complete).php?id=
Mappy Land (i).php?id=
Marble Madness (i).php?id=
Mario Bros..php?id=
Mario is Missing (complete).php?id=
Mario's Time Machine.php?id=
Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu (b).php?id=
Mechanized Attack (complete).php?id=
Mega Man.php?id=
Mega Man 2.php?id=
Mega Man 3 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man 4 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man 5 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man 6 (complete).php?id=
Mendel Palace.php?id=
Mermaids of Atlantis (i).php?id=
Metal Fighter (b).php?id=
Metal Gear.php?id=
Metal Mech (b).php?id=
Metal Storm.php?id=
Metroid (silver label w/ instructions, yellow label complete).php?id=
Michael Andretti's World GP.php?id=
Mickey Mousecapade (i).php?id=
Mickey's Adventure in Letterland (complete).php?id=
Mickey's Adventure in Numberland.php?id=
Micro Machines.php?id=
Micro Machones (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Mig 29: Soviet Fighter.php?id=
Might & Magic.php?id=
Mighty Bomb Jack.php?id=
Mighty Final Fight.php?id=
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (complete).php?id=
Millipede (i).php?id=
Milon's Secret Castle (complete).php?id=
Miracle Piano.php?id=
Mission Cobra (b).php?id=
Mission Impossible (i).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Monster In My Pocket.php?id=
Monster Party.php?id=
Monster Truck Rally (complete).php?id=
Moon Ranger.php?id=
Motor City Patrol.php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man .php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man (Tengen).php?id=
MTV Remote Control.php?id=
Muppet Adventure (complete).php?id=
Mutant Virus.php?id=
Mystery Quest.php?id=
NES Open Tournament Golf (complete).php?id=
NES Play Action Football (complete).php?id=
NFL (complete).php?id=
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing.php?id=
Nightmare on Elm Street.php?id=
Ninja Crusaders.php?id=
Ninja Gaiden (i).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden II (complete).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden III.php?id=
Ninja Kid.php?id=
Nintendo World Cup (i).php?id=
Nobunaga's Ambition (i).php?id=
North and South (complete).php?id=
Operation Secret Storm (complete).php?id=
Operation Wolf (complete).php?id=
Orb 3D (complete).php?id=
Othello (complete).php?id=
Overlord (b).php?id=
Pac-Man (licensed Tengen) (b).php?id=
Pac-Man (Namco).php?id=
Palamedes (complete).php?id=
Panic Restaurant.php?id=
Paperboy (i).php?id=
Paperboy 2.php?id=
Pesterminator (i).php?id=
Peter Pan and the Pirates.php?id=
Phantom Fighter (i).php?id=
Pictionary (complete).php?id=
Pinball (complete).php?id=
Pinball Quest.php?id=
Pinbot (complete).php?id=
Pipe Dream (complete).php?id=
Platoon (complete).php?id=
Power Blade.php?id=
Power Blade 2.php?id=
Power Punch II (b).php?id=
Prince of Persia.php?id=
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom.php?id=
Pro Sport Hockey.php?id=
Pro Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Punch-Out (i).php?id=
Puss n Boots.php?id=
Puzzle (b).php?id=
Q*Bert (complete).php?id=
Qix (i).php?id=
Quattro Adventure.php?id=
Quattro Adventure (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
Quattro Arcade.php?id=
Quattro Sports (b).php?id=
Quattro Sports (Aladdin) (complete).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball (Tengen).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball (licensed) (i).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball 2 (Tengen) (b).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball 3 (Tengen).php?id=
R.C. Pro AM (complete).php?id=
R.C. Pro AM II.php?id=
Race America (i).php?id=
Racket Attack (complete).php?id=
Rad Gravity.php?id=
Rad Racer (i).php?id=
Rad Racer II (complete).php?id=
Rad Racket (i).php?id=
Raid 2020 (b).php?id=
Raid On Bungeling Bay.php?id=
Rainbow Islands.php?id=
Rally Bike.php?id=
Rambo (complete).php?id=
Rampage (complete).php?id=
Rampart (i).php?id=
Ren & Stimpy: Buckeroo$.php?id=
Renegade (i).php?id=
Rescue Embassy Mission.php?id=
Ring King.php?id=
River City Ransom.php?id=
Road Runner (Tengen) (b).php?id=
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.php?id=
Robo Warrior.php?id=
Robocop (i).php?id=
Robocop 2.php?id=
Robocop 3 (i).php?id=
Rock n' Ball.php?id=
Rocket Ranger (i).php?id=
Rockin' Kats.php?id=
Roger Clemens MVP Baseball (i).php?id=
Rollerblade Racer (b).php?id=
Rolling Thunder (Tengen).php?id=
Romance of the Three Kingdoms.php?id=
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II.php?id=
Roundball: 2-on-2 Challenge (i).php?id=
Rush 'n Attack.php?id=
Rygar (i).php?id=
Section Z (complete).php?id=
Sesame Street 123.php?id=
Sesame Street ABC.php?id=
Sesame Street ABC / 123.php?id=
Sesame Street: Big Bird's Hide and Speak (i).php?id=
Sesame Street: Countdown.php?id=
Shadow of the Ninja.php?id=
Shatterhand (complete).php?id=
Shingen the Ruler.php?id=
Shinobi (Tengen).php?id=
Shooting Range (i).php?id=
Short Order / Eggsplode.php?id=
Side Pocket.php?id=
Silent Assault.php?id=
Silent Service (complete).php?id=
Silk Worm (i).php?id=
Silver Surfer.php?id=
Simpsons: Bart Vs. the Space Mutants (i).php?id=
Simpsons: Bart Vs. the World (i).php?id=
Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man (b).php?id=
Simpsons: Krusty's Fun House (i).php?id=
Skate or Die (i).php?id=
Skate or Die 2.php?id=
Ski or Die.php?id=
Smash TV.php?id=
Skull & Crossbones.php?id=
Sky Kid (i).php?id=
Sky Shark (i).php?id=
Slalom (complete).php?id=
Snake Rattle n Roll (complete).php?id=
Snake's Revenge.php?id=
Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular (i).php?id=
Snow Brothers.php?id=
Solar Jetman (complete).php?id=
Soloman's Key.php?id=
Solstice (complete).php?id=
Space Shuttle Project (b).php?id=
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six.php?id=
Spiritual Warfare (complete).php?id=
Spot the Video Game .php?id=
Spy Hunter (complete).php?id=
Spy Vs. Spy (i).php?id=
Stanley: The Search For Dr. Livingston.php?id=
Star Force.php?id=
Star Soldier.php?id=
Star Trek 25th Anniversary.php?id=
Star Tropics (complete).php?id=
Star Voyager.php?id=
Star Wars (b).php?id=
Starship Hector (complete).php?id=
Stealth ATF (i).php?id=
Street Cop (complete).php?id=
Stunt Kids.php?id=
Super C .php?id=
Super Cars (i).php?id=
Super Dodge Ball.php?id=
Super Glove Ball.php?id=
Super Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt (i).php?id=
Super Mario Bros / Duck Hunt / World Class Track Meet (i).php?id=
Super Mario Bros 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros 3 (complete).php?id=
Super Off Road (i).php?id=
Super Pitfall.php?id=
Super Spike V'Ball (complete).php?id=
Super Spike V'Ball / Nintendo World Cup.php?id=
Super Sprint.php?id=
Super Spy Hunter.php?id=
Super Team Games.php?id=
Swamp Thing.php?id=
Sword Master.php?id=
Swords and Serpents.php?id=
T & C Surf Designs (i).php?id=
T & C Surf Designs 2: Thrilla's Surfari.php?id=
Tag Team Wrestling.php?id=
Tagin' Dragon.php?id=
Talespin (complete).php?id=
Target Renegade (i).php?id=
Tecmo Baseball.php?id=
Tecmo Bowl (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Cup Soccer Game.php?id=
Tecmo NBA Baseball (b).php?id=
Tecmo Super Bowl (complete).php?id=
Tecmo World Wrestling.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (i).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (i).php?id=
Terminator 2.php?id=
Terra Cresta (b).php?id=
Tetris (Tengen) (complete).php?id=
Tetris (complete).php?id=
Tetris 2 (complete).php?id=
Three Stooges (i).php?id=
Thunder & Lightning (b).php?id=
Tiger-Heli (complete).php?id=
Tiles of Fate (complete).php?id=
Time Lord (complete).php?id=
Times of Lore (i).php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures.php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures 2.php?id=
Tiny Toon's Cartoon Workshop.php?id=
To the Earth (b).php?id=
Tom & Jerry (b).php?id=
Tombs & Treasures.php?id=
Toobin' .php?id=
Top Gun (i).php?id=
Top Gun Second Mission (complete).php?id=
Top Players Tennis (complete).php?id=
Total Recall.php?id=
Totally Rad (i).php?id=
Touchdown Fever (b).php?id=
Toxic Crusaders (complete).php?id=
Track & Field.php?id=
Track & Field II (i).php?id=
Treasure Master.php?id=
Trojan (complete).php?id=
Trolls on Treasure Island.php?id=
Twin Cobra (i).php?id=
Twin Eagle (i).php?id=
Ultima Exodus (complete).php?id=
Ultima Quest of the Avatar (b).php?id=
Ultima Warriors of Destiny.php?id=
Ultimate Air Combat (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Basketball (i).php?id=
Ultimate League Soccer (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Stuntman.php?id=
Uninvited (i).php?id=
Untouchables (b).php?id=
Urban Champion.php?id=
Vegas Dream (complete).php?id=
Venice Beach Volleyball (complete).php?id=
Vice Project Doom (complete).php?id=
Wacky Races.php?id=
Wall Street Kid (i).php?id=
Wally Bear and the No! Gang (complete).php?id=
Wario's Woods.php?id=
Wayne Gretzky Hockey (complete).php?id=
Wayne's World (i).php?id=
WCW Wrestling.php?id=
Werewolf: The Last Warrior.php?id=
Wheel of Fortune (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune Family Edition (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune Featuring Vanna White.php?id=
Wheel of Fortune Junior Edition (complete).php?id=
Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego? (complete w/ encyclopedia).php?id=
Where's Waldo.php?id=
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (complete).php?id=
Whomp 'Em.php?id=
Willow (complete).php?id=
Win, Lose, Or Draw (complete).php?id=
Winter Games2.php?id=
Wizardry (complete).php?id=
Wizardry II: Knight of Diamonds (complete).php?id=
Wizards & Warriors (i).php?id=
World Champ.php?id=
World Class Track Meet.php?id=
World Games (complete).php?id=
Wrath of the Black Manta.php?id=
Wrecking Crew.php?id=
WWF Wrestlemania (complete).php?id=
WWF Wrestlemania Challenge (complete).php?id=
WWF King of the Ring (complete).php?id=
WWF Steel Cage Challenge.php?id=
Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth.php?id=
Xenophobe (complete).php?id=
Xevious (complete).php?id=
Xexyz (i).php?id=
Yo Noid!.php?id=
Yoshi (complete).php?id=
Yoshi's Cookie (complete).php?id=
Young Indiana Jones Chronicles.php?id=
Zen: Intergalactic Ninja.php?id=
Zoda's Revenge: Star Tropics 2 (complete).php?id=
Zombie Nation (complete).php?id=
NES Games (PAL) Total: 1 .php?id=
Maxi-15 (Australian) (complete).php?id=
Sega Master System Games Total: 105 .php?id=
Action Fighter (complete).php?id=
Aerial Assault (complete).php?id=
After Burner (complete).php?id=
Alex Kidd in Miracle World (b).php?id=
Alex Kidd: High-Tech World (complete).php?id=
Alex Kidd: In Shinobi World (complete).php?id=
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars (complete).php?id=
Alf (complete).php?id=
Alien Syndrome (complete).php?id=
Altered Beast (complete).php?id=
Aztec Adventure (complete).php?id=
Black Belt (complete).php?id=
Blade Eagle 3D (complete).php?id=
Bomber Raid (b).php?id=
California Games (complete).php?id=
Captain Silver (complete).php?id=
Casino Games (complete).php?id=
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Choplifter (complete).php?id=
Cloud Master (complete).php?id=
Columns (complete).php?id=
Cyborg Hunter (b).php?id=
Double Dragon (complete).php?id=
E-SWAT (complete).php?id=
Enduro Racer (complete).php?id=
F-16 Fighting Falcon (complete).php?id=
Fantasy Zone (b).php?id=
Fantasy Zone II (complete).php?id=
Fantasy Zone: The Maze (complete).php?id=
Gangster Town (complete).php?id=
Ghostbusters (complete).php?id=
Ghost House (card) (complete).php?id=
Global Defense (complete).php?id=
Golden Axe (complete).php?id=
Golvellius (complete).php?id=
Great Baseball (complete).php?id=
Great Basketball (complete).php?id=
Great Football (complete).php?id=
Great Golf (b).php?id=
Great Ice Hockey (complete).php?id=
Great Soccer (complete).php?id=
Great Volleyball (complete).php?id=
Hang On & Astro Warrior (complete).php?id=
Hang On & Safari Hunt (complete).php?id=
James "Buster" Douglas Knocket Boxing (complete).php?id=
Joe Montana Football (complete).php?id=
Kenseiden (complete).php?id=
King's Quest (complete).php?id=
Kung Fu Kid (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Sword (b).php?id=
Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting (complete).php?id=
Maze Hunter 3-D (complete).php?id=
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (complete).php?id=
Miracle Warriors (complete).php?id=
Missile Defense 3D (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Montezuma's Revenge (complete).php?id=
My Hero (b).php?id=
Ninja, The (complete).php?id=
Outrun (complete).php?id=
Paperboy (complete).php?id=
Parlour Games (b).php?id=
Penguin Land (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star (complete).php?id=
Poseidon Wars 3-D (complete).php?id=
Power Strike (complete).php?id=
Pro Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Quartet (complete).php?id=
R.C. Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
R-Type (complete).php?id=
Rampage (complete).php?id=
Rambo: First Blood Part II (complete).php?id=
Rambo III (b).php?id=
Rastan (complete).php?id=
Reggie Jackson Baseball (complete).php?id=
Rescue Mission (complete).php?id=
Rocky (complete).php?id=
Shanghai (complete).php?id=
Shinobi (b).php?id=
Shooting Gallery (complete).php?id=
Slapshot (b).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog (complete).php?id=
Space Harrier (b).php?id=
Space Harrier 3D (b).php?id=
Spellcaster (complete).php?id=
Sports Pad Football (complete).php?id=
Spy Vs. Spy (complete).php?id=
Strider (complete).php?id=
Super Tennis (card) (complete).php?id=
Teddy Boy (complete).php?id=
Thunder Blade (complete).php?id=
Time Soldiers (complete).php?id=
TransBot (complete).php?id=
Vigilante (complete).php?id=
Walter Payton Football (complete).php?id=
Wanted (b).php?id=
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (complete).php?id=
Wonder Boy (complete).php?id=
Wonder Boy In Monster Land (complete).php?id=
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (b).php?id=
World Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
Y's: The Vanished Omens (complete).php?id=
Zaxxon 3-D (complete).php?id=
Zillion (complete).php?id=
Zillion 2 (complete).php?id=
Atari 7800 Games Total: 43 .php?id=
Ace of Aces.php?id=
Dark Chambers.php?id=
Desert Falcon.php?id=
Dig Dug.php?id=
Donkey Kong.php?id=
Donkey Kong Junior.php?id=
Double Dragon.php?id=
F-18 Hornet.php?id=
Fight Night.php?id=
Food Fight.php?id=
Hat Trick.php?id=
Impossible Mission.php?id=
Kung-Fu Master.php?id=
Mario Bros. .php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man.php?id=
One-On-One Basketball.php?id=
Pete Rose Baseball.php?id=
Pole Position II.php?id=
Realsports Baseball.php?id=
Robotron 2084.php?id=
Summer Games.php?id=
Super Huey.php?id=
Super Skateboardin'.php?id=
Title Match Pro Wrestling.php?id=
Tomcat F-14 Flight Simulator.php?id=
Touchdown Football.php?id=
Tower Toppler.php?id=
Winter Games.php?id=
Action Max Games Total: 3 .php?id=
.38 Ambush Alley (complete).php?id=
Hydrosub:2021 (complete).php?id=
Sonic Fury (complete).php?id=
Game Boy Games Total: 99 .php?id=
Adventure Island.php?id=
Alleyway (complete).php?id=
Arcade Classic 4: Defender/Joust (complete).php?id=
Balloon Kid.php?id=
Batman: The Video Game.php?id=
Battletoads (complete).php?id=
Battletoads / Double Dragon.php?id=
Battle Unit Zeoth.php?id=
Bo Jackson: Two Games In One (complete).php?id=
Bomberman GB (complete).php?id=
Boxxle (complete).php?id=
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle.php?id=
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2.php?id=
Caesar's Palace.php?id=
Castlevania Adventure.php?id=
College Slam.php?id=
Contra Alien Wars (complete).php?id=
Daedalian Opus (complete).php?id=
Dig Dug (i).php?id=
Donkey Kong (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong Land (b).php?id=
Double Dribble 5 on 5.php?id=
Dr. Mario (complete).php?id=
F1 Race (complete w/ 4 player adapter).php?id=
Flintstones: King Rock Treasure Island.php?id=
Game & Watch Gallery (complete).php?id=
Hal Wrestling.php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Info Genius: Frommers Travel Guide (complete).php?id=
Jack Nichlaus Golf.php?id=
Jurassic Park (complete).php?id=
Ken Griffey Jr Major League Baseball (complete).php?id=
Kid Dracula.php?id=
Kid Icarus: Of Myth and Monsters.php?id=
Killer Instinct (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters '95.php?id=
Kirby's Dream Land.php?id=
Kirby's Pinball Land.php?id=
Knight Quest.php?id=
Kwirk (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (complete).php?id=
Little Mermaid.php?id=
Madden 95.php?id=
Mario's Picross (complete).php?id=
Mega Man.php?id=
Mega Man II.php?id=
Mega Man III.php?id=
Metroid II: Return of Samus (complete).php?id=
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.php?id=
Mole Mania (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat (complete).php?id=
NHL 95.php?id=
Nintendo World Cup (complete).php?id=
Pinball Dreams.php?id=
Pokemon Blue.php?id=
Pokemon Red.php?id=
Pokemon Yellow.php?id=
Punisher (complete).php?id=
Qix (complete).php?id=
Radar Mission.php?id=
Ren & Stimpy Space Cadet Adventures.php?id=
Ren & Stimpy Veediots!.php?id=
Rescue of Princess Blobette (complete).php?id=
Simpsons: Bart Vs. the Juggernauts.php?id=
Snoopy's Magic Show.php?id=
Solar Striker.php?id=
Spider-Man, The Amazing (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man 2 (complete).php?id=
Star Wars.php?id=
Super Mario Land (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land .php?id=
Super R.C. Pro Am.php?id=
Tecmo Bowl.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan.php?id=
Tetris (complete).php?id=
Tetris 2 (complete).php?id=
Tetris Attack.php?id=
Tetris Plus (complete).php?id=
Tom & Jerry.php?id=
Top Rank Tennis.php?id=
Track & Field.php?id=
Vegas Stakes.php?id=
Wario Land 2.php?id=
Wave Race.php?id=
Word Zap.php?id=
Yoshi's Cookie.php?id=
Sega Genesis Games Total: 423 .php?id=
3 Ninjas (b).php?id=
688 Attack Sub (b).php?id=
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters.php?id=
Adventures of Batman & Robin (complete).php?id=
Aero the Acrobat (complete).php?id=
After Burner II (complete).php?id=
Aladdin (complete).php?id=
Alien 3 (complete).php?id=
Alien Storm (complete).php?id=
Altered Beast (complete).php?id=
American Gladiators (complete).php?id=
Andre Agassi Tennis (complete).php?id=
Animaniacs (b).php?id=
Aquatic Games Starring James Pond (complete).php?id=
Arcade Classics (complete).php?id=
Arch Rivals (complete).php?id=
Ariel, Disney's The Little Mermaid (complete).php?id=
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (complete).php?id=
Art Alive (complete).php?id=
Art of Fighting.php?id=
Asterix (b).php?id=
Atomic Runner (b).php?id=
ATP Tour Championship Tennis (complete).php?id=
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II (complete).php?id=
B.O.B. (b).php?id=
Ballz 3D (complete).php?id=
Barbie Super Model (complete).php?id=
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam (complete).php?id=
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam 2 (complete).php?id=
Barney's Hide & Seek Game (complete).php?id=
Bass Masters Classic: Pro Edition (b).php?id=
Batman Returns (complete).php?id=
Batman: Revenge of the Joker (complete).php?id=
Batman: The Video Game (b).php?id=
Battle Squadron .php?id=
Battlemaster (b).php?id=
Battletoads (b).php?id=
Battletoads / Double Dragon (b).php?id=
Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Quest (complete).php?id=
Beauty and the Beast: Road of the Beast (complete).php?id=
Beavis & Butt-head (b).php?id=
Best of the Best Championship Karate (b).php?id=
Beyond Oasis (complete).php?id=
Bill Walsh College Football 95 (b).php?id=
Bimini Run (complete).php?id=
Bio Hazard Battle (complete).php?id=
Blades of Vengeance (complete).php?id=
Blaster Master 2 (complete).php?id=
Boxing Legends of the Ring (b).php?id=
Bram Stoker's Dracula (complete).php?id=
Bubsy (complete).php?id=
Bubsy II (complete).php?id=
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble (complete).php?id=
Bulls Vs. Blazers and the NBA Playoffs (complete).php?id=
Burning Force (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace (complete).php?id=
Cal Ripkin Jr Baseball (complete).php?id=
California Games.php?id=
Captain America and the Avengers (b).php?id=
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Castlevania Bloodlines (complete).php?id=
Centurion: Defender of Rome (complete).php?id=
Championship Pool (complete).php?id=
Championship Pro-Am.php?id=
Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf (complete).php?id=
Clayfighter (complete).php?id=
Cliffhanger (complete).php?id=
Clue (complete).php?id=
Coach K College Basketball (complete).php?id=
College Football's National Championship (complete).php?id=
College Football's National Championship II.php?id=
College Football USA 96 (complete).php?id=
College Football USA '97 (complete).php?id=
College Slam (complete).php?id=
Columns (complete).php?id=
Columns III (complete).php?id=
Combat Cars (complete).php?id=
Comix Zone (complete).php?id=
Contra Hard Corps (complete).php?id=
Cool Spot (complete).php?id=
Crossfire (complete).php?id=
Crue Ball (complete).php?id=
Dashin' Desperados (complete).php?id=
David Robinson's Supreme Court (complete).php?id=
Death Duel (complete).php?id=
Desert Demolition (complete).php?id=
Desert Strike (complete).php?id=
Dick Tracy (complete).php?id=
Dick Vitale's "Awesome Baby!" College Hoops (complete).php?id=
Dinosaurs For Hire.php?id=
DJ Boy (complete).php?id=
Double Dragon (complete).php?id=
Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls (complete).php?id=
Double Dribble Playoff Edition (complete).php?id=
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Fury (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Dune (b).php?id=
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun (b).php?id=
Dynamite Duke (complete).php?id=
Dynamite Headdy (b).php?id=
Earth Defense (complete).php?id=
Earthworm Jim (complete).php?id=
Ecco the Dolphin (complete).php?id=
Ecco: The Tides of Time (complete).php?id=
ESPN Baseball Tonight (complete).php?id=
ESPN National Hockey Night (complete).php?id=
ESWAT: City Under Siege (complete).php?id=
Eternal Champions (complete).php?id=
Evander Holyfield's Boxing (complete).php?id=
Ex-Mutants (complete).php?id=
F15 Strike Eagle II (complete).php?id=
F22 Interceptor (b).php?id=
Faery Tale (complete).php?id=
Family Fued (complete).php?id=
Fantasia (complete).php?id=
Fatal Fury (complete).php?id=
Fatal Fury 2 (b).php?id=
Fatal Labyrinth (complete).php?id=
Fatal Rewind (complete).php?id=
FIFA International Soccer (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 95.php?id=
FIFA Soccer 97 (complete).php?id=
Flashback: Quest for Identity (b).php?id=
Flicky (complete).php?id=
Formula One (complete).php?id=
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball.php?id=
Fun 'n' Games (complete).php?id=
Funny World and Balloon Boy (complete).php?id=
G-LOC: Air Battle (b).php?id=
Gadget Twins (complete).php?id=
Gaiares (b).php?id=
Gain Ground (complete).php?id=
Galaxy Force 2.php?id=
Gauntlet IV (complete).php?id=
General Chaos (complete).php?id=
Genesis 6-Pak (complete).php?id=
Genghis Khan II (complete).php?id=
Ghostbuster (complete).php?id=
Ghouls 'N Ghosts.php?id=
Global Gladiators (complete).php?id=
Golden Axe (complete).php?id=
Golden Axe 2 (complete).php?id=
Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey and Minnie (b).php?id=
Greatest Heavyweights (b).php?id=
Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude (complete).php?id=
Gunstar Heroes (complete).php?id=
Hard Drivin' (complete).php?id=
Hardball (complete).php?id=
Hardball III (complete).php?id=
Hardball 95 (complete).php?id=
Heavy Nova (b).php?id=
Herzog Zwei (complete).php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Hook (complete).php?id=
Humans (b).php?id=
IMG International Tour Soccer (b).php?id=
Immortal, The (complete).php?id=
Insector X (complete).php?id=
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (complete).php?id=
Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf (complete).php?id=
James Buster Douglas Boxing (complete).php?id=
Jammit (complete).php?id=
Jennifer Capriati Tennis.php?id=
Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy Sports Edition (b).php?id=
Joe Montana Football (complete).php?id=
Joe Montana II Sports Talk Football (complete).php?id=
John Madden Football.php?id=
John Madden Football '92 (complete).php?id=
John Madden Football '93 (complete).php?id=
Jordan Vs. Bird.php?id=
Judge Dredd (complete).php?id=
Jungle Book (b).php?id=
Jungle Strike (complete).php?id=
Jurassic Park (complete).php?id=
Kid Chameleon (b).php?id=
King of the Monsters 2.php?id=
King's Bounty (complete).php?id=
Klax (complete).php?id=
Landstalker (complete).php?id=
Last Battle (complete).php?id=
Lawnmower Man.php?id=
Lethal Enforcers.php?id=
Lethal Enforcers II: Gunfighters.php?id=
LHX Attack Chopper (complete).php?id=
Light Crusader (complete).php?id=
Lightening Force (b).php?id=
Lion King (complete).php?id=
Lost Vikings (complete).php?id=
Lost World: Jurassic Park.php?id=
Lotus Turbo Challenge (b).php?id=
Lotus II (complete).php?id=
Madden '94 (b).php?id=
Madden 95 (complete).php?id=
Marble Madness (complete).php?id=
Mario Andretti Racing (complete).php?id=
Math Blaster (complete).php?id=
Menacer 6 Game Cartridge (complete).php?id=
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (complete).php?id=
Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (complete).php?id=
Might and Magic: Gates to Another World (complete).php?id=
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.php?id=
Mike Dita Power Football (complete).php?id=
MLBPA Baseball (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 2 (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 3 (complete).php?id=
Mystic Defender (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man (complete).php?id=
Mutant Chronicles: Doom Troopers.php?id=
Mutant League Football.php?id=
Mutant League Hockey.php?id=
NBA Action 94 (complete).php?id=
NBA Action 95.php?id=
NBA All-Star Challenge (b).php?id=
NBA Hang Time.php?id=
NBA Jam (complete).php?id=
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 95 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 96 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 97 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 98.php?id=
Newman Haas Indycar Featuring Nigel Mansell.php?id=
NFL 94 (complete).php?id=
NFL 95 (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club.php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club 96 (b).php?id=
NHL 94 (complete).php?id=
NHL 95 (complete).php?id=
NHL 96 (complete).php?id=
NHL 97 (b).php?id=
NHL 98 (complete).php?id=
NHLPA Hockey '93 (complete).php?id=
NHL All-Star Hockey 95.php?id=
NHL Hockey (b).php?id=
Olympic Gold: Barcelona '92.php?id=
Out of This World (complete).php?id=
Outlander (complete).php?id=
Outrun 2019 (complete).php?id=
Pac-Attack (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures (complete).php?id=
Pagemaster (complete).php?id=
Paperboy (complete).php?id=
Pat Riley Basketball (complete).php?id=
Pebble Beach Golf Links (complete).php?id=
Pele! (complete).php?id=
Pele II (complete).php?id=
PGA European Tour (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour Golf (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour Golf III (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star II (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star III (b).php?id=
Phantasy Star IV.php?id=
Phelios (b).php?id=
Pit-Fighter (complete).php?id=
Power Monger (b).php?id=
Powerball (complete).php?id=
Predator 2 (complete).php?id=
Primal Rage.php?id=
Prime Time NFL Football (complete).php?id=
Punisher (complete).php?id=
Quackshot (complete).php?id=
Quad Challenge (b).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball 3.php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball 4 (complete).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball '93 (complete).php?id=
R.B.I. Baseball '94 (complete).php?id=
Race Drivin' (b).php?id=
Raiden Trad .php?id=
Rambo III (complete).php?id=
Ranger X (complete).php?id=
Rastan Saga II (b).php?id=
Ren & Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention (complete).php?id=
Revenge of Shinobi (complete).php?id=
Risk (complete).php?id=
Road Rash (complete).php?id=
Road Rash 2 (complete).php?id=
Road Rash 3 (complete).php?id=
Rock 'n Roll Racing (complete).php?id=
Rocket Knight Adventures (complete).php?id=
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball (complete).php?id=
Sagaia (complete).php?id=
Samurai Showdown (complete).php?id=
Scooby-Doo Mystery.php?id=
Shadow Blasters (complete).php?id=
Shadow of the Beast (complete).php?id=
Shadow of the Beast 2.php?id=
Shadowrun (complete).php?id=
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye (complete).php?id=
Shaq-Fu (complete).php?id=
Shining Force (complete).php?id=
Shining Force II.php?id=
Shining in the Darkness (b).php?id=
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (b).php?id=
Side Pocket (complete).php?id=
Simpsons: Bart Vs. the Space Mutants.php?id=
Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare.php?id=
Simpsons: Krusty's Super Fun House (b).php?id=
Skitchin' (b).php?id=
Slaughter Sport (complete).php?id=
Socket (complete).php?id=
Soldiers of Fortune.php?id=
Sonic 3d Blast.php?id=
Sonic Classics (complete).php?id=
Sonic Spinball (complete).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog (complete).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (complete).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (complete).php?id=
Sonic & Knuckles (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man (b).php?id=
Spider-Man TV.php?id=
Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man: Seperation Anxiety (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man / X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Splatterhouse 3 (b).php?id=
Sports Talk Baseball (complete).php?id=
Sports Talk Football '93 (complete).php?id=
Spot Goes to Hollywood (b).php?id=
Star Control (complete).php?id=
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (complete).php?id=
Star Trek: The Next Generation.php?id=
Star Trek: The Next Generation (b).php?id=
Starflight (complete).php?id=
Steel Empire (complete).php?id=
Steel Talons (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter II: Special Championship Edition (complete).php?id=
Streets of Rage (b).php?id=
Streets of Rage 2 (complete).php?id=
Streets of Rage 3 (complete).php?id=
Strider Returns (complete).php?id=
Sub Terrania (complete).php?id=
Sunset Riders.php?id=
Super Battleship (complete).php?id=
Super Battletank: War in the Gulf (b).php?id=
Super Hang-On (b).php?id=
Super High Impact (complete).php?id=
Super Monaco GP (complete).php?id=
Super Off Road.php?id=
Super Smash TV (complete).php?id=
Super Street Fighter (complete).php?id=
Super Thunder Blade (complete).php?id=
Superman (complete).php?id=
Sylvester and Tweety (complete).php?id=
Sword of Sodan (complete).php?id=
Sword of Vermilion (complete).php?id=
Tale Spin (complete).php?id=
Target Earth (complete).php?id=
Taz-Mania (complete).php?id=
Taz in Escape From Mars (complete).php?id=
Team USA Basketball (complete).php?id=
Techno Clash (complete).php?id=
Technocop (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Super Baseball (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Super Bowl (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Superbowl III (b).php?id=
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (complete).php?id=
Thunder Force II (complete).php?id=
Thunder Force III.php?id=
Tinhead (complete).php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures: Acme All-Stars (complete).php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure (complete).php?id=
TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament '96 (b).php?id=
Toe Jam & Earl.php?id=
Toe Jam & Earl: Panic on Funkotron (complete).php?id=
Tom & Jerry: Frantic Antics (complete).php?id=
Tony La Russa Baseball 95 (complete).php?id=
Toughman Contest (b).php?id=
Toxic Crusaders (complete).php?id=
Toy Story (complete).php?id=
Trampoline Terror (complete).php?id=
Traysia (complete).php?id=
Triple Play 96 (complete).php?id=
Triple Play Gold (complete).php?id=
Triple Score (complete).php?id=
Troy Aikman Football.php?id=
Two Crude Dudes (complete).php?id=
T2: Judgement Day (b).php?id=
T2: The Arcade Game (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.php?id=
Ultimate Qix (complete).php?id=
Urban Strike (b).php?id=
Valis III (b).php?id=
Vectorman (complete).php?id=
Vectorman 2.php?id=
Viewpoint (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 2.php?id=
Virtua Racing (complete).php?id=
Virtual Pinball (b).php?id=
Warlock (complete).php?id=
Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio.php?id=
Warpspeed (b).php?id=
Wayne's World (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune (complete).php?id=
Whip Rush (complete).php?id=
Williams' Arcade's Greatest Hits (complete).php?id=
Winter Challenge (complete).php?id=
Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer '94 (b).php?id=
Wiz 'n Liz (b).php?id=
Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (complete).php?id=
World Championship Soccer (complete).php?id=
World Championship Soccer II (complete).php?id=
World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 95.php?id=
World Series Baseball 96.php?id=
World Trophy Soccer (complete).php?id=
WWF Raw (complete).php?id=
WWF Royal Rumble (complete).php?id=
WWF Super Wrestlemania (complete).php?id=
WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game (complete).php?id=
X-Men (complete).php?id=
X-Men 2 (complete).php?id=
Zoom! (complete).php?id=
Zoop (b).php?id=
Sega Mega Drive Games (Japanese) Total: 1 .php?id=
Galaxy Force 2.php?id=
Sega Mega Drive Games (PAL) Total: 2 .php?id=
Fatal Labyrinth (b).php?id=
Turbo Outrun (b).php?id=
Turbo Grafx 16 Games Total: 12 .php?id=
Alien Crush.php?id=
Bonk's Adventure (complete).php?id=
Bonk III.php?id=
Dungeon Explorer (complete).php?id=
Final Lap Twin (i).php?id=
Galaga '90.php?id=
Keith Courage in Alpha Zones (complete).php?id=
Military Madness.php?id=
Victory Run.php?id=
Ys Book I & II CD (complete).php?id=
Sega Game Gear Games Total: 64 .php?id=
Ayran Senna's Super Monaco GP II.php?id=
Batman Returns.php?id=
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.php?id=
Chicago Syndicate.php?id=
Chuck Rock.php?id=
Deep Duck Trouble.php?id=
Defenders of Oasis.php?id=
Desert Speedtrap Featuring Road Runner & Wile E. Coyote.php?id=
Donald Duck in Lucky Dime Caper.php?id=
Dragon Crystal.php?id=
Ecco the Dolphin.php?id=
Evander Holyfield's Boxing.php?id=
Fatal Fury Special.php?id=
George Foreman's KO Boxing.php?id=
Halley Wars.php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Joe Montana Football.php?id=
Judge Dredd.php?id=
Jurassic Park.php?id=
Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.php?id=
Lion King.php?id=
Madden 95.php?id=
Majors Pro Baseball.php?id=
MLBPA Baseball.php?id=
Mortal Kombat.php?id=
NBA Jam T.E..php?id=
NFL 95.php?id=
Ninja Gaiden.php?id=
Outrun Europa.php?id=
PGA Tour II.php?id=
Phantom 2040.php?id=
Poker Face Paul's Blackjack.php?id=
Poker Face Paul's Poker.php?id=
Poker Face Paul's Solitaire.php?id=
Revenge of Drancon.php?id=
Road Rash.php?id=
Samurai Showdown.php?id=
Scratch Golf.php?id=
Shinobi 2.php?id=
Solitaire Poker.php?id=
Sonic Chaos.php?id=
Sonic Drift 2.php?id=
Sonic Labyrinth.php?id=
Sonic Spinball.php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog.php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (complete).php?id=
Streets of Rate 2.php?id=
Super Columns (complete).php?id=
Super Monaco GP.php?id=
Surf Ninjas.php?id=
Urban Strike.php?id=
World Cup USA 94.php?id=
World Series Baseball.php?id=
Philips CD-i Games Total: 13 .php?id=
ABC Sports Presents Palm Springs Open (complete).php?id=
Berenstein Bears On Their Own (complete).php?id=
Defenders of the Crown.php?id=
Dimo's Quest (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Lair (complete).php?id=
Hotel Mario (complete).php?id=
International Tennis Open (complete).php?id=
Laser Lords (complete).php?id=
Paint School I (complete).php?id=
Space Ace (complete).php?id=
Third Degree (complete).php?id=
Video Speedway (complete).php?id=
Voyeur (complete).php?id=
3D0 Total: 7 .php?id=
Blade Force (complete).php?id=
Drug Wars (complete).php?id=
Gex (complete).php?id=
Icebreaker (complete).php?id=
Myst (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour 96 (complete).php?id=
Psychic Detective (complete).php?id=
Super NES Games Total: 215 .php?id=
Actraiser 2.php?id=
Adventures of Yogi Bear (complete).php?id=
Air Strike Patrol.php?id=
Aladdin (complete).php?id=
Aliens 3 (i).php?id=
Animaniacs (i).php?id=
Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1.php?id=
Arkanoid: Doh it Again! (i).php?id=
Axelay (complete).php?id=
Bass Masters Classic.php?id=
Bass Masters Classic Pro Edition (i).php?id=
Batman Forever.php?id=
Battleclash (i).php?id=
Bebe's Kids.php?id=
Brain Lord.php?id=
Brunsiwck World Tournament Champions.php?id=
Bugs Bunny : Rabbit Rampage.php?id=
Bulls Vs Blazers (i).php?id=
Cal Ripken Jr. Baseball.php?id=
Captain America and the Avengers (complete).php?id=
Castlevania IV (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Dracula X.php?id=
Championship Pool (i).php?id=
Choplifer III.php?id=
Chrono Trigger (complete).php?id=
Cool Spot.php?id=
Contra III: The Alien Wars.php?id=
Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions.php?id=
Darius Twin.php?id=
Death and Return of Superman (complete).php?id=
Demolition Man.php?id=
Desert Strike (b).php?id=
Dirt Trax FX.php?id=
Donkey Kong Country (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (i).php?id=
Drakkhen (complete).php?id=
Earthworm Jim (complete).php?id=
Earthworm Jim 2 (complete).php?id=
Extra Innings (i).php?id=
F-1 Pole Position.php?id=
F-Zero (complete).php?id=
Family Feud.php?id=
Fatal Fury (i).php?id=
FIFA International Soccer.php?id=
Fighter's History.php?id=
Final Fantasy 2.php?id=
Final Fantasy 3 (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest (complete).php?id=
Final Fight.php?id=
Final Fight 2.php?id=
Football Fury.php?id=
Foreman For Real.php?id=
Frogger (i).php?id=
Goof Troop (b).php?id=
Gradius 3.php?id=
Hole in One Golf.php?id=
Home Alone.php?id=
Hook (b).php?id=
Ignition Factor.php?id=
Illusion of Gaia (complete).php?id=
Incredible Crash Test Dummies.php?id=
Indiana Jones: Greatest Adventures (complete).php?id=
Incredible Hulk.php?id=
Jeopardy Deluxe Edition (complete).php?id=
Joe & Mac.php?id=
Judge Dredd (complete).php?id=
Jungle Book (i).php?id=
Jungle Strike (complete).php?id=
Jurassic Park Part 2: The Chaos Continues.php?id=
Justice League Task Force.php?id=
Ka-Blooey (i).php?id=
Ken Griffey Jr. Major League Baseball (complete).php?id=
Killer Instinct (i).php?id=
Kirby's Avalanche.php?id=
Lamborghini American Challenge.php?id=
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (complete).php?id=
Lion King (complete).php?id=
Lost Vikings.php?id=
Lost Vikings 2 (complete).php?id=
Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Mario Paint (complete).php?id=
Maximum Carnage (complete).php?id=
Mech Warrior 3050.php?id=
Mega Man 7 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X2.php?id=
Mega Man X3.php?id=
Metal Warriors.php?id=
Mickey Mania (b).php?id=
Monopoly (i).php?id=
Mortal Kombat.php?id=
Mortal Kombat 2.php?id=
Mortal Kombat 3 (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man (i).php?id=
NBA Jam (complete).php?id=
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (complete).php?id=
NBA Live '95.php?id=
NCAA Basketball.php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club '96 (i).php?id=
NHL 95 (complete).php?id=
NHL 97.php?id=
NHL Stanley Cup (i).php?id=
NHLPA Hockey '93 (complete).php?id=
Outlander (b).php?id=
Paperboy 2.php?id=
Pilotwings (complete).php?id=
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (b).php?id=
Populous (complete).php?id=
Primal Rage.php?id=
Raiden Trad (complete).php?id=
Ren & Stimpy: Fire Dogs (complete).php?id=
Ren & Stimpy: Veediots!.php?id=
Revolution X.php?id=
Rise of the Robots.php?id=
Road Runne's Death Valley Rally.php?id=
RoboCop Vs. Terminator (complete).php?id=
Rock N' Roll Racing.php?id=
Rocky Rodent.php?id=
Secret of Mana (complete).php?id=
Seperation Anxiety.php?id=
Shanghai 2: Dragon's Eye.php?id=
Side Pocket.php?id=
Sim City (i).php?id=
Sim Earth.php?id=
Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare (complete).php?id=
Soldiers of Fortune.php?id=
Space Invaders (complete).php?id=
Speed Racer.php?id=
Speedy Gonzalez: Los Gatos Bandidos.php?id=
Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Sports Illustrated Championship Football and Baseball (b).php?id=
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy.php?id=
Star Fox (i).php?id=
Street Fighter 2 (i).php?id=
Street Fighter II Turbo (i).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 2.php?id=
Stunt Race FX.php?id=
Sunset Riders.php?id=
Super Adventure Island (complete).php?id=
Super Baseball Simulator 1.000.php?id=
Super Bases Loaded (complete).php?id=
Super Battletank (complete).php?id=
Super Battleship (complete).php?id=
Super Bomberman 2.php?id=
Super Buster Bros..php?id=
Super Caesar's Palace (i).php?id=
Super Empire Strikes Back (complete).php?id=
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts.php?id=
Super Mario All-Stars.php?id=
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (i).php?id=
Super Mario Kart (complete).php?id=
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (i).php?id=
Super Mario World (i).php?id=
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (complete).php?id=
Super Metroid (i).php?id=
Super Off Road (i).php?id=
Super Off Road: The Baja (i).php?id=
Super Pinball: Behind the Mask (complete).php?id=
Super Play Action Football (complete).php?id=
Super Punch-Out.php?id=
Super R.B.I. Baseball.php?id=
Super R-Type.php?id=
Super Return of the Jedi (complete).php?id=
Super Scope 6.php?id=
Super Soccer.php?id=
Super Star Wars (complete).php?id=
Super Street Fighter 2 .php?id=
Super Strike Eagle.php?id=
Super Tennis (complete).php?id=
Super Turrican.php?id=
Taz-Mania (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Super Bowl.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time.php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tournament Fighters.php?id=
Tetris 2 (complete).php?id=
Tetris Attack (i).php?id=
Tetris & Dr. Mario (complete).php?id=
Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose (complete).php?id=
Top Gear (complete).php?id=
Top Gear 2 (complete).php?id=
Toy Story.php?id=
True Lies.php?id=
U.N. Squadron.php?id=
Ultima: The False Prophet (b).php?id=
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.php?id=
Urban Strike.php?id=
Vegas Stakes (complete).php?id=
Wario's Woods (i).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune Deluxe Edition.php?id=
Wicked 18.php?id=
Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits (complete).php?id=
Wizard of Oz (complete).php?id=
WWf: Raw.php?id=
WWF: Royal Rumble.php?id=
WWF: The Arcade Game.php?id=
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse.php?id=
Yoshi's Safari.php?id=
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (complete).php?id=
Zoop (complete).php?id=
Sega CD games Total: 60 .php?id=
Adventures of Batman & Robin (complete).php?id=
After Burner III (complete).php?id=
AH-3 Thunderstrike (complete).php?id=
Bill Walsh College Football (complete).php?id=
Bram Stoker's Dracula (complete).php?id=
Cliffhanger (complete).php?id=
Cobra Command (i).php?id=
Crime Patrol (complete).php?id=
Double Switch (complete).php?id=
Dracula Unleashed (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Lair (complete).php?id=
Ecco the Dolphin (complete).php?id=
ESPN Baseball Tonight (complete).php?id=
ESPN National Hockey Night (complete).php?id=
Eternal Champions (complete).php?id=
Fahrenheit (complete).php?id=
Ground Zero Texas (complete).php?id=
Heimdall (complete).php?id=
Hook (complete).php?id=
Joe Montana's NFL Football (complete).php?id=
Jurassic Park (complete).php?id=
Kris Kross: Make My Video (complete).php?id=
Lethal Enforcers II: Gunfighters (complete).php?id=
Lords of Thunder (complete).php?id=
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein / Bram Stoker's Dracula (2-pack) (complete).php?id=
Mega Race (complete).php?id=
Microcosm (complete).php?id=
Mickey Mania (complete).php?id=
Midnight Raiders (complete).php?id=
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat (complete).php?id=
Night Trap (original) (complete).php?id=
Night Trap (re-release) (complete).php?id=
Panic! (complete).php?id=
Power Monger (complete).php?id=
Prize Fighter (complete).php?id=
Puggsy (complete).php?id=
Racing Aces (complete).php?id=
Rise of the Dragon (complete).php?id=
Road Rash (complete).php?id=
Robo Aleste (complete).php?id=
Sega Classics 4-In-1.php?id=
Sega Classics 5-In-1.php?id=
Sewer Shark (complete).php?id=
Sherlock Holmes / Sega Classics 4 in 1 (system pack-in complete).php?id=
Sherlock Holmes Vol.2 (complete).php?id=
Silpheed (complete).php?id=
Slam City (complete).php?id=
Software Toolworks Star Wars Chess (complete).php?id=
Sol Feace (b).php?id=
Sonic CD (complete).php?id=
Space Ace (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Rebel Assault (complete).php?id=
Starblade (complete).php?id=
Stellar Fire (complete).php?id=
Surgical Strike (complete).php?id=
Tomcat Alley (complete).php?id=
Trivial Pursuit (complete).php?id=
Who Shot Johnny Rock (complete).php?id=
Wing Commander (complete).php?id=
Atari Jaguar Games Total: 2 .php?id=
Aliens Vs. Predator.php?id=
Tempest 2000 (complete).php?id=
Sega 32x games Total: 20 .php?id=
36 Great Holes (complete).php?id=
Afterburner (complete).php?id=
BC Racers (complete).php?id=
Cosmic Carnage (b).php?id=
Doom (complete).php?id=
Knuckles Chaotix.php?id=
Kolibri (complete).php?id=
Metal Head (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat II (complete).php?id=
Motocross Championship (complete).php?id=
NBA Jam T.E. (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club (complete).php?id=
Shadow Squadron.php?id=
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (b).php?id=
Star Wars Arcade (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter.php?id=
Virtua Racing Deluxe (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball Featuring Deion Sanders (complete).php?id=
Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game.php?id=
Playstation 1 games Total: 460 .php?id=
2 Xtreme (complete).php?id=
3 Xtreme (complete).php?id=
007 Racing (complete).php?id=
007: Tomorrow Never Dies (complete).php?id=
007: World Is Not Enough (complete).php?id=
A-Train (complete longbox).php?id=
Action Bass (complete).php?id=
Activision Classics (complete).php?id=
Akuji: The Heartless (complete).php?id=
Aladdi in Nasira's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Alexi Lalas International Soccer (complete).php?id=
Alien Trilogy (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
All-Star Slammin' D-Ball (complete).php?id=
Andretti Racing (complete).php?id=
Animaniacs: Ten Pin Alley (complete).php?id=
Apocalypse (complete).php?id=
Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Williams Collection (complete).php?id=
Area 51 (complete).php?id=
Army Men 3D (complete).php?id=
Army Men: Air Attack (complete).php?id=
Army Men: Air Attack 2 (complete).php?id=
Arthur: Ready to Race (complete).php?id=
Asteroids (complete).php?id=
Atari Anniversary Edition Redux (complete).php?id=
Austin Powers Pinball (complete).php?id=
Backyard Soccer (complete).php?id=
Baldies (complete).php?id=
Ballblazer Champions (complete).php?id=
Ballerburg: Castle Chaos (complete).php?id=
Ballistic (complete).php?id=
Baseball 2000 (complete).php?id=
Battle Stations (complete).php?id=
Bear in the Big Blue House (complete).php?id=
BeyBlade (complete).php?id=
Big Ol' Bass 2 (complete).php?id=
Bio Freaks (complete).php?id=
Blast Chamber (complete).php?id=
Blast Lacrosse (complete).php?id=
Blaster Master: Blasting Again (complete).php?id=
Blasto (complete).php?id=
Blazing Dragons (complete).php?id=
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (complete).php?id=
Bloody Roar (complete).php?id=
Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It? (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Fantasy Race (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Party Edition (complete).php?id=
Bowling (complete).php?id=
Brahma Force (complete).php?id=
Brave Fencer Musashi (complete).php?id=
Breakout (complete).php?id=
Bubsy 3D (complete).php?id=
Burstick Wake Boarding (complete).php?id=
Bushido Blade (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move 2 (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move 4 (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move '99 (complete).php?id=
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (complete).php?id=
C: The Contra Adventure (complete).php?id=
C-12: Final Resistance (complete).php?id=
Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Ultimate Challenge (complete).php?id=
Cabela's Ultimate Deer Hunter (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace II (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace 2000 (complete).php?id=
Calamity "The Natural World" (complete).php?id=
Calamity "People and Traditions" (complete).php?id=
Cali's Geo Tools Math Tools (complete).php?id=
Capcom Vs. SNK Pro (complete).php?id=
Card Games (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (complete).php?id=
Castrol Honda Superbike Racing (complete).php?id=
Chessmaster 3D (complete).php?id=
Chocobo Racing (complete).php?id=
Chrono Cross (complete).php?id=
Colin McRae Rally (complete).php?id=
Colony Wars (complete).php?id=
Colony Wars III: Red Sun (complete).php?id=
Contra: Legacy of War (complete).php?id=
Cool Boarders 2 (complete).php?id=
Cool Boarders 3 (complete).php?id=
Cool Boarders 4 (complete).php?id=
Crash Bandicoot (complete).php?id=
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (complete).php?id=
Crash Bash (complete).php?id=
Crash Warped (complete).php?id=
Creative Camp (complete).php?id=
Critical Depth (complete).php?id=
Criticom (longbox).php?id=
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (complete).php?id=
Croc 2 (complete).php?id=
Crusader: No Remorse (complete).php?id=
Crusaders of Might and Magic (complete).php?id=
Cybersled (complete longbox).php?id=
CyberSpeed (complete longbox).php?id=
CyberTiger (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution: Konamix (complete).php?id=
Danger Girl (complete).php?id=
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Remix (complete).php?id=
Descent (complete longbox).php?id=
Destruction Derby (complete longbox).php?id=
Destruction Derby 2 (complete).php?id=
Devil Dice (complete).php?id=
Diablo (complete).php?id=
Digimon World (complete).php?id=
Digimon World 3 (complete).php?id=
Dino Crisis (complete).php?id=
Dino Crisis 2 (complete).php?id=
Dinosaur (Disney's) (complete).php?id=
Driver (complete).php?id=
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (complete).php?id=
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (complete).php?id=
Dukes of Hazzard: Racing For Home (complete).php?id=
Dune 2000 (complete).php?id=
Eggs of Steel (complete).php?id=
Einhander (complete).php?id=
Eliminator (complete).php?id=
ESPN Extreme Games (complete longbox).php?id=
ESPN X-Games Pro Boarder (complete).php?id=
Extreme Go-Kart (complete).php?id=
Fade to Black (b).php?id=
Fear Effect (complete).php?id=
Fifth Element (complete).php?id=
Fighting Force (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy VII (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy VIII (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy IX (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Anthology (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Chronicles (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Origins (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Tactics (complete).php?id=
Fisher Price Rescue Hero: Molten Menace (complete).php?id=
Ford Racing (complete).php?id=
Frogger (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Galaga Destination: Earth (complete).php?id=
Gallop Racer (complete).php?id=
Game of Life (complete).php?id=
Gekioh: Shooting King (complete).php?id=
Geom Cube (complete).php?id=
Gex (complete).php?id=
Gold and Glory: The Road to El Dorado (complete).php?id=
Golden Nugget (complete).php?id=
Gran Turismo (complete) (Greatest Hits version).php?id=
Gran Turismo 2 (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto 2 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Grid Runner (complete).php?id=
Grinch (complete).php?id=
Grind Session (complete).php?id=
Gubble (complete).php?id=
Gundam Battle Assault (complete).php?id=
Gunfighter: The Legend of Jesse James (complete).php?id=
Hardball 5 (complete longbox).php?id=
Harry Potter & the Sorceror's Stone (complete).php?id=
HBO Boxing (complete).php?id=
Heart of Darkness (complete).php?id=
Hercules (complete).php?id=
Hot Shots Golf (complete).php?id=
IHRA Drag Racing (complete).php?id=
Incredible Crisis (complete).php?id=
Inspector Gadget: Gadget's Crazy Maze (complete).php?id=
Intelligent Qube (complete).php?id=
International Track & Field (complete).php?id=
Irritating Stick (complete).php?id=
Italian Job (complete).php?id=
Jet Moto (complete).php?id=
Jet Moto 2 (complete).php?id=
Jet Moto 3 (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy 2nd Edition (complete).php?id=
Jigsaw Madness (complete).php?id=
Jimmie Johnson's VR Football 98 (complete).php?id=
Jumping Flash 2 (complete).php?id=
JumpStart Wildlife Safari Field Trip (complete).php?id=
Jungle Book: Rhythm n' Groove (complete).php?id=
Jupiter Strike (complete longbox).php?id=
Jurassic Park: Lost World (complete).php?id=
K9.5 "Live in Airedale (complete).php?id=
Kagero Deception II (complete).php?id=
Kileak: The DNA Imperative (complete longbox).php?id=
King of Fighters '95 (complete).php?id=
King's Field (complete longbox).php?id=
King's Field (complete jewel case).php?id=
Kiss Pinball (complete).php?id=
Knockout Kings 2000 (complete).php?id=
Land Before Time: Return to the Great Valley (complete).php?id=
Lego Racers (complete).php?id=
Lego Rock Raiders (complete).php?id=
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (complete).php?id=
Legend of Dragoon (b).php?id=
Legend of Mana (complete).php?id=
Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings (complete).php?id=
Lemmings 3D (longbox) (b).php?id=
Liquid Books: Amrita's Trees and Cerdito and the Coyote (complete).php?id=
Liquid Books: Far-Fetched Frontier Tales (complete).php?id=
Liquid Books: The Wandering Path (complete).php?id=
Little Mermaid II (complete).php?id=
Loaded (complete) (longbox).php?id=
Lode Runner (complete).php?id=
Looney Tunes Sheep Raider (complete).php?id=
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete (complete).php?id=
Mars Moose: Stay & Play 3 "In Lonnie's Classroom" (complete).php?id=
Marvel Super Heroes (complete).php?id=
Mary-Kate and Ashley: Crush Course (complete).php?id=
Mary Kate & Ashley: Magical Mystery Mall (complete).php?id=
Mary Kate and Ashley: Winners Circle (complete).php?id=
MDK (complete).php?id=
Mechwarrior 2 (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor (complete).php?id=
MediEvil (complete).php?id=
MediEvil 2 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man 8 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X4 (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X5 (complete).php?id=
Men In Black: Crashdown (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid (complete).php?id=
Metal Slug X (complete).php?id=
Mike Tyson Boxing (complete).php?id=
Miss Spider's Tea Party (complete).php?id=
MLB 98 (complete).php?id=
Mobile Armor (complete).php?id=
Mobile Light Force (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Monster Rancher Battle Card: Episode 2 (complete).php?id=
Mort the Chicken (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Special Forces (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (Greatest Hits) (b).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 4 (complete).php?id=
Moto Racer World Tour (complete).php?id=
Motocross Mania (complete).php?id=
Motocross Mania 2 (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (complete).php?id=
Mulan (Disney Story Studio) (complete).php?id=
My Disney Kitchen (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum Vol.1 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum Vol.3 (complete).php?id=
NASCAR Heat (complete).php?id=
NASCAR Racing (complete).php?id=
NASCAR Rumble (complete).php?id=
NBA In the Zone 2 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 98 (complete).php?id=
NBA Shoot Out '97 (complete).php?id=
Need For Speed: Road & Track Present (complete).php?id=
Need For Speed: V-Rally 2 (complete).php?id=
NFL Gameday 97 (complete).php?id=
NFL Gameday 98 (complete).php?id=
NFL Gameday 2003 (complete).php?id=
NHL 97 (complete).php?id=
NHL 98 (complete).php?id=
NHL 99 (complete).php?id=
NHL Blades of Steel 2000 (complete).php?id=
NHL Face Off (b) (longbox).php?id=
NHL Face Off 2000 (complete).php?id=
Nightmare Creatures (complete).php?id=
No Fear Downhill Mountain Bike Racing (complete).php?id=
No One Can Stop Mr Domino (complete).php?id=
Oddworld: Abe's Exodus (complete).php?id=
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (complete).php?id=
One (complete).php?id=
P.K.'s Place: Adventure 1 "Party on the Patio!" (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man World (Greatest Hits) (complete) .php?id=
Pandemonium (complete).php?id=
Pandemoniun 2 (complete).php?id=
Panzer General (complete).php?id=
Parappa the Rapper ((b) ... missing poster manual)).php?id=
Parasite Eve (complete).php?id=
Parasite Eve II (complete).php?id=
Patriotic Pinball (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour 98 (complete).php?id=
Philosoma (complete longbox).php?id=
Pipe Dreams 3D (complete).php?id=
Pitfall 3-D (complete).php?id=
Planet of the Apes (complete).php?id=
Pocket Fighter (b).php?id=
Point Blank (complete).php?id=
Point Blank 2 (complete).php?id=
Point Blank 3 with Guncon (complete).php?id=
Pong (complete).php?id=
Pooh's Party Game: In Search of Treasure (complete).php?id=
Polaris Snocross (complete).php?id=
Pool Hustler (complete).php?id=
Power Move Pro Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue (complete).php?id=
Power Rangers Time Force (complete).php?id=
Power Serve 3D Tennis (complete longbox).php?id=
Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction (complete).php?id=
Primal Rage (complete longbox).php?id=
Pro 18: World Tour Golf (complete).php?id=
Pro Pinball (complete).php?id=
Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey (complete).php?id=
Putter Golf (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Star Sweep (complete).php?id=
Q*Bert (complete).php?id=
Qix Neo (complete).php?id=
R-Type Delta (complete).php?id=
R-Types (complete).php?id=
Rage Racer (complete).php?id=
Raiden Project (complete).php?id=
Rampage 2: Universal Tour (complete).php?id=
RayCrisis: Series Termination (complete).php?id=
Rayman (complete).php?id=
Rayman Brain Games (complete).php?id=
RayStorm (complete).php?id=
Razor Racing (complete).php?id=
RC De Go (complete).php?id=
Ready to Rumble Boxing (complete) (Greatest Hits version).php?id=
Red Asphalt (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil (complete longbox).php?id=
Resident Evil (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Director's Cut (b).php?id=
Resident Evil: Director's Cut Dualshock (complete) (Greatest Hits version).php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Survivor (complete).php?id=
Return Fire (complete longbox).php?id=
Ridge Racer (complete longbox).php?id=
Ridge Racer Type 4 (complete).php?id=
Risk (complete).php?id=
Road Rash 3D (complete).php?id=
Robo-Pit 2 (complete).php?id=
Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots Arena (complete).php?id=
Rocket Power: Team Rocket Rescue (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Rollcage Stage II (complete).php?id=
RPG Maker (complete).php?id=
Rugrats: Studio Tour (complete).php?id=
Rugrats: Search for Reptor (complete).php?id=
Sabrina the Teenage Witch: A Twitch in Time (complete).php?id=
Saga Frontier (complete).php?id=
Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 (complete).php?id=
Sammy Sosa Softball Slam (complete).php?id=
San Francisco Rush (i).php?id=
Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase (complete).php?id=
Scrabble (complete).php?id=
Secret of Googol: Reshaping Googol "In the Tower" (complete).php?id=
Secret of Googol: Reshaping Googol "Under the Ocean" (complete).php?id=
Sesame Street: Elmo's Number Journey (complete).php?id=
Sheep (complete).php?id=
Shockwave Assault (complete longbox).php?id=
Shooter: Space Shot (complete).php?id=
Shooter: Starfighter Sanvein (complete).php?id=
Sim City 2000 (complete).php?id=
Skullmonkeys (complete).php?id=
Skydiving Extreme (complete).php?id=
Sled Storm (complete).php?id=
Slots (complete).php?id=
Small Soldiers (complete).php?id=
Smurf Racer (complete).php?id=
Sno-Cross Championship Racing (complete).php?id=
Sorceror's Maze (complete).php?id=
SoulBlade (complete).php?id=
South Park: Chef's Luv Shack (complete).php?id=
Soviet Strike (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Space Invaders (complete).php?id=
Spawn: The Eternal (complete).php?id=
Spec Ops: Covert Assault (complete).php?id=
Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol (complete).php?id=
Speedball 2100 (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man (complete).php?id=
Spin Jam (complete).php?id=
Spongebob Squarepants: Supersponge (complete).php?id=
Sports Car GT (complete).php?id=
Spyro the Dragon (complete).php?id=
Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage (complete).php?id=
Spyro: Year of the Dragon (complete).php?id=
Star Trek Invasion (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Dark Forces (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Rebel Assault II (b).php?id=
Steel Reign (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Collection 2 (complete).php?id=
Street Sk8er (complete).php?id=
Strider 2 (complete).php?id=
Stuart Little 2 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Sydney 2000 (complete).php?id=
Super Bubble Pop (complete).php?id=
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (complete).php?id=
Supercross 2000 (complete).php?id=
Superstar Dance Club #1 Hits (complete).php?id=
Surf Riders (complete).php?id=
Swagman (complete).php?id=
Syphon Filter (complete).php?id=
Syphon Filter 2 (complete).php?id=
Syphon Filter 3 (complete).php?id=
Tail of the Sun (complete).php?id=
Tall: Infinity (complete).php?id=
Tarzan (complete).php?id=
Team Losi: RC Racer (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Super Bowl (complete).php?id=
Tekken 2 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Tekken 3 (complete).php?id=
Tempest X3 (complete).php?id=
Ten Pin Alley (complete).php?id=
Tenchu (complete).php?id=
Tenchu 2 (complete).php?id=
Tennis (complete).php?id=
Test Drive 4 (complete).php?id=
Test Drive 5 (complete).php?id=
Test Drive Off-Road (complete).php?id=
Test Drive Off-Road 2 (complete).php?id=
Tetris Plus (complete, Greatest Hits packaging).php?id=
Theme Hospital.php?id=
Thunder Force V (complete).php?id=
Thunder Truck Rally (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 99 (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2000 (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 (complete).php?id=
Time Commando (complete).php?id=
Time Crisis (complete).php?id=
Time Crisis: Project Titan (complete big box with guncon).php?id=
TNN Sports Hardcore 4x4 (complete).php?id=
Tokyo Highway Battle (complete).php?id=
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider II (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider III (complete).php?id=
Tonka Space Station (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (complete).php?id=
Top Shop (complete).php?id=
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue (complete).php?id=
Treasure Planet (complete).php?id=
Triple Play 97 (complete).php?id=
Turnabout (complete).php?id=
Twisted Metal.php?id=
Twisted Metal 2 (complete).php?id=
Twisted Metal 4 (complete).php?id=
Twisted Metal: Small Brawl (complete).php?id=
V.I.P. (complete).php?id=
Vagrant Story (complete).php?id=
Vigilante 8 (complete).php?id=
Virtual Pool (complete).php?id=
Virtual Pool 3 (complete).php?id=
WarGames Defcon 1 (complete).php?id=
Warhawk (complete longbox).php?id=
Warhawk (complete).php?id=
Warzone 2100 (complete).php?id=
WCW Nitro (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune: 2nd Edition (complete).php?id=
Who Wants to be a Millionaire 2nd Edition (complete).php?id=
Who Wants to be a Millionaire 3rd Edition (complete).php?id=
Wild 9 (complete).php?id=
Wild Arms 2 (complete).php?id=
Wing Commander IV (complete).php?id=
Winnie the Pooh Preschool (complete).php?id=
Wipeout (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Wipeout 3 (complete).php?id=
World Cup 98 (complete).php?id=
World Destruction League: Thunder Trucks (complete).php?id=
Worms Armageddon (complete).php?id=
Wu-Tang: Shaolin Style (complete).php?id=
WWF Attitude (complete).php?id=
WWF In Your House (complete).php?id=
WWF Smackdown 2: Know Your Role (complete).php?id=
WWF War Zone (complete).php?id=
X-Bladez: Inline Skater (complete).php?id=
You Don't Know Jack (complete).php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories (complete).php?id=
Zero Divide (complete longbox).php?id=
Playstation 1 games (Japanese Import) Total: 14 .php?id=
Beatmania (b).php?id=
Beatmania Append 3rd Mix (complete).php?id=
Bomberman World (complete).php?id=
Devil Dice .php?id=
Geom Cube (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Bobble 3DX (complete).php?id=
Raiden Project (complete).php?id=
Rockman X5 (complete).php?id=
Tekken 2 (complete).php?id=
Tekken 3.php?id=
Tondemo Crisis! (complete).php?id=
Vib Ribbon (Hits Version complete).php?id=
Xevious 3D/G+ (complete).php?id=
Zeitgeist (complete).php?id=
Sega Saturn games Total: 85 .php?id=
3 Free Game Pack (complete).php?id=
Alien Trilogy (complete).php?id=
Battle Arena Toshinden Remix (complete).php?id=
Blazing Heroes (complete).php?id=
Bottom of the 9th (complete).php?id=
Bug! (complete).php?id=
Bug Too!.php?id=
Clockwork Knight 2 (complete).php?id=
College Slam (complete).php?id=
Command & Conquer (complete).php?id=
Croc (complete).php?id=
Crypt Killer.php?id=
Daytona USA (complete).php?id=
Daytona USA: Championship Circuit Edition.php?id=
Decathlete (i).php?id=
Die Hard Arcade (complete).php?id=
Doom (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 96 (complete).php?id=
Fighting Vipers (complete).php?id=
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (complete).php?id=
Galactic Attack (complete).php?id=
Gex (complete).php?id=
Hang-On GP (complete).php?id=
Hyper 3-D Pinball (complete).php?id=
Incredible Hulk (complete).php?id=
Independence Day (complete).php?id=
Legend of Oasis (i).php?id=
Madden 97 (complete).php?id=
Madden 98 (complete).php?id=
Mansion of the Hidden Souls (complete).php?id=
Manx TT Super Bike (complete).php?id=
Marvel Super Heroes (complete).php?id=
Maximum Force (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat II (complete).php?id=
Myst (complete).php?id=
NASCAR 98 (complete).php?id=
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 97 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 98 (complete).php?id=
Need for Speed (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club '96 (complete).php?id=
NHL 97.php?id=
NHL All-Star Hockey (complete).php?id=
NHL Power Play '96 (i).php?id=
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge (complete).php?id=
Nights Into Dreams (complete) .php?id=
Panzer Dragoon (complete).php?id=
PGA Tour 97 (complete).php?id=
Powerslave (complete).php?id=
Quarterback Attack (complete).php?id=
Revolution X (complete).php?id=
Rise 2: Resurrection (complete).php?id=
Road Rash (complete).php?id=
Robotica (complete).php?id=
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV (i).php?id=
Scorcher (complete).php?id=
Sega Rally Championship (complete).php?id=
Sim City 2000 (complete).php?id=
Sky Target.php?id=
Slam n Jam '96 (complete).php?id=
Solar Eclipse.php?id=
Sonic 3D Blast (complete).php?id=
Sonic R (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors Dreams (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo.php?id=
Three Dirty Dwarves (complete).php?id=
Thunder Strike 2 (complete).php?id=
TNN Motor Sports Hardcore 4X4 (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Mortal Kombat (complete).php?id=
Virtua Cop.php?id=
Virtua Cop 2 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter Remix (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 2 (complete).php?id=
Virtual On: Cyber Troopers (complete).php?id=
Virtual Open Tennis (complete).php?id=
VR Virtua Racing.php?id=
World Series Baseball (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 2 (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 98.php?id=
WWF In Your House (complete).php?id=
Wipeout (complete).php?id=
Worldwide Soccer (complete).php?id=
X-Men: Children of the Atom (complete).php?id=
Virtual Boy games Total: 8 .php?id=
3-D Tetris (complete).php?id=
Galactic Pinball (complete).php?id=
Golf (complete).php?id=
Mario's Tennis (i).php?id=
Nester's Funky Bowling (complete).php?id=
Teleroboxer (complete).php?id=
Vertical Force (complete).php?id=
Virtual Baseball (complete).php?id=
Virtual Boy games (Japanese Import) Total: 1 .php?id=
Mario's Tennis (complete) (Japanese Import).php?id=
Nintendo 64 Games Total: 145 .php?id=
007: Goldeneye (complete).php?id=
007: The World Is Not Enough .php?id=
A Bug's Life.php?id=
Aidyn Chronicles (complete).php?id=
All-Star Baseball 99 .php?id=
All-Star Baseball 2000.php?id=
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes.php?id=
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 .php?id=
Automobile Lamborghini .php?id=
Banjo-Kazooie (complete).php?id=
Banjo-Tooie (complete).php?id=
Battle Tanx: Global Assault.php?id=
Beetle Adventure Racing.php?id=
Blast Corps (complete).php?id=
Body Harvest (complete).php?id=
Bomberman 64.php?id=
Bomberman Hero.php?id=
Bust-a-Move '99.php?id=
Bust-a-Move 2: Arcade Edition.php?id=
California Speed .php?id=
Castlevania 64 (complete).php?id=
Chopper Attack.php?id=
Clay Fighter 63 1/3.php?id=
Command & Conquer.php?id=
Conker's Bad Fur Day (complete).php?id=
Cruis'n USA .php?id=
Cruis'n World (complete).php?id=
Cyber Tiger.php?id=
Destruction Derby 64.php?id=
Diddy Kong Racing.php?id=
Donkey Kong 64 (complete).php?id=
Doom 64.php?id=
Dr. Mario 64 (i).php?id=
Elmo's Letter Adventure.php?id=
Extreme G (i).php?id=
F-Zero X.php?id=
Forsaken 64 (complete).php?id=
Gauntlet Legends (b).php?id=
Hey You, Pikachu (complete).php?id=
Hot Wheels Turbo Racing.php?id=
Hybrid Heaven.php?id=
International Superstar Soccer 64 (complete).php?id=
Jet Force Gemini (complete).php?id=
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards (i).php?id=
Knife Edge: Nosegunner (complete).php?id=
Kobe Bryant in NBA Courtside.php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (complete gold cartridge with limited edition foil box).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (complete gold cartridge).php?id=
Lego Racers.php?id=
Lode Runner 3-D (complete).php?id=
Madden Football 64.php?id=
Madden NFL 99 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2002.php?id=
Magical Tetris Challenge.php?id=
Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr.php?id=
Mario Golf.php?id=
Mario Kart 64 (i).php?id=
Mario Party.php?id=
Mario Party 2.php?id=
Mario Party 3.php?id=
Mario Tennis.php?id=
Mickey's Speedway USA.php?id=
Mike Piazza's Strike Zone.php?id=
Milo's Astro Lanes.php?id=
Mischief Makers.php?id=
Mission Impossible (complete).php?id=
Monster Truck Madness 64.php?id=
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero.php?id=
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 4 (complete).php?id=
Nagano Winter Olympics '98.php?id=
Namco Museum 64.php?id=
NASCAR 99.php?id=
NBA In the Zone (i).php?id=
NBA Live 99.php?id=
New Tetris.php?id=
NFL Blitz.php?id=
NFL Blitz 2000.php?id=
NFL QB Club '98.php?id=
NFL Quarterback Bluc 99.php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club 2000.php?id=
NHL 99.php?id=
Paper Mario (complete).php?id=
Perfect Dark (complete) .php?id=
Pilot Wings 64 (b).php?id=
Pokemon Puzzle League (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Snap (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Stadium (i).php?id=
Pokemon Stadium 2 (i).php?id=
Power Rangers: Light Rescue (i).php?id=
Quake II .php?id=
Rampage World Tour.php?id=
Razor Freestyle Scooter - Blockbuster Exclusive (complete).php?id=
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing.php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (complete).php?id=
Ridge Racer 64.php?id=
Road Rash 64.php?id=
Robotron 64 (complete).php?id=
Rugrats Scavenger Hunt.php?id=
Scooby Doo Classic Creep Capers.php?id=
Snowboard Kids.php?id=
Snowboard Kids 2.php?id=
South Park (complete).php?id=
South Park Rally.php?id=
Star Soldier (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Battle For Naboo (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Rogue Squadron (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire (complete).php?id=
Starfox 64 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario 64 (complete).php?id=
Super Smash Bros (complete).php?id=
1080 Snowboarding (complete).php?id=
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.php?id=
Top Gear Overdrive (i).php?id=
Top Gear Rally.php?id=
Toy Story 2.php?id=
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter.php?id=
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil (complete).php?id=
Turok: Rage Wars.php?id=
Twisted Edge: Extreme Snowboarding (complete).php?id=
Vigilante 8 (complete).php?id=
Virtual Chess (b).php?id=
Waialae Country Club (complete).php?id=
War Gods (complete).php?id=
Wave Race 64 (b).php?id=
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey (complete).php?id=
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98.php?id=
WCW Mayhem (complete).php?id=
WCW Nitro.php?id=
WCW Vs. NWO World Tour (complete).php?id=
WCW/NWO Revenge (complete).php?id=
WWF War Zone.php?id=
WWF Wrestlemania 2000.php?id=
Yoshi's Story (complete).php?id=
Gameboy Color Total: 42 .php?id=
Action Man (complete).php?id=
Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day.php?id=
Centipede (complete).php?id=
Championship Motocross 2001.php?id=
Driver: You Are the Wheelman.php?id=
Game & Watch Gallery 2 (complete).php?id=
Game & Watch Gallery 3 (complete).php?id=
Gex 3.php?id=
Harvest Moon.php?id=
Hole In One Gold (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (complete).php?id=
Mario Golf.php?id=
Mario Tennis.php?id=
Missle Command (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man Special Color Edition (complete).php?id=
Perfect Dark (complete).php?id=
Pitfal: Beyond the Jungle (complete).php?id=
Pocket Bomberman (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Crystal.php?id=
Pokemon Gold.php?id=
Pokemon Pinball (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Silver.php?id=
Pokemon Tradng Card Game.php?id=
R-Type DX (complete).php?id=
Rampart (complete).php?id=
Rugrats: The Movie.php?id=
Rugrats: Time Travelers (complete).php?id=
Shrek: Fairy Tale Freak Down.php?id=
Space Invaders (complete).php?id=
Super Breakout (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (complete).php?id=
Tech Deck Skateboarding.php?id=
Tetris DX (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.php?id=
Trouballs (complete).php?id=
Wario Land 3.php?id=
Yars Revenge (complete).php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh: Dark Duel Stories.php?id=
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.php?id= Total: 11 .php?id=
Batman & Robin (complete).php?id=
Duke Nukem 3D (complete).php?id=
Fighters Megamix (complete).php?id=
Henry (complete).php?id=
Indy 500 (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Quiz Whiz: Cyber Trivia (b).php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (b).php?id=
Sonic Jam (complete).php?id=
Tiger Casino (complete).php?id=
Williams Arcade Classics (complete).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Games Total: 252 .php?id=
4 Wheel Thunder (complete).php?id=
4x4 Evo (complete).php?id=
102 Dalmations: Puppies to the Rescue (complete).php?id=
18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (complete).php?id=
Aerowings (complete).php?id=
Aerowings 2 (complete).php?id=
Airforce Delta (complete).php?id=
Alien Front Online (complete).php?id=
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (complete).php?id=
Armada (complete).php?id=
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (complete).php?id=
Atari Anniversary Edition (complete).php?id=
Bang! Gunship Elite (complete).php?id=
Bangai-O (complete).php?id=
Bleem For Dreamcast: Gran Turismo 2 (complete).php?id=
Bleemcast: Metal Gear Solid (complete).php?id=
Bleemcast: Tekken 3 (complete).php?id=
Blue Stinger (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Online (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move 4 (complete).php?id=
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (complete).php?id=
Caesar's Palace 2000 (complete).php?id=
Cannon Spike (complete).php?id=
Capcom Vs. SNK (complete).php?id=
Carrier (complete).php?id=
Centipede (complete).php?id=
Championship Surfer (complete).php?id=
Charge N Blast (complete).php?id=
Chicken Run (complete).php?id=
ChuChu Rocket (complete).php?id=
Coaster Works (complete).php?id=
Confidential Mission (complete).php?id=
Conflict Zone (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi 2 (complete).php?id=
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (complete).php?id=
D2 (complete).php?id=
Daytona USA (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive 2 (complete).php?id=
Death Crimson OX (complete).php?id=
Deep Fighter (complete).php?id=
Demolition Racer (complete).php?id=
Dino Crisis (complete).php?id=
Dinosaur (complete).php?id=
Donald Duck: Goin Quackers (complete).php?id=
Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm (complete).php?id=
Dragon Riders: Chronicles of Pern (complete).php?id=
Ducati World Racing Challenge (complete).php?id=
Dynamite Cop (complete).php?id=
Ecco the Dolphin (complete).php?id=
Elemental Gimmick Gear (complete).php?id=
ECW: Anarchy Rulz (complete).php?id=
ECW Hardcore (complete).php?id=
ESPN International Track & Field (complete).php?id=
ESPN NBA 2Night (complete).php?id=
Evil Dead: Hail to the King (complete).php?id=
Evolution: The World of Sacred Device (complete).php?id=
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (complete).php?id=
Expendable (complete).php?id=
F1 World Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
F355 Challenge Passione Rossa (complete).php?id=
Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves (complete).php?id=
Fighting Force 2 (complete).php?id=
Flag to Flag Racing (complete).php?id=
Floigan Brothers (complete).php?id=
Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge (complete).php?id=
Fur Fighters (complete).php?id=
Gauntlet Legends (complete).php?id=
Giga Wing (complete).php?id=
Giga Wing 2 (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto 2 (complete).php?id=
Grandia II (complete).php?id=
Grinch (complete).php?id=
Gunbird 2 (complete).php?id=
Gundam Side Story 0079 (complete).php?id=
Heavy Metal Geomatrix (complete).php?id=
Hidden & Dangerous (complete).php?id=
House of the Dead 2 (complete).php?id=
Hoyle Casino (complete).php?id=
Hydro Thunder (complete).php?id=
Illbleed (complete).php?id=
Incoming (complete).php?id=
Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage (complete).php?id=
Iron Aces (complete).php?id=
Jeremy Mcgrath Supercross 2000 (complete).php?id=
Jet Grind Radio (complete).php?id=
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (complete).php?id=
Kao the Kangaroo (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters: Dream Match 1999 (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters: Evolution (complete).php?id=
Kiss Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child (complete).php?id=
Last Blade 2 (complete).php?id=
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (complete).php?id=
Looney Tunes Space Race (complete).php?id=
Magforce Racing (complete).php?id=
Maken X (complete).php?id=
Mars Matrix (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs. Capcom (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (complete).php?id=
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (complete).php?id=
Max Steel (complete).php?id=
Maximum Pool (complete).php?id=
MDK2 (complete).php?id=
Metropolis Street Racer (complete).php?id=
Midway's Greatest Hits Volume 1 (complete).php?id=
Midway's Greatest Hits Volume 2 (complete).php?id=
Monaco Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat Gold (complete).php?id=
Mr. Driller (complete).php?id=
Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (complete).php?id=
MTV Skateboarding (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum (complete).php?id=
NBA Showtime: NBA On NBC (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K1 (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K2 (complete).php?id=
NBA Hoopz (complete).php?id=
NCAA College Football 2K2 (complete).php?id=
Next Tetris (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K1 (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K2 (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz 2000 (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz 2001 (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (complete).php?id=
NFL Quarterback Club 2001 (complete).php?id=
NHL 2K (complete).php?id=
NHL 2K2 (complete).php?id=
Nightmare Creatures II (complete).php?id=
Omikron: The Nomad Soul (complete).php?id=
Ooga Booga (complete).php?id=
Outtrigger (complete).php?id=
Pen Pen TriIcelon (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star Online (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star Online Ver.2 (complete).php?id=
Plasma Sword (complete).php?id=
POD:Speedzone (complete).php?id=
Power Stone (complete).php?id=
Power Stone 2 (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: Arabian Nights (complete).php?id=
Project Jstice (complete).php?id=
Psychic Force 2012 (complete).php?id=
Q*Bert (complete).php?id=
Quake III Arena (complete).php?id=
Railroad Tycoon 2 (complete).php?id=
Rainbow Six (complete).php?id=
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (complete).php?id=
Rayman 2 (complete).php?id=
Razor Freestyle Scooter (complete).php?id=
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing (complete).php?id=
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 (complete).php?id=
Record of Lodoss War (complete).php?id=
Red Dog (complete).php?id=
Reel Fishing Wild (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Code Veronica (complete).php?id=
Re-Volt (complete).php?id=
Ring: Terror's Realm (complete).php?id=
Rippin' Riders (complete).php?id=
Roadsters (complete).php?id=
Samba De Amigo (complete).php?id=
San Francisco Rush (complete).php?id=
Seaman (complete).php?id=
Sega Bass Fishing (complete).php?id=
Sega Bass Fishing 2 (complete).php?id=
Sega GT (complete).php?id=
Sega Marine Fishing (complete).php?id=
Sega Rally 2 Championship (complete).php?id=
Sega Smash Pack Volume 1 (complete).php?id=
Seventh Cross Evolution (complete).php?id=
Shadow Man (complete).php?id=
Shenmue (complete).php?id=
Shenmue (limited edition) (complete).php?id=
Silent Scope (complete).php?id=
Silver (complete).php?id=
Skies of Arcadia (complete).php?id=
Slave Zero (complete).php?id=
Sno-Cross Championship Racing (complete).php?id=
Soldier of Fortune (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure 2 (complete).php?id=
Sonic Shuffle (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur (complete).php?id=
Soul Fighter (complete).php?id=
South Park: Chef's Luv Shack (complete).php?id=
South Park Rally (complete).php?id=
Space Channel 5 (complete).php?id=
Spawn: In the Demon's Hand (complete).php?id=
Spec Ops II: Omega Squad (complete).php?id=
Speed Devils (complete).php?id=
Speed Devils Online (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man (complete).php?id=
Spirit of Speed 1937(complete).php?id=
Sports Jam (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Demolition (complete).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles (complete).php?id=
Starlancer (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter 3: Double Impact (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike (complete).php?id=
Striker Pro 2000 (complete).php?id=
Stupid Invaders (complete).php?id=
Super Magnetic Neo (complete).php?id=
Super Runabout: San Francisco Edition (complete).php?id=
Surf Rocket Racers (complete).php?id=
Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing (complete).php?id=
Sword of the Berserk (complete).php?id=
Sydney 2000 (complete).php?id=
Tech Romancer (complete).php?id=
Tee Off (complete).php?id=
Tennis 2K2 (complete).php?id=
Test Drive 6 (complete).php?id=
Test Drive Le Mans (complete).php?id=
Test Drive V-Rally (complete).php?id=
Timestalkers (complete).php?id=
TNN Hardcore Heat (complete).php?id=
Tokyo Extreme Racer (complete).php?id=
Tokyo Extreme Racer 2 (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: Chronicles (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (complete).php?id=
Toy Commander (complete).php?id=
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue (complete).php?id=
Trickstyle (complete).php?id=
Typing of the Dead (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Fighting Championship (complete).php?id=
Unreal Tournament (complete).php?id=
Urban Chaos (complete).php?id=
Vanishing Point (complete).php?id=
Vigilante 8: 2nd Defense (complete).php?id=
Virtua Athlete 2000 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 3tb (complete).php?id=
Virtua Striker 2 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Tennis (complete).php?id=
Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram (complete).php?id=
Wacky Races (complete).php?id=
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour (complete).php?id=
Wetrix+ (complete).php?id=
Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire (complete).php?id=
Wild Metal: Reclaim the Future (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 2K1 (complete).php?id=
World Series Baseball 2K2 (complete).php?id=
Worms Armageddon (complete).php?id=
Worms World Party (complete).php?id=
WWF Attitude (complete).php?id=
WWF Royal Rumble (complete).php?id=
Xtreme Sports (complete).php?id=
Zombie Revenge (complete).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Homebrew Games Total: 4 .php?id=
Cool Herders (complete).php?id=
Feet of Fury (complete).php?id=
Inhabitants (complete).php?id=
Maquipai (complete).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast (European Import) Games Total: 24 .php?id=
90 Minutes: Sega Championship Football (complete).php?id=
Aqua GT (complete).php?id=
European Super League (complete).php?id=
Evil Twin (complete).php?id=
Exhibition of Speed (complete).php?id=
F1 Racing Championship (complete).php?id=
F1 World Grand Prix II (complete).php?id=
Fighting Vipers 2 (complete).php?id=
GK - Giant Killers (complete).php?id=
Headhunter (complete).php?id=
Jimmy White's Cueball 2 (complete).php?id=
MoHo (complete).php?id=
Planet Ring (complete with microphone).php?id=
Pro Pinball Trilogy (complete).php?id=
Racing Simulation: Monaco Grand Prix (complete).php?id=
Rez (complete).php?id=
Sega Worldwide Soccer (complete).php?id=
Shenmue II (complete).php?id=
Stunt GP (complete).php?id=
Taxi 2: Le Jeu (complete).php?id=
Toy Racer (complete).php?id=
UEFA Dream Soccer 2000 (complete).php?id=
UEFA Striker (complete).php?id=
Who Wants To Be a Millionaire (complete).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast (Japanese Import) Games Total: 28 .php?id=
Biohazard: Code Veronica (Limited Edition).php?id=
Blue Stinger (complete).php?id=
Chu Chu Rocket (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi (complete).php?id=
Dream Passport (complete).php?id=
Dream Passport 3 (complete).php?id=
Fire Pro Wrestling D (complete).php?id=
Get Bass (complete).php?id=
Giant Gram: All Japan Pro Wrestling 2 In Nippon Budoukan (complete).php?id=
Godzilla Generations.php?id=
Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact (complete).php?id=
Guilty Gear X (complete).php?id=
Incoming (complete).php?id=
Jet Set Radio (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (complete).php?id=
Pop'n Music (complete).php?id=
Pro Yakyu Team De Asobou! (complete).php?id=
Pro Yakyu Team De Asobounet (complete).php?id=
Psychic Force 2012 (complete).php?id=
Samba De Amigo Ver. 2000 (complete).php?id=
Sega GT Homologation Special (complete).php?id=
Shenmue (limited edition w/ slipcase and soundtrack cd) (complete).php?id=
Space Channel 5 (complete).php?id=
Super Puzzle Fighter 2X For Matching Service (complete).php?id=
Super Robot Wars (complete).php?id=
Super Runabout (complete).php?id=
Toukon Retsuden 4 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Striker 2 Ver.2000.1 (complete).php?id=
Playstation 2 Games Total: 186 .php?id=
24: The Game.php?id=
Activision Anthology (complete).php?id=
Amplitude (complete).php?id=
Area 51 (complete).php?id=
Armored Core 2 (complete).php?id=
Army Men - Air Attack 2 (complete).php?id=
Art of Fighting Anthology (complete).php?id=
Astro Boy (complete).php?id=
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (complete).php?id=
Barbie Horse Adventures (complete).php?id=
Bigs (complete).php?id=
Bombastic (complete).php?id=
Brothers in Arms II: Road to Hill 30 (complete).php?id=
Bully (complete).php?id=
Burnout Dominator (complete).php?id=
Call of Duty (complete).php?id=
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (complete).php?id=
Capcom Fighting Evolution (complete).php?id=
Castle Shikigami 2 (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (complete).php?id=
Champions of Norrath (complete).php?id=
Champions: Return to Arms (complete).php?id=
Conflict Desert Storm II: Road to Baghdad (complete).php?id=
Conflict Vietnam (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi (b).php?id=
Dai Senryaku Exceed VII (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Disney Channel Edition (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Max (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Max 2 (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution: Supernova (complete).php?id=
DOA2: Hardcore (complete).php?id=
Devil May Cry 5th Anniversary Box Set (includes DMC, DMC2, DMC3 Special Edition) (complete).php?id=
Dino Stalker (complete).php?id=
Duel Masters (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors 2 (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors 3 (complete).php?id=
Ejay Clubworld (complete).php?id=
ESPN NBA 2K5 (complete).php?id=
Ever Blue 2 (complet).php?id=
Eyetoy Play (complete).php?id=
Eyetoy Play 2 (complete with big box and camera).php?id=
Fantavision (complete).php?id=
Fatal Fury Battle Archives Volume 1 (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy X-2 (complete).php?id=
Fisherman's Challenge (complete).php?id=
Flipnic (complete).php?id=
Freedom Fighters (complete).php?id=
Frequency (complete).php?id=
Friends: The One With All the Trivia (complete).php?id=
Gallop Racer 2001 (complete).php?id=
Gallop Racer 2003 (complete).php?id=
Gallop Racer 2006 (complete).php?id=
Get On Da Mic (complete big box w/ microphone).php?id=
Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm (complete).php?id=
Ghost Recon 2 (complete).php?id=
Gladius (complete).php?id=
God of War (complete).php?id=
God of War 2 (complete).php?id=
Gradius III & IV (complete).php?id=
Gradius V (complete).php?id=
Gran Turismo 3 (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto 3 (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (original "Hot Coffee" version) (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero (complete big box with guitar controller).php?id=
Guitar Hero 2 (complete big box with guitar controller).php?id=
Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's (complete).php?id=
Gungriffon Blaze (complete).php?id=
Hitman 2 (complete) (Greatest Hits).php?id=
Hobbit, The (complete).php?id=
HSX: Hyper Sonic Xtreme (complete).php?id=
Hummer Badlands (complete).php?id=
Ico (complete).php?id=
Jak & Daxter (complete).php?id=
Jak II (complete).php?id=
Jak 3 (complete).php?id=
Jeopardy (complete).php?id=
Katamari Damacy (complete).php?id=
Kinetica (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters XI (complete).php?id=
Kingdom Hearts (complete).php?id=
Lego Island Xtreme Stunts (complete).php?id=
Lethal Skies II (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (complete) (Greatest Hits).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (complete).php?id=
Mad Maestro (complete).php?id=
Magna Carta (complete minus outer box).php?id=
Mark of Kri (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (complete).php?id=
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (complete).php?id=
MDK 2 Armageddon (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: Frontline (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (complete).php?id=
Mega Man X Collection (complete).php?id=
Mercury Meltdown Remix (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (complete).php?id=
Midnight Club II (complete).php?id=
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition (complete).php?id=
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition Remix (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Mobile Light Force 2 (complete).php?id=
NBA Street (b).php?id=
NCAA Football 2005 (complete).php?id=
Need For Speed Underground (complete).php?id=
Neo Contra (complete).php?id=
Onimusha (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man Fever (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man World 2 (complete).php?id=
PBR Out of the Chute (complete).php?id=
Pinball Hall of Fame (complete).php?id=
Playboy the Mansion (complete).php?id=
Project Snowblind (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Challenge: Crosswords and More! (complete).php?id=
R-Type Final (complete).php?id=
Raiden III (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (complete).php?id=
Rayman Arena (complete).php?id=
Real Pool (complete).php?id=
Red Dead Revolver (complete).php?id=
Red Faction (complete).php?id=
Red Star (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 4 Premium Edition (#53696/60100) (complete).php?id=
Risk: Global Domination (complete).php?id=
Rogue Galaxy (complete).php?id=
Romancing Saga (b).php?id=
Rumble Roses (complete).php?id=
Seek and Destroy (complete).php?id=
Sega Classics Collection (complete).php?id=
Shadow of the Colossus (complete).php?id=
Shellshock Nam '67 (complete).php?id=
Shinobi (complete).php?id=
Silent Scope (complete).php?id=
Silent Scope 2 (complete).php?id=
Silent Scope 3 (complete).php?id=
Silpheed: The Lost Planet (complete).php?id=
SingStar Rocks (complete).php?id=
Sly Cooper and the Thievus Raccoonus (complete).php?id=
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves (complete).php?id=
Smuggler's Run 2 (complete).php?id=
SOCOM 3 (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
Sonic Riders (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur 3 (complete).php?id=
Soul Reaver 2 (complete).php?id=
Space Channel 5: Special Edition (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man 3 (complete).php?id=
Star Ocean (b).php?id=
Star Wars: Battlefront II (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Racer Revenge (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Starfighter (complete).php?id=
Strike Force Bowling (complete).php?id=
Suikoden III (complete).php?id=
Super Bust-a-Move (complete).php?id=
Supercar: Street Challenge (complete).php?id=
Taiko Drum Master (complete big box w/ drum).php?id=
Taito Legends 2 (complete).php?id=
Tekken 4 (complete).php?id=
Tekken Tag Tournament (complete).php?id=
Tetris Worlds (complete).php?id=
Theme Park Roller Coaster (complete).php?id=
Time Crisis II (complete big box w/ Guncon2).php?id=
Time Crisis: Crisis Zone (complete big box w/ Guncon2).php?id=
Time Crisis 3 (complete big box w/ Guncon2).php?id=
Tokobot+ (complete).php?id=
Tokyo Extreme Racer 3 (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (Collector's Edition) (complete).php?id=
Top Gear Daredevil (complete).php?id=
Transformers (complete).php?id=
Turok Evolution (complete).php?id=
Unlimited Saga (complete).php?id=
Vampire Night (complete).php?id=
Victorious Boxers 2: Fighting Spirit (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 4 (complete).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution (Greatest Hits) (complete).php?id=
We <3 Katamari (complete).php?id=
Wheel of Fortune (complete).php?id=
World Champion Poker 2 (complete).php?id=
X-Men Legends (complete).php?id=
Xenosaga Episode II (complete).php?id=
Yanya Caballista: City Skater (complete w/ fingerboard).php?id=
Gameboy Advance Games Total: 123 .php?id=
Activision Anthology (complete).php?id=
Advance Wars (complete).php?id=
Adventure of Link (complete).php?id=
Airforce Dela Storm (complete).php?id=
Astro Boy (complete).php?id=
Baseball Advance.php?id=
Bomberman (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Max 2: Blue Advance (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Max 2: Red Advance.php?id=
Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Mini Mix (complete).php?id=
Cartoon Network Collection Video.php?id=
Castlevania (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance.php?id=
Cat in the Hat.php?id=
Centipede / Breakout / Warlords (complete).php?id=
Chicken Shoot (complete).php?id=
Chu Chu Rocket (complete).php?id=
Crash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure .php?id=
DK King of Swing (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong (complete).php?id=
Double Dragon Advance (complete).php?id=
Dr. Mario (complete).php?id=
Dr. Mario / Puzzle League (complete).php?id=
Dragonball Z: Legacy of Goku.php?id=
Dragonball Z: Supersonic Warriors.php?id=
Drill Dozer (complete).php?id=
Duel Masters: Kaujudo Showdown (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors Advance (complete).php?id=
Earthworm Jim (complete).php?id=
Excite Bike (complete).php?id=
F-Zero: GP Legend (complete).php?id=
F-Zero: Maximum Velocity (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy V Advance (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (complete).php?id=
Frogger's Adventures: Temple of the Frog.php?id=
Game & Watch Gallery 4 (complete).php?id=
Golden Nugget Casino (complete).php?id=
Golden Nugget Casino / Texas Hold'Em Poker.php?id=
Gradius Galaxies (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto Advance (complete).php?id=
GT Advance 2: Rally Racing.php?id=
Gunstar Super Heroes (complete).php?id=
Harry Potter.php?id=
Ice Climber (complete).php?id=
Iridion II (complete).php?id=
Jazz Jackrabbit (complete).php?id=
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (complete).php?id=
Konami Collector's Series: Arcade Advanced (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past / Four Swords (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (complete).php?id=
Lego Drome Racers.php?id=
Lego Star Wars.php?id=
Lizzie McGuire: On the Go.php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.php?id=
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga (complete).php?id=
Mario Kart: Super Circuit (i).php?id=
Mario Party Advance (complete).php?id=
Mario Tennis: Power Tour (complete).php?id=
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong (complete).php?id=
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar.php?id=
Metroid (complete).php?id=
Metroid Fusion (complete).php?id=
Metroid Zero Mission (complete).php?id=
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits (complete).php?id=
MLB 2K7 (complete).php?id=
Monopoly .php?id=
Monster Bass Fishing.php?id=
Monsters INC..php?id=
Namco Museum (complete).php?id=
Onimusha Tactics.php?id=
Pac-Man (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man Collection.php?id=
Pinball of the Dead (complete).php?id=
Pokemon: Ruby Version (complete).php?id=
Polarium Advance (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (complete).php?id=
R-Type III (complete).php?id=
Rebel Star Tactics (complete).php?id=
Risk / Battleship / Clue (complete).php?id=
River City Ransom Ex (complete).php?id=
Rocket Power: Beach Bandits.php?id=
Rugrats Go Wild.php?id=
Scooby Doo.php?id=
Sega Smash Pack (complete).php?id=
Sigma Star Saga (complete).php?id=
Sim City 2000.php?id=
Sims: Bustin Out.php?id=
Sonic Advance 2.php?id=
Sonic Advance 3 (complete).php?id=
Spongebob Squarepants: Revenge of the Flying Dutchman.php?id=
Spyro: Season of Ice.php?id=
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Advance: Super Mario Bros. 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 3: Super Mario World 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Bros (complete).php?id=
Super Monkey Ball Jr. (complete).php?id=
Super Puzzle Fighter II (complete).php?id=
Sword of Mana.php?id=
Tak 2.php?id=
Tales of Phantasia (complete).php?id=
Tetris Worlds (complete).php?id=
Top Gear Rally.php?id=
Tower SP (complete).php?id=
Tron 2.0: Killer App (complete).php?id=
Virtua Tennis (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware, Inc. (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware Twisted (complete).php?id=
Wolfentein 3D (complete).php?id=
World Poker Tour.php?id=
Xevious (complete).php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul.php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004.php?id=
Zoocube (complete).php?id=
Nintendo GameCube Games Total: 129 .php?id=
007: Agent Under Fire .php?id=
1080 Avalanche (complete).php?id=
Alien Hominid (complete).php?id=
Animal Crossing (complete).php?id=
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (complete).php?id=
Baten Kaitos (complete).php?id=
Baten Kaitos Origins (complete).php?id=
Battalion Wars (complete).php?id=
Big Mutha Truckers (complete).php?id=
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Generation (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Jetters (complete).php?id=
Blowout (complete).php?id=
Bratz: Rock Angelz (complete).php?id=
Burnout (complete).php?id=
Burnout 2: Point of Impact (complete).php?id=
Capcom Vs. SNK 2 EO (complete).php?id=
Chaos Field (complete).php?id=
Chibi-Robo (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi (complete).php?id=
Cubix: Robots For Everyone: Showdown (complete).php?id=
Custom Robo (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix (complete in big box w/ mat).php?id=
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 (complete).php?id=
Disney's Magical Mirror Starring Mickey Mouse (complete).php?id=
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (w/ bongos) (complete).php?id=
Donkey Konga (w/ Bongos) (complete).php?id=
Donkey Konga 2 (complete).php?id=
Eighteen Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (complete).php?id=
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (complete).php?id=
Evolution Worlds (complete).php?id=
F-Zero GX (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 2002 (complete).php?id=
FIFA 07 Soccer (complete).php?id=
Fight Night Round 2 (complete).php?id=
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (complete).php?id=
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (complete).php?id=
Geist (complete).php?id=
Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde (complete).php?id=
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (complete).php?id=
Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (complete).php?id=
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody (Player's Choice) (complete).php?id=
Home Run King (complete).php?id=
Ikaruga (complete).php?id=
Intellivision Lives (complete).php?id=
Italian Job (complete).php?id=
Killer 7 (complete).php?id=
Kirby Air Ride (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: The Four Swords Adventures (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (complete).php?id=
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (complete).php?id=
Luigi's Mansion (complete).php?id=
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour (complete).php?id=
Mario Kart: Double Dash (complete).php?id=
Mario Party 4 (complete).php?id=
Mario Party 5 (complete).php?id=
Mario Party 7 (complete).php?id=
Mario Power Tennis (complete).php?id=
Mario Superstar Baseball (complete).php?id=
MC Groove Dance Craze (complete).php?id=
Mega Man: Network Transmission (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime (w/ Metroid Prime 2 Demo Disk) (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures (complete).php?id=
Minority Report (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Deception (complete).php?id=
Mystic Heroes (complete).php?id=
NBA Courtside 2002 (complete).php?id=
NBA Street Vol.3 (complete).php?id=
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz 20-02 (complete).php?id=
Nintendo GameCube Preview Disc (complete).php?id=
Odama (complete w/ microphone).php?id=
P.N.03 (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man Vs / Pac-Man World 2 (complete).php?id=
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 & 2 Plus (complete).php?id=
Pikmin (complete).php?id=
Pikmin 2 (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Channel (complete).php?id=
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (complete).php?id=
Pool Paradise (complete).php?id=
R:Racing Evolution (complete w/ Pac Man Vs pack-in).php?id=
Rayman Arena (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Zero (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil 4 (Gamestop Special Edition) (complete).php?id=
Ribbit King (complete).php?id=
Simpsons Hit & Run (complete).php?id=
Sims Bustin Out (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure DX (complete).php?id=
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (complete).php?id=
Sonic Gems Collection (complete).php?id=
Sonic Mega Collection (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 (complete).php?id=
Space Raiders (complete).php?id=
SSX On Tour (complete).php?id=
SSX Tricky (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III Preview Disk (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III (complete).php?id=
Starfox Adventures (complete).php?id=
Starfox Assault (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Strikers (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Sunshine (complete).php?id=
Super Monkey Ball (complete).php?id=
Super Monkey Ball 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Smash Bros. Melee (complete).php?id=
Swingerz Golf (complete).php?id=
Tales of Symphonia (complete).php?id=
Teen Titans (complete).php?id=
Tonka Rescue Patrol (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (complete).php?id=
Urbz: Sims in the City (complete).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe (complete).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe 2 (complete).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble (complete).php?id=
Virtua Striker 2002 (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware, Inc.: Mega Party Games (complete).php?id=
Warioworld (complete).php?id=
Wave Race: Blue Storm (complete).php?id=
Worms Blast (complete).php?id=
Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Falsebound Kingdom (complete).php?id=
Microsoft X-Box Games Total: 411 .php?id=
007 Nightfire (complete).php?id=
50 Cent Bulletproof (complete).php?id=
187 Ride or Die (complete).php?id=
Advent Rising (complete).php?id=
Aggressive Inline (complete).php?id=
Airforce Delta Storm (complete).php?id=
Alias (complete).php?id=
All-Star Baseball 2005 (complete).php?id=
America's Army (complete).php?id=
AMF Xtreme Bowling (complete).php?id=
Amped (complete).php?id=
Apex (complete).php?id=
Aquaman (complete).php?id=
Arena Football (complete).php?id=
Army Men: Major Malfunction (complete).php?id=
Atari Anthology (complete).php?id=
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 (b).php?id=
Auto Modellista (complete).php?id=
Azurk (complete).php?id=
Backyard Wrestling (complete).php?id=
Backyard Wrestling 2 (complete).php?id=
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (complete).php?id=
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (complete).php?id=
Bass Pro Shops Trophy Bass 2007 (complete).php?id=
Bass Pro Shops Trophy Hunter 2007 (complete).php?id=
Batman Begins (complete).php?id=
Batman Rise of Sin Tzu (Action Figure Commemorative Edition) (complete).php?id=
Beyond Good & Evil (complete).php?id=
Bible Game (complete).php?id=
Black (complete).php?id=
Blood Omen 2 (complete).php?id=
Bloodrayne (complete).php?id=
Bloodwake (complete).php?id=
Breeders Cup: World Thoroughbred Championships (complete).php?id=
Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (complete).php?id=
Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood (complete).php?id=
Brute Force (complete).php?id=
Burnout 2: Point of Impact (complete).php?id=
Burnout 3: Takedown (complete).php?id=
Burnout: Revenge (complete).php?id=
Cabela's Deer Hunt 2004 Season (complete).php?id=
Cabela's Deer Hunt 2005 Season (complete).php?id=
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (complete).php?id=
Call of Duty: Finest Hour (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Collection (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Collection Vol.2 (complete).php?id=
Carve (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (complete).php?id=
Cat in the Hat (complete).php?id=
Chase: Holly wood Stunt Driver (complete).php?id=
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay (complete).php?id=
Chicago Enforcer (complete).php?id=
Circus Maximus (complete).php?id=
Classified: The Sentinel Crisis (complete).php?id=
Cold Fear (complete).php?id=
Cold War (complete).php?id=
Colin McRae Rally 3 (complete).php?id=
Colin McRae Rally 04 (complete).php?id=
Conflict Desert Storm (complete).php?id=
Conflict Desert Storm 2: Back to Baghdad (complete).php?id=
Conker: Live and Reloaded (complete).php?id=
Counter Strike (complete).php?id=
Crash: Twinsanity (complete).php?id=
Crash: Wrath of Cortex (complete).php?id=
Crash 'n' Burn (complete).php?id=
Crazy Taxi 3: High Roller (complete).php?id=
Crimson Sea (complete).php?id=
Crimson Skies (complete).php?id=
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (complete).php?id=
Dai Senryaku (complete).php?id=
Dakar 2 (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix (Platinum Hits)(complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2 (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3 (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 4 (complete).php?id=
Dark Angel (complete).php?id=
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 (complete).php?id=
DaVinci Code (complete).php?id=
Dead Man's Hand (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive 3 (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive Ultimate (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball (complete).php?id=
Dead to Rights (complete).php?id=
Dead to Rights II (complete).php?id=
Death Row (complete).php?id=
Def Jam: Fight For NY (complete).php?id=
Defender (complete).php?id=
Destroy All Humans (complete).php?id=
Destroy All Humans 2 (complete).php?id=
Deus Ex: Invisible War (complete).php?id=
Dino Crisis 3 (complete).php?id=
Doom 3 (complete).php?id=
Doom 3 Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil (complete).php?id=
Dr. Muto (complete).php?id=
Dragon's Lair 3D (complete).php?id=
Drake of the 99 Dragons (complete).php?id=
Dreamfall (complete).php?id=
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors 4 (complete).php?id=
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Game of the Year Platinum Hits Version) (complete).php?id=
Enclave (complete).php?id=
Enter the Matrix (complete).php?id=
ESPN College Hoops 2K5 (complete).php?id=
ESPN NFL Primetime 2002 (complete).php?id=
ESPN NFL 2K4 (complete).php?id=
ESPN NFL 2K5 (complete).php?id=
F1 2001 (complete).php?id=
Fable (complete w/ bonus disk).php?id=
Fable: The Lost Chapters (complete).php?id=
Family Gut Video Game (complete).php?id=
Fatal Frame (complete).php?id=
Fatal Frame II: Director's Cut (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 06 (complete).php?id=
FIFA Soccer 07 (complete).php?id=
FIFA Street 2 (complete).php?id=
Fight Club (complete).php?id=
Fight Night 2004 (complete).php?id=
Flat Out (complete).php?id=
Ford Mustang (complete).php?id=
Ford Racing 2 (complete).php?id=
Ford Racing 3 (complete).php?id=
Ford Vs. Chevy (complete).php?id=
Forza Motorsport (pack-in version with Xbox Live Arcade) (complete).php?id=
Freestyle Street Soccer (complete).php?id=
Full Spectrum Warrior (complete).php?id=
Furious Karting (complete).php?id=
Fuzion Frenzy (complete).php?id=
Galleon (complete).php?id=
Gauntlet: Dark Legacy (complete).php?id=
Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows (complete).php?id=
Gladius (complete).php?id=
Goblin Commander (b).php?id=
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee.php?id=
Goldeneye: Rogue Agent (complete).php?id=
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto Double Pack (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (complete).php?id=
Group S Challenge (complete).php?id=
Guilty Gear X2 (complete).php?id=
Gun Valkyrie (complete).php?id=
Half-Life 2 (complete).php?id=
Halo (complete).php?id=
Halo 2 (complete).php?id=
Halo 2 (Limited Collector's Edition) (complete).php?id=
Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack (complete).php?id=
Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup (complete).php?id=
Haunted Mansion (complete).php?id=
High Heat: Major League Baseball 2004 (complete).php?id=
Hitman 2 (complete).php?id=
Hobbit (complete).php?id=
House of the Dead 3 (complete).php?id=
Hulk (complete).php?id=
Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (complete).php?id=
Hunter: The Reckoning (complete).php?id=
Hustle: Detroit Streets (complete).php?id=
I-Ninja (complete).php?id=
IHRA Drag Racing 2004 (complete).php?id=
Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb (complete).php?id=
Indigo Prophecy (complete).php?id=
Inside Pitch 2003 (complete).php?id=
Intellivision Lives! (complete).php?id=
Iron Phoenix (complete).php?id=
Jade Empire Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
James Bond 007 in Agent Under Fire (complete).php?id=
Jaws Unleashed (complete).php?id=
Jet Set Radio Future (complete).php?id=
Judge Dredd (complete).php?id=
Kabuki Warriors (complete).php?id=
Kakuto Chojin: Back Alley Brutal (complete).php?id=
Karaoke Revolution (complete).php?id=
Karaoke Reolution: Party (complete w/ mic).php?id=
Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer (complete).php?id=
King Kong (complete).php?id=
King of Fighters: Neowave (complete).php?id=
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders (complete).php?id=
Kung Fu Chaos (complete).php?id=
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (complete).php?id=
Lego Star Wars (complete).php?id=
Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (complete).php?id=
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age (complete).php?id=
Lotus Challange (complete).php?id=
Mace Griffin: Bountry Hunter (complete).php?id=
Mad Dash Racing (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2002 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2003 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2004 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2005 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 06 (complete).php?id=
Mafia (complete).php?id=
Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds (complete).php?id=
Malice (complete).php?id=
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (complete).php?id=
Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 (complete).php?id=
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (complete).php?id=
Maximum Chase (complete).php?id=
Mechassault (complete).php?id=
Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: European Assault (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: Frontline (complete).php?id=
Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (complete).php?id=
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (complete).php?id=
Men of Valor (complete).php?id=
Mercenaries (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (complete).php?id=
Metal Slug 3 (complete).php?id=
Metal Slug 4/5 (complete).php?id=
Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition (complete).php?id=
Midtown Madness 3 (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures 2 (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures 3 (complete).php?id=
Minority Report (complete).php?id=
Mission: Impossible: Operation Surma (complete).php?id=
MLB SlugFest 2003 (complete).php?id=
MLB SlugFest 2006 (complete).php?id=
Mojo! (complete).php?id=
Monster Garage (complete).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Deception Collector's Edition (complete, Mileena Edition).php?id=
MVP Baseball 2003 (complete).php?id=
Myst IV: Revelation (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum (complete).php?id=
NARC (complete).php?id=
NASCAR Heat 2002 (complete).php?id=
NBA Ballers (complete).php?id=
NBA Ballers Phenom (complete).php?id=
NBA Inside Drive 2004 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 2002 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 2003 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 2004 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 2005 (complete).php?id=
NBA Starting Five (complete).php?id=
NCAA College Football 2K3 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 2004 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 2005 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 2005 / Top Spin Pack-In (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 06 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 07 (complete).php?id=
New Legends (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K2 (complete).php?id=
NFL 2K3 (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz Pro (complete).php?id=
NFL Blitz 20-02 (complete).php?id=
NFL Fever 2002 (complete).php?id=
NFL Head Coach (complete).php?id=
NFL Street (complete).php?id=
NHL 2003 (complete).php?id=
NHL 2005 (complete).php?id=
NHL 06 (complete).php?id=
NHL 2K6 (complete).php?id=
NHL Hitz 20-02 (complete).php?id=
NHL Hitz 20-03 (complete).php?id=
NHL Rivals 2004 (complete).php?id=
Nightmare Before Christmas (complete).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden (complete).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden Black (complete).php?id=
Obscure (complete).php?id=
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (complete).php?id=
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (complete).php?id=
Otogi: Myth of Demons (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Golf / SeaBlade 2-Pack (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Golf 2 (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Golf: 9 Holes of X-Mas (Blockbuster Exclusive) (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Golf: 9 More Holes of X-Mas (Blockbuster Exclusive) (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Tennis (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Volleyball (complete).php?id=
Outlaw Volleyball: Red Hot (Blockbuster Exclusive) (complete).php?id=
Outrun 2 (complete).php?id=
Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast (complete).php?id=
Over the Hedge (complete).php?id=
Panzer Dragoon Orta (complete).php?id=
Pariah (complete).php?id=
Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (complete).php?id=
Phantom Dust (complete).php?id=
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection (complete).php?id=
Pirates! (complete).php?id=
Playboy: The Mansion (complete).php?id=
Power Drome (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (complete).php?id=
Project Gotham Racing 2 (complete).php?id=
Project Gotham Racing 2 / Xbox Live Arcade 2-Pack .php?id=
Project Snowblind (complete).php?id=
ProStroke Golf (complete).php?id=
Psychonauts (complete).php?id=
Pure Pinball (complete).php?id=
Quantum Redshift (complete).php?id=
Raze's Hell (complete).php?id=
Real World Golf (complete in big box).php?id=
Red Dead Revolver (complete).php?id=
Red Ninja (complete).php?id=
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (complete).php?id=
Robotech Battlecry Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Robotech Invasion (complete).php?id=
Rocky (complete).php?id=
Rogue Ops (complete).php?id=
Roller Coaster Tycoon (complete).php?id=
Samurai Showdown V (complete).php?id=
Scarface: The World Is Yours (complete).php?id=
Second Sight (b).php?id=
Sega GT 2002 (complete).php?id=
Sega GT 2002 / Jet Set Radio Future Pack-In (complete).php?id=
Sega Soccer Slam (complete).php?id=
Serious Sam (complete).php?id=
Serious Sam II (complete).php?id=
Shark Tale (complete).php?id=
Shenmue II (complete).php?id=
Shrek 2 (complete).php?id=
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams (complete).php?id=
Silent Hill 4: The Room (complete).php?id=
Simpsons: Hit & Run (Platinum Hits) (complete).php?id=
Smashing Drive (complete).php?id=
Sneakers (complete).php?id=
Sonic Mega Collection Plus (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man (complete).php?id=
Starsky & Hutch (complete).php?id=
Spawn: Armageddon (complete).php?id=
Speed Kings (complete).php?id=
Sphinx (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man 2 (complete).php?id=
Spikeout: Battle Street (complete).php?id=
Splinter Cell (complete).php?id=
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (complete).php?id=
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (complete).php?id=
Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (complete).php?id=
Spy Vs. Spy (complete).php?id=
Spyhunter (complete).php?id=
Spyhunter: Nowhere to Run (complete).php?id=
SRS (complete).php?id=
Stacked (complete).php?id=
Stake: Fortune Fighters (complete).php?id=
Star Trek: Shattered Universe (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Battlefront (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Clone Wars / Tetris Worlds Pack-In (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Obi-Wan (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition (complete).php?id=
Steel Battalion (complete with box and controller).php?id=
Still Life (complete).php?id=
Stolen (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection (complete).php?id=
Street Hoops (complete).php?id=
Strike Force Bowling (complete).php?id=
Stubbs the Zombie (complete).php?id=
Sudeki (complete).php?id=
Suffering: The Ties That Bind (complete).php?id=
Super Bubble Pop (complete).php?id=
SWAT: Global Strike Team (complete).php?id=
Syberia (complete).php?id=
Syberia 2 (complete).php?id=
Taito Legends (complete).php?id=
Tecmo Classic Arcade (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (complete).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare (complete).php?id=
Terminator: Dawn of Fate (complete).php?id=
Test Drive: Off-Road: Wide Open (complete).php?id=
Tetris Worlds (complete).php?id=
Thief: Deadly Shadows (complete).php?id=
Thing, The (complete).php?id=
Thirteen (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (complete).php?id=
Timesplitters: Future Perfect (complete).php?id=
TMNT Mutant Melee (complete).php?id=
ToeJam & Earl III (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: Legend (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (complete).php?id=
Top Spin (complete).php?id=
Tork (complete).php?id=
Total Overdose (complete).php?id=
Totaled! (complete).php?id=
Triple Play 2002 (complete).php?id=
Trivial Pursuit: Unhinged (complete).php?id=
Tron 2.0 Killer App (complete).php?id=
True Crime: New York City Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
True Crime: Streets of LA (complete).php?id=
Turok: Evolution (complete).php?id=
UEFA Euro 2004 Portugal (complete).php?id=
UFC Tapout 2 (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Beach Soccer (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Spider-Man (complete).php?id=
Ultra Bust-a-Move (complete).php?id=
Unreal Championship (complete).php?id=
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict (complete).php?id=
Volvo Drive For Life (complete).php?id=
Voodoo Vince (complete).php?id=
Whacked! (complete).php?id=
World Championship Poker (complete).php?id=
World Championship Poker 2 (complete).php?id=
World Poker Tour (complete).php?id=
World Series of Poker (complete).php?id=
Worms Forts: Under Siege (complete).php?id=
WWE Raw 2 (complete).php?id=
WWF Raw (complete).php?id=
X-Box Music Mixer (complete).php?id=
XGRA (complete).php?id=
X-Men Legends (complete).php?id=
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (complete).php?id=
X-Men Next Dimension (complete).php?id=
Yager (complete).php?id=
Yourself Fitness (complete).php?id=
Nokia N-Gage Games Total: 1 .php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (complete).php?id=
Nintendo DS Games Total: 126 .php?id=
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (complete).php?id=
Advance Wars: Dual Strike (complete).php?id=
Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (complete).php?id=
Arkanoid DS (complete).php?id=
Asphalt Urban GT (complete).php?id=
Bangai-O Spirits (complete).php?id=
Big Brain Academy (complete).php?id=
Bomberman DS (complete).php?id=
Bomberman Land Touch! (complete).php?id=
Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (complete).php?id=
Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day! (complete).php?id=
Break 'Em All (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move DS (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (complete).php?id=
Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol (complete).php?id=
Contact (complete).php?id=
Contra 4 (complete).php?id=
Cooking Mama (complete).php?id=
Deep Labyrinth (complete).php?id=
Dig Dug: Digging Strike (complete).php?id=
Dragon Booster (complete).php?id=
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (complete).php?id=
Electroplankton (complete).php?id=
Elf Bowling 1 & 2 (complete).php?id=
Exit DS (complete).php?id=
Feel the Magic XX/XY (complete).php?id=
Freedom Wings (complete).php?id=
Game & Watch Collection (complete).php?id=
Geometry Wars: Galaxies (complete).php?id=
Gravity (complete).php?id=
Guilty Gear: Dust Strikers (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero On Tour (complete w/ big box).php?id=
Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades (complete).php?id=
Gunpey DS (complete).php?id=
Hannah Montana (complete).php?id=
Jambo! Safari: Animal Rescue (complete).php?id=
Justice League Heroes (complete).php?id=
Kirby Canvas Curse (complete).php?id=
Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (complete).php?id=
Lost In Blue (complete).php?id=
Lost Magic (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 2005 (complete).php?id=
Mage Knight: Destiny's Soldier (complete).php?id=
Magnetica (complete).php?id=
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (complete).php?id=
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (complete).php?id=
Mario Hoops 3 On 3 (complete).php?id=
Mario Kart DS (complete).php?id=
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (complete).php?id=
Mechassault: Phantom War (complete).php?id=
Meteos (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime Hunters (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime Pinball (complete w/ rumble cartridge).php?id=
Mr Driller: Drill Spirits (complete).php?id=
My French Coach (complete).php?id=
N+ (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum DS (complete).php?id=
Nanostray (complete).php?id=
New Super Mario Bros. (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Best Friends (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Dalmation & Friends (complete).php?id=
Nintendogs: Lab & Friends (complete).php?id=
Overlord: Minions (complete).php?id=
Pac'n Roll (complete).php?id=
Pac-Pix (complete).php?id=
Personal Trainer: Cooking (complete).php?id=
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (complete).php?id=
Picross DS (complete).php?id=
Picross 3D (complete).php?id=
Ping Pals (complete).php?id=
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (complete).php?id=
Point Blank DS (complete).php?id=
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team (complete).php?id=
Polarium (complete).php?id=
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (complete).php?id=
Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (complete).php?id=
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (complete).php?id=
Puyo Pop Fever (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (complete).php?id=
Rainbow Islands Revolution (complete).php?id=
Rayman DS (complete).php?id=
Resident Evil: Deadly Silence (complete).php?id=
Retro Atari (complete).php?id=
Ridge Racer DS (complete).php?id=
Rub Rabbits (complete).php?id=
Safecracker (complete).php?id=
Scribblenauts (complete).php?id=
Scurge Hive (complete).php?id=
Sega Casino (complete).php?id=
Shogun Empires (complete).php?id=
Sims 2 (complete).php?id=
Snood 2: On Vacation (complete).php?id=
Snowboard Kids (complete).php?id=
Sonic Rush (complete).php?id=
Space Invaders Revolution (complete).php?id=
Spider-Man 2 (complete).php?id=
Sprung (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (complete).php?id=
Starfox Command (complete).php?id=
Super Mario 64 DS (complete).php?id=
Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll (complete).php?id=
Super Princess Peach (complete).php?id=
Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop (complete).php?id=
Tao's Adventure: Curse of the Demon Seal (complete).php?id=
Tetris DS (complete).php?id=
Tetris Party Deluxe (complete).php?id=
Texas Hold 'Em Poker DS (complete).php?id=
Texas Hold 'Em Poker Poker Pack (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour (complete).php?id=
Touch the Dead (complete).php?id=
Trace Memory (complete).php?id=
Trauma Center: Under the Knife (complete).php?id=
True Swing Golf (complete).php?id=
Urbz (complete).php?id=
Warhammer 40k: Squad Command (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware: Touched (complete).php?id=
Whac-a-Mole (complete).php?id=
Wiffle Ball (complete).php?id=
World Championship Poker (complete).php?id=
Yoshi Touch & Go (complete).php?id=
Zoo Keeper (complete).php?id=
Sony Playstation Portable Games Total: 58 .php?id=
Ape Escape: On the Loose (complete).php?id=
Archer Maclean's Mercury (complete).php?id=
Atari Classics Evolved (complete).php?id=
Bomberman (complete).php?id=
Burnout Legends (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move Deluxe (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Collection Remixed (complete).php?id=
Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded (complete).php?id=
Capcom Puzzle World (complete).php?id=
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles (complete).php?id=
Cube (complete).php?id=
Death Jr. II: Root of Evil (complete).php?id=
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (complete).php?id=
Downstream Panic (complete).php?id=
EA Replay (complete).php?id=
Every Extend Extra (complete).php?id=
Exit (complete).php?id=
Fantasy Golf Pangya (complete).php?id=
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake (complete).php?id=
Frantix (complete).php?id=
God of War: Chains of Olympus (pack-in version) (complete).php?id=
Hot Pixel (complete).php?id=
Killzone: Liberation (complete).php?id=
Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean (complete).php?id=
Lemmings (complete).php?id=
Lumines (complete).php?id=
Lumines II (complete).php?id=
Marvel Trading Card Game (complete).php?id=
Me & My Katamari (complete).php?id=
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter (complete).php?id=
Mega Man: Powered Up (complete).php?id=
Mercury Meltdown (complete).php?id=
Metal Slug Anthology (complete).php?id=
Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play (complete).php?id=
N+ (complete).php?id=
Patapon (complete).php?id=
Patapon 2 (complete).php?id=
Pinball Hall of Fame: Gottlieb Collection (complete).php?id=
Pixeljunk Monsters Deluxe (complete).php?id=
Power Stone Collection (complete).php?id=
PQ2 (complete).php?id=
Puzzle Quest (complete).php?id=
R-Type Command (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters (complete).php?id=
Sega Genesis Collection (complete).php?id=
Sid Meier's Pirates! (complete).php?id=
SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo (complete).php?id=
Space Invaders Extreme (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Battlefront II (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (complete).php?id=
Tokobot (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Project 8 (complete).php?id=
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins (complete).php?id=
Virtua Tennis: World Tour (complete).php?id=
Wipeout Pure (complete).php?id=
Worms Open Warfare (complete).php?id=
Worms Open Warfare 2 (b).php?id=
WTF (complete).php?id=
Microsoft Xbox 360 Games Total: 217 .php?id=
007: Quantum of Solace (complete).php?id=
ABC Wipeout 2 (complete).php?id=
Afro Samurai (complete).php?id=
Alan Wake (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Assassin's Creed Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Assassin's Creed II (complete).php?id=
Band Hero (complete).php?id=
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (complete).php?id=
Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts / Viva Pinata (Pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Battle Fantasia (complete).php?id=
Beatles Rock Band (complete).php?id=
Beautiful Katamari (complete).php?id=
Bejeweled 3 (complete).php?id=
Beowulf: The Game (complete).php?id=
Big Bumpin' (complete).php?id=
Bigs, The (complete).php?id=
Bigs 2, The (complete).php?id=
Bionicle Heroes (complete).php?id=
Bioshock (complete).php?id=
Bioshock 2 Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
BladeStorm: The Hundred Years War (complete).php?id=
BlazBlue Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Blue Dragon (complete).php?id=
Bomberman: Act Zero (complete).php?id=
Bully: Scholarship Edition (complete).php?id=
Brutal Legend (complete).php?id=
Burnout Paradise (complete).php?id=
Burnout Revenge (complete).php?id=
Call of Duty 3: Gold Edition (complete).php?id=
Cars (Platinum Hits version) (complete).php?id=
Cars: Mater-National Championship (complete).php?id=
Cars: Race-o-Rama (complete).php?id=
Catherine Love is Over Deluxe Edition (complete).php?id=
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (complete).php?id=
Civilization: Revolution (complete).php?id=
Club (complete).php?id=
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (complete).php?id=
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (complete).php?id=
Conan (complete).php?id=
Condemned 2: Bloodshot (complete).php?id=
Crash Time: Autobahn Pursuit (complete).php?id=
CSI: Hard Evidence (complete).php?id=
CSI: Deadly Intent (complete).php?id=
CSI: Fatal Conspiracy (complete).php?id=
Culdcept Saga (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Universe (complete).php?id=
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 (complete in big box w/ mat).php?id=
Dark Messiah: Might and Magic Elements (complete).php?id=
Dark Sector (complete).php?id=
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (complete).php?id=
Deathsmiles Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Deepak Chopra's Leela (complete).php?id=
Disney Sing It (complete big box w/ mic).php?id=
Dreamcast Collection (complete).php?id=
Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires (complete).php?id=
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Game of the Year Edition).php?id=
Eragon (complete).php?id=
Fable 2 (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Fallout 3 Collector's Edition w/ lunchbox (complete).php?id=
Fallout 3: The Pitt & Operation: Anchorage Add-On Pack (complete).php?id=
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (complete).php?id=
Far Cry Instincts: Predator (complete).php?id=
FIFA 06 Road to FIFA World Cup (complete).php?id=
Fight Night Round 3 (complete).php?id=
Fuzion Frenzy 2 (complete).php?id=
Gears of War (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Gears of War 2 (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (complete).php?id=
Ghostbusters (complete).php?id=
Golden Compass (complete).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto IV: Special Edition (complete).php?id=
Green Day Rock Band (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero II (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero III (complete bundle w/ Les Paul guitar).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (complete bundle w/ Les Paul guitar).php?id=
Guitar Hero: World Tour (Guitar Bundle) (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Metallica (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Smash Hits (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero 5 (complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Van Halen (give-a-way version, cardboard sleeve, complete).php?id=
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock (complete).php?id=
Halo 3 Legendary Edition (complete).php?id=
Halo 3: ODST (complete).php?id=
Halo Reach Lengedary Edition (complete).php?id=
Halo Wars (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (complete).php?id=
Hasbro Family Game Night (complete).php?id=
Hellboy: The Science of Evil (complete).php?id=
High School Musical 3: Senior Year: Dance! (complete big box w/ mat).php?id=
Indianapolis 500 Evolution (complete).php?id=
Jericho Limited Edition (b).php?id=
Just Cause (complete).php?id=
Kameo (complete).php?id=
Karaoke Revolution: American Idol (complete w/ microphone).php?id=
Karaoke Revolution: American Idol Encore 2 (complete).php?id=
Kengo: Legend of the 9 (complete).php?id=
Kinect Adventures (complete).php?id=
Kinect Star Wars (complete).php?id=
King Kong (complete).php?id=
Lego Batman (complete).php?id=
Lego Batman / Pure (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Lego Indiana Jones / Kung Fu Panda (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Lego Rock Band (complete).php?id=
Lego Star Wars Complete Saga (complete).php?id=
Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: Conquest (complete).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II (complete).php?id=
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (Collector's Edition) (complete).php?id=
Lost: Via Domus (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 06 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 07 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 07 Hall of Fame Edition (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 08 (complete).php?id=
Madden NFL 09 Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Mass Effect 3 N7 Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Gold Edition) (complete).php?id=
Marvel Ultimate Alliance / Forza Motorsport 2 2-Pack (pack-in).php?id=
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (complete).php?id=
Mirror's Edge (complete).php?id=
Monopoly (complete).php?id=
Monster Madness: Battle For Suburbia (complete).php?id=
Moto GP '06 (complete).php?id=
MLB 2K6 (complete).php?id=
MLB Front Office Manager (complete).php?id=
Namco Museum: Virtual Arcade (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K6 (complete).php?id=
NBA 2K9 (complete).php?id=
NBA Live 06 (complete).php?id=
NBA Street Homecourt (complete).php?id=
NCAA College Hoops 2K6 (complete).php?id=
NCAA College Hoops 2K7 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 08 (complete).php?id=
NCAA Football 09 (complete).php?id=
NFL Tour (complete).php?id=
NHL 07 (complete).php?id=
NHL 2K6 (complete).php?id=
Nicktoons MLB (complete).php?id=
Onechanbara Bikini Samurai Squad (complete).php?id=
Open Season (b).php?id=
Orange Box (complete).php?id=
Overlord (complete).php?id=
Overlord II (complete).php?id=
Perfect Dark Zero (Platinum Hits version) (complete).php?id=
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection (complete).php?id=
Plants Vs. Zombies (complete).php?id=
Pocket Bike Racer (complete).php?id=
PopCap Arcade Vol.1 (complete).php?id=
PopCap Arcade Vol.2 (complete).php?id=
Portal 2 (complete).php?id=
Prey Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia (Limited Edition) (complete).php?id=
Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands (complete).php?id=
Project Gotham Racing 3 (complete).php?id=
Project Gotham Racing 4 (complete).php?id=
Project Sylpheed (complete).php?id=
Pure (complete).php?id=
Quake IV (complete).php?id=
Qubed (complete).php?id=
Raiden Fighters Aces (complete).php?id=
Rainbow Six Vegas (complete).php?id=
Rayman Origins (complete).php?id=
Rayman Raving Rabbids (complete).php?id=
Red Dead Revolver: Game of the Year Edition (complete).php?id=
Rock Band Special Edition (complete big box version).php?id=
Rock Band 2 (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: AC/DC Live Track Pack (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: Track Pack Volume 2 (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: Classic Rock Track Pack (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: Country Track Pack (complete).php?id=
Rock Band: Metal Track Pack (complete).php?id=
Rock of the Dead (complete).php?id=
Rock Revolution (complete).php?id=
Rockstar Table Tennis (complete).php?id=
Saint's Row 2 Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Scene It? Lights, Camera Action (complete big box w/ 4 "Big Button" controllers).php?id=
Scene It? Box Office Smash (Complete).php?id=
Scene It? Bright Lights! Big Screen! (complete).php?id=
Sega Superstars Tennis / Xbox Live Arcade Compilation Disc (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Shrek the Third (Platinum Hits) (complete).php?id=
Simpsons Game (complete).php?id=
Sneak King (complete).php?id=
Sonic the Hedgehog (Platinum Hits) (complete).php?id=
Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur IV (complete).php?id=
Soul Calibur V Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Star Wars: Force Unleashed (complete).php?id=
Street Fighter IV Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Stuntman Ignition (complete).php?id=
Surf's Up (complete).php?id=
Terminator: Salvation (complete).php?id=
Tetris Evolution (complete).php?id=
Thrillville: Off the Rails (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06 (complete).php?id=
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (complete).php?id=
TMNT (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: Anniversary (complete).php?id=
Tomb Raider: Legend (complete).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground: Limited Edition (complete).php?id=
Top Spin 3 (complete).php?id=
Trivial Pursuit (complete).php?id=
Truth or Lies (complete).php?id=
uDraw Studio: Instant Artist (complete).php?id=
UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 (complete).php?id=
UFC 2009 Undisputed (complete).php?id=
Viking (complete).php?id=
Virtua Tennis 3 (complete).php?id=
Viva Pinata (limited edition packaging) (complete).php?id=
Viva Pinata: Party Animals (complete).php?id=
Wartech Senko Ronde (complete).php?id=
Watchmen: The End is Nigh Parts 1 & 2 (complete).php?id=
X-Men: The Official Game (complete).php?id=
Xbox Live Arcade Compilation Disc (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Xbox Live Arcade Game Pack (complete).php?id=
Xbox Live Arcade Triple Pack (complete).php?id=
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Vol.1 (complete).php?id=
You Don't Know Jack (complete).php?id=
You're in the Movies (complete).php?id=
Nintendo Wii Games Total: 19 .php?id=
Backyard Sports: Sandlot Sluggers (complete).php?id=
Boom Blox (complete).php?id=
Bust-a-Move Bash! (complete).php?id=
Ghosbusters: The Video Game (complete).php?id=
Kororinpa Marble Mania (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (complete).php?id=
Mercury Meltdown Revolution (complete).php?id=
Metroid Prime Trilogy (complete).php?id=
New Super Mario Brothers (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Punch-Out (Nintendo Selects) (complete).php?id=
Rayman Raving Rabbids (complete).php?id=
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Mario All-Stars (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Galaxy (complete).php?id=
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (complete).php?id=
Super Paper Mario (Nintendo Selects) (complete).php?id=
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves (complete).php?id=
Wii Sports (pack-in) (complete).php?id=
Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure (complete).php?id=
Sony Playstation 3 Games Total: 17 .php?id=
3D Dot Heroes (complete).php?id=
God of War Collection (complete).php?id=
God of War III Ultimate Edition (complete).php?id=
God of War: Origins Collection (complete).php?id=
Heavenly Sword (complete).php?id=
Heavy Rain (complete).php?id=
Ico & Shadow of the Colosss Collection (complete).php?id=
Lair (complete).php?id=
Little BIG Planet: Game of the Year Edition (complete).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (complete).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time (complete).php?id=
Sly Collection (complete).php?id=
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Greatest Hits version) (complete).php?id=
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (complete).php?id=
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Collector's Edition (complete).php?id=
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom (complete).php?id=
Nintendo 3DS Games Total: 8 .php?id=
Bust-a-Move Universe (complete).php?id=
Kid Icarus Uprising (complete).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (complete).php?id=
Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (complete).php?id=
Mario Kart 7 (complete).php?id=
Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions (complete).php?id=
Super Mario 3D Land (complete).php?id=
Tetris Axis (complete).php?id=
Game Guides / Hint Books Total: 235 .php?id=
Advent Rising (BradyGames).php?id=
Animal Crossing (Prima).php?id=
Animal Crossing: Wild World (Nintendo).php?id=
Area 51 (BradyGames).php?id=
Armored Core 2 (Prima).php?id=
Armored Core 2: Another Age (Prima).php?id=
Armored Core 3 (Prima).php?id=
Assassin's Creed (Prima).php?id=
Awesome Super Nintendo Secrets 2 (Sandwich Islands).php?id=
Batman Begins (Prima).php?id=
Beyond Good & Evil (BradyGames).php?id=
Bioshock (BradyGames).php?id=
Blue Dragon (Prima).php?id=
Blue Stinger (BradyGames).php?id=
Bomberman 64 (Prima).php?id=
Brutal Legend (Prima).php?id=
Brute Force (Prima).php?id=
Bully: Scholarship Edition (BradyGames).php?id=
Burnout 3: Takedown (Prima).php?id=
Burnout Paradise (Prima).php?id=
Castlevania 64 (Millenium).php?id=
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (Doublejump).php?id=
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (BradyGames).php?id=
Conker's Bad Fur Day (Nintendo).php?id=
Conker's Bad Fur Day (Prima).php?id=
Crazy Taxi 2 (Prima).php?id=
Crazy Taxi 3 (Prima).php?id=
Dark Cloud 2 (Prima).php?id=
Darkness, The (BradyGames).php?id=
Dead Or Alive 2: Hardcore (Prima).php?id=
Dead to Rights II (BradyGames).php?id=
Destroy All Humans (BradyGames).php?id=
Diddy Kong Racing (BradyGames).php?id=
Dino Crisis (Prima).php?id=
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness (Atlus).php?id=
Donkey Kong Country Advance (Nintendo).php?id=
Donkey Kong 64 (Nintendo).php?id=
Donkey Kong 64 (Versus).php?id=
Doom 3 (Prima).php?id=
Ehrgeiz (BradyGames).php?id=
Enter the Matrix (BradyGames).php?id=
ESPN NFL 2K5 (BradyGames).php?id=
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Nintendo).php?id=
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (Prima).php?id=
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (Prima).php?id=
Evolution Worlds (Versus).php?id=
F-Zero GX (Nintendo).php?id=
Fallout 3 (Prima).php?id=
Final Fantasy III (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy VIII (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy IX (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy X (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy Anthology (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (BradyGames).php?id=
Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (BradyGames).php?id=
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Prima).php?id=
Fracture (Prima).php?id=
Game Boy Game Secrets 2001 (Prima).php?id=
Gears of War 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Gekido (Prima).php?id=
Goldeneye (Nintendo).php?id=
Gran Turismo (Prima).php?id=
Gran Turismo 2 (Prima).php?id=
Gran Turismo 2 (exclusive TRU edition) (Prima).php?id=
Gran Turismo 3 (Versus).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto Double Pack (BradyGames).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (BradyGames).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto 4 (BradyGames).php?id=
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (BradyGames).php?id=
Grandia (Prima).php?id=
Halo 2 (Prima).php?id=
Halo 3 (Piggyback).php?id=
Halo Reach Legendary Edition (BradyGames).php?id=
Halo Wars (Prima).php?id=
Hellboy: The Science of Evil (Prima).php?id=
Infamous 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Jade Empire (Prima).php?id=
Jak II (BradyGames).php?id=
Jak III (Piggyback).php?id=
Jet Force Gemini (Nintendo).php?id=
Juiced (BradyGames).php?id=
Kingdom Hearts (BradyGames).php?id=
Killer 7 (BradyGames).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past / Four Swords (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (BradyGames).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons / Oracle of Ages (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons / Oracle of Ages (Versus).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Digest Version (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Hardcover (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Gamecube (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii (Prima).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (BradyGames).php?id=
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Nintendo).php?id=
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Prima).php?id=
LittleBIGPlanet Super Book (BradyGames).php?id=
Lord of the Rings: Third Age (Prima).php?id=
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (BradyGames).php?id=
Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo).php?id=
Madden NFL 2005 (Prima).php?id=
Madden NFL 06 (Prima).php?id=
Manhunt (BradyGames).php?id=
Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (Nintendo).php?id=
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Nintendo).php?id=
Mario Kart: Double Dash (Nintendo).php?id=
Mario Kart: Double Dash (Prima).php?id=
Mario Mania (Nintendo).php?id=
Mario Party 5 (Prima).php?id=
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (BradyGames).php?id=
Mass Effect (Prima).php?id=
Mastering Nintendo Video Games (Hayden Books).php?id=
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (BradyGames).php?id=
MDK2 (Sybex).php?id=
Mega Man X Command Mission (BradyGames).php?id=
Medievil (Dimension).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (BradyGames).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (BradyGames).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (BradyGames).php?id=
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Piggyback).php?id=
Metal Gear Acid (BradyGames).php?id=
Metroid Prime (Nintendo).php?id=
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Nintendo).php?id=
Mirror's Edge (Prima).php?id=
Mission Impossible (Prima).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 3 Pocket Kodes (BradyGames).php?id=
Mortal Kombat 4 (Prima).php?id=
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (BradyGames).php?id=
NBA Jam: Official Player's Guide (BradyGames).php?id=
NBA Jam Tournament Edition (BradyGames).php?id=
Need For Speed Most Wanted (Prima).php?id=
Need for Speed Underground 2 (Prima).php?id=
New Super Mario Bros DS (Nintendo).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden (Prima).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden Black (Prima).php?id=
Ninja Gaiden II (Prima).php?id=
Nintendo Power Advance Volume 1 (Nintendo).php?id=
Nintendo Power Advance Volume 2 (Nintendo).php?id=
Oddworld: Abe's Exodus (GW Press).php?id=
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Prima).php?id=
P.N.03 (BradyGames).php?id=
Paper Mario (Nintendo).php?id=
Paper Mario (Prima).php?id=
Parasite Eve (BradyGames).php?id=
Perfect Dark (BradyGames).php?id=
Phantasy Star III (Sega).php?id=
Pikmin (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokedex Vol.2 (Prima).php?id=
Pokemon Official Player's Guide (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon: Emerald (Prima).php?id=
Pokemon: Fire Red & Leaf Green (Prima).php?id=
Pokemon: Gold & Silver (Versus).php?id=
Pokemon: Red & Blue (Prima).php?id=
Pokemon Colosseum (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon Snap (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon Stadium 2 (Nintendo).php?id=
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (Nintendo).php?id=
Power Stone (Prima).php?id=
Primal Rage (GamePro).php?id=
Prince of Persia Collector's Edition (Prima).php?id=
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (BradyGames).php?id=
Psychonauts (BradyGames).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank (Prima).php?id=
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (BradyGames).php?id=
Ready 2 Rumble (Prima).php?id=
Resident Evil 2 (Versus).php?id=
Resident Evil 4 (BradyGames).php?id=
Resident Evil: Code Veronica (PS2 version) (Prima).php?id=
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles (Prima).php?id=
Ridge Racer V & MotoGP (Prima).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Official Games Guide (BradyGames).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Official Preview Guide (BradyGames).php?id=
Sega Dreamcast Official Secret Codes (BradyGames).php?id=
Shenmue (Prima).php?id=
Silent Scope (Prima).php?id=
Sims (Prima).php?id=
Sims: Bustin Out (Prima).php?id=
Sly Cooper (Prima).php?id=
SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals (Prima).php?id=
SOCOM II (BradyGames).php?id=
SOCOM III (Piggyback).php?id=
Sonic Adventure (BradyGames).php?id=
Sonic Adventure (Prima).php?id=
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (Prima).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Soul Calibur 2 Limited Edition w/ Soundtrack (BradyGames).php?id=
Soul Calibur 4 (BradyGames).php?id=
Space Channel 5 (Prima).php?id=
Starfox 64 (Prima).php?id=
Starfox Assault (Nintendo).php?id=
Star Wars Demolition (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Jedi Power Battles (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer (Nintendo).php?id=
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter (Prima).php?id=
Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II (Nintendo).php?id=
Street Fighter 2 Turbo (Nintendo).php?id=
Street Fighter 2 Turbo (GamePro).php?id=
Street Fighter 4 (Prima).php?id=
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (BradyGames).php?id=
Super Game Boy (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Magnetic Neo (Prima).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Prima).php?id=
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Mario All-Stars (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Mario 64 (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Mario Sunshine (Versus).php?id=
Super Metroid (Nintendo).php?id=
Super Smash Brothers Melee (Nintendo).php?id=
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Prima).php?id=
Tekken 4 (Prima).php?id=
Tomb Raider II (Prima).php?id=
Tomb Raider Anniversary (Prima).php?id=
Tomb Raider Companion (Game Informer).php?id=
Tomb Raider Legend (Piggyback).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Too Human (Prima).php?id=
Top Secret Passwords (Nintendo).php?id=
Toy Commander (Prima).php?id=
Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (BradyGames).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe (BradyGames).php?id=
Viewtiful Joe 2 (BradyGames).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 3tb (BradyGames).php?id=
Virtua Fighter 3tb (Prima).php?id=
Wario World (Nintendo).php?id=
Wave Race: Blue Storm (Nintendo).php?id=
WCW Vs. NWO: World Tour (Prima).php?id=
Yoshi's Island DS (Nintendo).php?id=
Yoshi's Story Survival Guide (Sandwich Islands).php?id=
Demos / Samplers Total: 202 .php?id=
DC - Dead Or Alive 2 / Fur Fighters (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - Demolition Racer: No Exit Demo Disk (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Generator Vol.1 (sampler) (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Generator Vol.2 (sampler) (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.2 November 1999 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.3 January 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.4 March 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.5 May 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.6 July 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.7 September 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.8 November 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.9 December 2000 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.10 January 2001 (complete).php?id=
DC - Dreamcast Magazine Sampler Vol.11 February 2001 (complete).php?id=
DC - DreamKey (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamKey with DreamOn Vol.1 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.1 (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.2 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.3 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.4 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.5 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.6 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.7 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.8 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.9 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.10 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
DC - DreamOn Vol.11 (complete) (PAL).php?id=
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GC - Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk Version 12 (kiosk disk) (complete).php?id=
GC - Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk Version 16 (kiosk disk) (complete).php?id=
GC - Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk Version 18 (kiosk disk) (complete).php?id=
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XB - Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (complete).php?id=
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XB - Demo Disk (Media Play Demo) (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 1.0 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 1.1 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 1.2 (complete).php?id=
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XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 2.0 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 2.1 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 2.2 (complete).php?id=
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XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 3.5 (disk only).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 3.6 (complete).php?id=
XB - Demo Disk (Kiosk) Version 4.1 (complete).php?id=
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XB - Exhibition Demo Disc #01 (complete).php?id=
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